[May 19, 2012] TORYUKEN: Toronto's Road To EVO - May 19th-20th (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

pretty pumped for all the action going down. Where are all the toronto calibur heads??? this thread has WAAYYYYY too little shittalk to be a Toronto thread.

can someone from toronto even win ONE of their tournaments this year? please?
Hey, we took SCIV last year, right? I remember watching those finals.

Incidentally, I don't remember an American being in those finals. Perhaps I am mistaken?

Or... perhaps not.
i think that is because there was no americans in it? hm? Besides, was it even won by a Toronto player or did Partisan win THAT too?
I got 4th last year. Damn, it was so close as well.
I have 20+ pre-reg right now for SCV TORYUKEN.
I'm pretty pumped myself.

Let's have a nice, clean fun guys.
I don't want to have to mop American Tears.

hey good luck to all the Ameritroops that are repping this weekend. I know everyone has been training bigtime for this. I won't be there to rep however. But I would like to plan on attending the next toronto tourney.
O wait that was the one I got First. Ya good times. Also Russell you got bodied hard.

We'll guys best of luck and have fun. Of course Americans wont win this.
Where was this originally posted at? I just saw this today the day off? It definitely wasn't on the homepage like it is now lol Geeeez
The stream for this is on now. And, yes, someone needs to start putting these types of events up on the frontpage.
Is it true Joker backed out of the Fanatiq money match in Marvel?

Not entirely sure what's going on with that, but I hear that's it's going to happen at the Montreal event (MAT) in June since Fanatiq didn't make it up for this one.
Thanks for coming out everyone and supporting the scene. If all is well next year I look forward to seeing you all again.

@Lost: I have no idea how to play MK, but it's got so much hype I just enjoy watching others compete. I remember back in the SC2 days when it was like this...I guess this is what it feels like to be old :(