New and hoping to contribute to 8wayrun's Community


[09] Warrior
Hi everybody, I'm JJrKing. I'll try to make this a simple introduction.
I'm new to 8wayrun but familiar with the site from reading forums during my time reading and looking for answers to things before I became a official member. Been a avid fan of Soul Calibur since Soul Calibur 2 for the Gamecube for it's fighting mechanics and the simple but elegant lore behind the characters and series. Soul Calibur has been my favorite fighting game(s) (particularly SC IV (4)). I consider myself good for a avid gamer who enjoys a good match. Other series i enjoy are series like street fighter -mainly 3rd strike(love/hate type game) now since my SSFIV is missing- and mortal kombat -mainly offline for this series-. I still play SC-IV on player matches online when I can and would be more than happily to play anybody on here that wishes to have a friendly match. Haven't gotten to play or own SC-V but will eventually get there in the coming months; I plan to become a premium member for the site as well in due time. Overall, I keep to myself and just like to have a good time. That's my simple intro for the moment, thanks for reading. =)

My mains for SC-IV are Seong Mina :sc4min1: , Siegfried, and Yoshitmitu but know other characters as well during my time playing online.
My Xbox Gamertag is (all numbers after "n"): Juan083393

I only have one question at the moment and it's regards to finding a forum posted where the main topic was about players wanting to find other players online to have matches on SC-IV. People were posting gamertags there and I'd like to post mine there if that forum is still open. If you can direct me through a link, it would be greatly appreciated since I haven't had any luck relocating it -might be on a different site but hopefully it's not.
I used to be an avid Yoshi and Mi-na player back then myself. Totally would play SCIV online again, but I'm kind of tired of the atrocious netcode despite how fun it was. There's not much peeps around playing SCIV, however don't take my word for it. For now, why not click here to find some people who do. Hope this helps and welcome.
Oh, no worries. I was able to pickup to pick up SCV and SCIV recently. SCIV has a heathly amount playing at hours which is awesome. I got SCV and its quite enjoyable though I need to adjust myself to that game's style. I feel like SCV has some online goodness stored for me. Thanks for the link and thanks for welcoming me to.
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