NEC XI is coming!

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Northeast Championship (NEC XI) which is taking place here in my hometown of Philadelphia, PA on December 4th & 5th, will be here in a little over month and I cannot wait because Soul Calibur will be in the house.

Last year, only Soul Calibur 4 was ran. This year, we will have tournaments for all four versions of Soul Calibur. I wasn't around in the community when the other versions of Soul Calibur were being played, so it's going to be interesting to see how I do in those games. I also want to use this as an opportunity for people to get reacquainted with Soul Calibur and with the Soul Calibur community if they haven't played Calibur in a long time because so many people have played Calibur at one point or another. Or were maybe part of the community at one point or another and maybe moved on to other things. It's never too late to come back. We're still here.

The Soul Calibur 4 tournament is going to be hot. I'm curious to see how Mick aka Mr. Showstopper does in this tournament now that he's 100% and looking to take on anybody in this game. RTD will also be in the building. He's going to be a tough man to beat if he brings his hat with him. But what I will be really watching for is Woahhzz who is also representing Philly rep Yoshimitsu in another tournament. It's going to be interesting to see where he places because there will still be a bunch of killers in this tournament.

If you are unable to make it here, Jaxel should be streaming all the hot Soul Calibur action for you guys to watch. Hopefully I will have another opportunity to do commentary for some of the matches and yell out random stuff. But where you need to be is here live in person. Big E and Hubbs do a hell of a job putting on these events in Philly for the fighting game community. So do come down, play in some Soul Calibur, and hang out with the community because everyone who comes through will have an awesome time at NEC. You don't want to miss out. Get hype!!!!!!!!!!!

its time for the ol revival of hilde!!!!!!!!!!! ? Ring out :) :) :) . Im going to enter although i havent been here since sf4 but i love this game too much lol. Finally get to hang with some of the soulcalibur crowd didnt get a chance to because i was still in school and didnt have money to travel. Necx les goooooooooooo!!!! Viper/hilde allday
Just keep in mind that Hilde is banned in tournament, but you can use her in casuals/MMs. Maybe get some Hilde mirrors against RTD. But do make sure to come hang with us. It's going to be hype.

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