MLG Raleigh Hype train!


With about a month left until MLG Raleigh, thought I'd attempt (again) to make a hype thread/MM challenges.

MateoGalvan FT5 20$?
Thermidor FT5 20$?
Belial FT5 20$?
Kayane FT5 20$?
KilikABeast FT 20$?
Deathinmyeyes FT5 20$?

Feel free to post up challenges you want to partake in; or any dream matches ya'll want to see. Get hyped!
Would love too see

SU vs Mateo
Xeph vs Patisan
Dime vs Thermidor
Partisan vs SU
Xeph vs OOF
Hawkeye vs Mateo

Way to many matches to list that I would love too see but here's a few that intrigue me.

I hope Ramon is there cause I really enjoy watching him play as well.
Good luck everyone!

I'm only 2 1/2 hours from Raleigh so I'm hoping to make it there but my wife is due Sept 21 with my son. It's very hard to get away from house with preg wife lol.
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There's a good chance that I'll be there.
I don't expect to beat anyone, I just expect to get my ass kicked and learn something :)

The only way to get better is to play people who are better.
I love watching others play more than playing myself but I'm down if somewhat wants to play (and doesn't wait until damn near midnight to ask).

It'd be cool if stuff like this made frontpage. Wouldn't be surprised if half the people who come to this site don't understand high level play...and the only way to understand is exposure. I'd be down for commentary if we can get it streamed or recorded. Someone should figure out how the hell the Japanese were streaming from their damned cellphones.

Last edit! Wish someone got Ramon vs. Kayane from the last Arena recorded. That chick is fuckin' hilarious at 4 in the morning.
Was it a drinking contest?

Nah. She had just woken up and Ramon started talking shit to her...then they played and she was talking shit.

SU did want to try to outdrink me, though. That would have ended tragically for him.
I love watching others play more than playing myself but I'm down if somewhat wants to play (and doesn't wait until damn near midnight to ask).

It'd be cool if stuff like this made frontpage. Wouldn't be surprised if half the people who come to this site don't understand high level play...and the only way to understand is exposure. I'd be down for commentary if we can get it streamed or recorded. Someone should figure out how the hell the Japanese were streaming from their damned cellphones.

Last edit! Wish someone got Ramon vs. Kayane from the last Arena recorded. That chick is fuckin' hilarious at 4 in the morning.
I know I said this last time but I'm going to really try to bring a whole set up and I'll bring my pinnacle recording device but someone is going to have to bring their laptop and a external hard drive. This thing takes up a LOT of space so make sure you have at least 500 gigs. Ooh and someone is gonna have to run the damn thing cause I'm a computer idiot. Let me know if I should bring it or not.

Also as far as streaming from the phone I know twitch has an app where as long as you have some good wifi and a steady hand you should be able to stream live without a problem from any smart phone.
I would assume in the tournament annoucment thread. Im not going. So its not my concern.

but I am hype as fuck to see some good ass matches. Good luck yall. Ill be screamin from behind my computer screen
That's all I needed to know, thanks

Edit: So it's 50 bucks to enter, and 35 bucks just to watch as a spectator? Damn, and here I was thinking I was going..

Oh well, maybe some other time when I got more funds.

Damnit damnit damnit!