[MATCH-UP] Pyrrha Ω


[09] Warrior
Alright the upgraded version of the regular version although I am a little surprised at how rare it is to seen one. Alright lets see how our boy siggy ranks up in this match up

OPyrhha's Move - Sieg's Punish

1K- WS B
44B- This move has high crush properties and is a very good eavding launcher, be careful against players that like to set you up to attack by doing an obviously safe move then go into this. punishment is K
1AA- 3B / 4A (I`ve been including this in my punishment now and transitioning into SRSH from it since if they dont know not to tech cuz of the SRSH K or if they just lay there and go for oki. Its hit or miss)
4A- Both versions of this move whether held down or not is safe. The A follow up is also safe but a high Horizontal. The mid is 3B punishable
88_22 A- safe high horizontal that KD.
88_22 B- safe high vertical with decent speed and good range that also KD
88_22 K- safe tracking mid kick
11_77 K- weird jumping kick, B6 / 66K
66B- Safe, very side steppable
11A- This move is diiirrrtyyyyy. I say this because we all know this move, it leads into that unblockable follow up that us SC3 players used to hate. The follow up isnt so good anymore but it just brings back memories damnit. Anyway what makes this move dirty in my mind is it is a safe track low with decent speed....thats why. as for the follow ups....dont be pressing buttons unless you see that fire for a slightly extended period of time. This woman can cancel the unblockable immediately after the initial UB start up and no you cannot interrupt it unless you block the first low and then guess what, if you try to punish with a WS B to interrupt, sieg has a very good chance of whiffing and eating the second hit anywya, has to be WS K. Do you see why this is dirty? If you block the second hit.....B6
66A- Safe tracking mid
2K- WS K
66K- her split kick launcher B6
3A+B- safe (If JG'd, it will automatically jg both hits)
4B- You will learn to hate this move, its her safe shield bash. It crumple stuns on normal hit, it does very good guard damage, its mid, and once again.....its safe . Very sidesteppable.
B- 3B
A- ok I have to make mention of this because this is an old school killer. I say this because it looks like cassie's 236 B...which was 3B punishable. This move is a high version of that but is only like -16...that means no 3B on block for us. This move as far as risk/reward wise is in her favor as you gets a stab after hitting this. Punish with B6 and no do not go for 66K BE, most of the time the shoulder will whiff.
K- K
236236 B- safe without walls, if your back happens to be at the wall and you block this...its a standing K, I tried many times over to get 6A but to no success.
236236 K- safe tracking mid....very slow start up though.

Analysis- Oooooohhh I hate this match....oh how I hate this match up. The woman has everything she needs against sieg. she has range, she has safe tracking moves, she has amazing pokes, and worst of all, she has punishment. Now I am usually all about turtling in this game....not in this match up. It is too much in her favor if you just sit there waiting for a mistake. You have to open up and put her on the defensive but even then it can become a mind game. She has a dash that crushes highs and leads into that deadly stab which will cost you around 70 if done right. For mids she has A+B that parries all mids and if that was not bad enough, gives her a follow up and if you are near a wall...thats a wall splat. She really does not have any big lows. what she does have are annoying poking lows....every one knows about 1K...that jumping toe stomp....its embedded into our brains that that move is so fucking annoying that we should duck it and yes we will launch her if we block it. I urge you to feel your opponent out before just randomly ducking
Her throws are annoying as well. She has the side throw that is the throat cutter that does great damage, she has her 66A+G that does good damage plus oki, and her B throw where the can mix up the follow up for extra damage.
Her BEs are garbage IMO, none are NC except on counter and she has one that is a GB but it still isnt that great. Her CE on the other hand.....oiy....thats the reason why OP players want meter. If she hits you with a 4[A] into CE or a single stun move into CE, you are talking about a lot of health going bye bye.
Overall- stay on your offensive game....do not let her get started. I know the common sense thing to do is to just play it safe but she still wins that battle. You got to pull out your bag of tricks for this fight and pray that their guessing skills arent up to par. This is one of sieg's hardest match ups so if you win this fight, thats like 2 victories right there.
Nice stuff there ^^

I would like to add another Pyrrha Omega move: her 8B+K

It has quite a slow start up but it causes you to stun if you are away from her...
Siegfried can do 3 things against her assuming he is away from the upcoming stab.
The first one is to crouch and avoid the stun but he cannot punish.
The second one is to jump+attack.
The third one though is the best for that situation. Siegfried has the time to get into SBH and he can get a nice agi from that which will cost Pyrrha Omega 110 damage by using some meter. (SBH B ~ 44(B) ~ SBH K BE = 110 damage, someone could do another combo)

If Pyrrha omega does the UB version and Siegfried is close to her stab and start to panic, either do K to stop her or if you think this will not work, jump and Siegfried will get up immediately from the ground not allowing Pyrrha Omega do her oki game.