My Creations *Lightining Strikes* MWAHAHAHAH

Your fave so far?

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Am I looking at the same CAS as everyone else? I love some of the designs, the colours are pulled off well and there's nothing wrong with cute and girly. One must have flowers and pastel colours sometimes! :D

If you look at the first versions of my characters, i can actually agree that some are kinda boring. Pretty and cute, but too simple. But thank you though, I'm glad someone else thinks like that
The first? As in on the first page? Because I saw those and I liked them a whole lot :) I mean, the blended colours, patterns and stickers that you used worked well together. But remember to make what you want to make, after all, it's your game :)

oh noo i mean the original post...which had the First versions of all my creations. Marla v1, Rogue v1, Hannav1 etc.
The new versions are leaps and bounds better than the original ones. I think it's a great response to some of the blunt feedback. I'm sorry for not saying more but it's really early and I need to sleep however I will say that you have bitch slapped the stickers and patterns into what you wanted them to be. Good mentality and I look forward to seeing what else you've got in mind. Stick with it.

Cheers! I'm off to slip into a coma.
Now that wasn't so hard now was it?

Your creations have improved greatly. Granted they are still not perfect, but now they seem to show some personality.
I tried my hand at making a male character. I think he turned out pretty well.



Contemplating whether or not to darken the color of the General's Armor piece. imo it kinda sticks out from everything...i knew i forgot to do something.
Ah well, i'll get to that later
I'm not sure if the fade pattern on the armor and the "skirt" is necessary. I think sticking with a plain blue should suffice. Also, I'm not fond of using both a cape and the "skirt" (forgot what it's called). It looks a little cluttered. I like the concept through. You're getting better
I really like them, some of the best CaS I have seen in this forum IMO. Hana is my favourite, so cute and the colours go really well, I could probably say that about all of them though, anyway keep up the good work, I finally found a CaS thread worth watching IMO.
Now that wasn't so hard now was it?

Your creations have improved greatly. Granted they are still not perfect, but now they seem to show some personality.

Coming off as awfully condescending here. Even considering the second line, you're looking arrogant from this post. Just a note.

Whatever they were before is now irrelevant. To the point where I feel any posts discussing the character's prior state should be deleted, so as not to make everyone look like an ass.

What I see on page 1 is a masterful use of colouring, far better than the majority of CaS-Makers seem to be able to grasp. The gradients are tasteful and complimentary, the patterns not overdone and garish, the stickers implemented well to create unique clothing combinations. Honestly I can't fault anything here.

And criticism that they "don't look like they belong in the game" should be taken with a pinch of salt, and boiled over an open flame for about 20 minutes, because the same could be said about:

Modern Characters.
Fur Suits.
Aliens. (Angol Fear being a non-canon exception, and possibly whatever the hell Necrid was.)

The fact that everyone should take into account by now, is that some people don't want to make fighting game characters. Some people want to use this deceptively limitless engine as a platform to bring other things to life.

The next person to say that something looks out of place in SC, should first consider if all their characters would fit into the roster. There're TWO people on this entire forum I, personally could honestly say achieve that, and neither of them have posted here.

I've never seen a thread filled with so many unhelpful comments. If you're going to critique, then offer advice and ways to improve, otherwise you're just being an ass.

Now that's my opinion and if you don't like it, that's fair enough. But I stand by what I say, but don't misunderstand - I'm not attacking anyone, or calling any individual out, merely stating something that I feel any halfway decent person would normally adhere to. It costs time and effort to post your designs here, the least any single one of us could do, should we deign to comment, is give a little time and effort back.

Whatever you're doing now, Sakurajoy, you're doing it right.

Pocky-Yoshi for mod.
On the updates from yesterday...

Hana v2: I really dig this. The hunter suit as a primary part of the outfit, the colors, makeup and stickers look nice. I'm thinking that changing the arm and feet gear could improve the look too though, the gladiator footwear looks out of place and the clipping from the absolution sleeve just bugs me xD Maybe try coloring the boots the same as the scarf?

Rogue v2: Very nice! The horn hair looks better than it did before and the outfit is just lovely(this being one of 0.054387 times I use the word "lovely" non-sarcasticly). I'm especially fond of the matching stockings and sleeves, and the miniskirt looks nice as well. On the 2P costume, I like your use of the pocket stickers, but the wings sticker feels a bit out of my place IMO.

Ericka v2: I dig the lapels and facepaint. The one thing that seems misplaced are the feathers in the hair.

Torin: I second the previous posters' criticisms for the design. You could try the cloth neck wrap, it'll look a bit better with the...asscape? I too forget the name of the piece, but 'asscape' sounds close enough :P Using it with a full-fledged cape usually doesn't work out well. Sometimes it does, but for the most part it's a bad idea since it's so hard to pull off well.

I think you may be overusing the flowery pattern a little bit. You may also want to take some screens of your characters from behind. Sounds good to me at least.
Wow. Is the only word I have to sum up these creations.

I demand moar, moar, moar MOAR! Amazing work, really interesting and unique!
I'm seeing a lot of improvement for sure. Some really pretty designs on the first post now, and I like Hanna's entirely-made-of-horns hair. Her bright and colorfuly feathered skirt looks awesome too, not a sticker that gets used very often.