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  • Ezio is a weird character. Glad to see namco's design of him as some special character
    Glad to see you use ezio, strong and underrated char imo. His CH damage is insane.
    I don't think he's underrated, and I've somewhat mained him. But hey, ShenY, if it doesn't work out with Ezy, there is always Raph. Lol.
    I think he is really good actually, but he plays REALLY strange and its important to understand why he is different if not one would get stuck... ... Raph's quite alright though. not hopeless :D I actually like yoshi too
    That was some really solid Ezio play. If I can make one suggestion, use 3A. Jimbo and I re-did his frames, and found out that 3A is mad broken. Or at least really good.

    Keep up the good work.
    Yeah the 3A frames are incredible. I haven't fully tested the matchups completely but I'm sure id find a use for it in my neutral game. Its post block propery is amazing.

    Hmmm my testing found it was -1, not -2. I'd check again.

    Thank you very much Heaton :)
    Jimbo and I both tested it independently and came back with -2, but I'll check again later today. If it actually is -1, that's amazing, but -2 is still ridiculously good.

    Also, I really liked your use of 6K2 as a poke. =P
    Hey! How you been? So, I was wondering if you fought any good Ivy's at EVO and if she gave you any trouble :D
    Hello! Doing good! I only got to fight Linkrkc. Shen Chan managed to fight Malek. Your tips really worked. Chan and I developed an effective strategy vs Ivy even though we have never played any good ones before. We did well against them :) Thanks Ring.
    Hey! Where are you gonna be after SCV finals? Able to play some matches?
    I'll try. I'm gonna be playing Xeph a little bit before we head over there for finals. If there are casual stations available we can play then! If not I know a room we can play in the same building afterwards.
    Thank you for giving me the oppurtunity even though you play sieg so much. I really appreciate it :)
    No problem! ^^
    Saw some great things in your matches. Shame about the brackets, but not much you can do about that. Looking forward to watching even more strong play from you.
    Thank you :) Sniffle :(
    No tears, comrade. Next time, we shall be strong, in both spirits and numbers, and crush our opponents with manliness.

    Also as soon as someone tells me what exactly you were doing, I'm stealing your bandaid iagA tech.
    Hey man bad luck. I thought the seeding / draw was done poorly and there were many matches that just shouldn't have happened when they did. It was disappointing to see you and Chan have to play not long after the pools.
    i really wanted siegfried in top 4... wanted to show how balanced this game is. too bad then. ill do my best in MMs. thank you for rooting for me :) and im not too down... got over it... i mean... come on it took one of us to take a shen down. what does that say lol.
    Ok good stuff, good to see you're still positive about it all, Shens are still invincible and Chan def got a good chance (as well as my T-Shirt :D ). And yeah you are making Sieg look awesome ( think ppl have come around to Sieg by now tbh). And the end of your match vs NFK was just awesome :)
    Chan has a very good chance. Kura and Woahhzz can't beat him. And i beat decopon in tournament and crna Ruka when I was in Japan so i know all their habits and setups... Things may change though, if they take a good first to two approach. Thank you for your support. It is encouraging.
    Lol no mustache eh? I look more attactive to you without it? :p. I see... What happened to you guys e-mailing me the photos and your aim or msn info!
    Yup. I really gotta put a subtitle there for the name. ;(^_^); Man I needed that anti Hilde from ya man.
    hey, heard you're playing Taki now...and beasting lol. If you ever wana talk strats or anything just lemme know.
    Hey, sorry I couldn't make it tonight to play with you... it might have been bad for my health and I needed some serious sleep/relax mode time. Hope you had a fun time and safe travels
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