New York PnT SCIV Tourney Results


[10] Knight

1st: Something-Unique (Kilik)
2nd: Rigel (Cassandra, Amy)
3rd: Jaxel (Talim)
4th: Serge (Xiangua)
5th: HackerMike (Hilde)
6th: ShadowFox (Kilik)
7th: KidDZaster (Cassandra, Siegfried)
8th: Tidus (Tira)

*18 Participants
*Something-Unique wins coming out of loser bracket against Rigel from winners bracket

Excellent tournament but it took forever due to everyone migrating towards the PS3 version and neglecting the 360 version.

Hope to do this on a more consistent basis.
Boo... scrub two move internet Kilik wins... =P

Asura Dance + Instant While Rising B = free win

And Talim is broke!
Wait, did you just get so excited over this tourney that you had to post the results yourself?
Make sure to do this when you don't do well at them, too.

Just so you don't look bad.
All right, so is this guy someone who's played for a while, and just has a new name? Or did you guys seriously lose to Asura spam, AGAIN? Because that's twice now if that's the case, although BL Dave has been around for a while.

There's a positive in this, in that we've got a new player who's willing to go and play in the community, provided he is coming to the next NJ tourney. And since Fox has basically quit in favor of various 2d fighters involving underaged anime girls, we could use another Kilik to play against.
Good job Unique! Took them internet skills offline and won against some top tier folks, good job again. For this being your first calibur you really caught on to the game fast. I'm glad you took everyone from PSN advice and went to some local offline tourneys. When you told me you lived in NY, the first people that came to mind were the NJ people.....glad you actually got to meet and play them. Now you gotta play them at a crooked jester tourney, where they are always on top of their game. Can't wait to see the results of the next one.
Wait, did you just get so excited over this tourney that you had to post the results yourself?
Make sure to do this when you don't do well at them, too.

Just so you don't look bad.
He posted the tournament, so there was gonna be a results post. I didn't see anyone else post anything so . . . be easy. Everyone should be at the next CJ tourney.

When you told me you lived in NY, the first people that came to mind were the NJ people

Oh, and don't forget that NY people live in NY. :P

I didn't show because I was lazy. Sun = lazy day

P.S. K button anyone?

P.P.S. Wtf is up with Talim doing work now?
hey i'm throwing a bx tournament this friday. i have a thread up so check it out. i don't see any tournament in nyc so i decided to choose this day. when is the next pnt tournament?
Wait, did you just get so excited over this tourney that you had to post the results yourself?
Make sure to do this when you don't do well at them, too.

Just so you don't look bad.

Yes (Blunt Answer). Also yes I will post future results if no one else would prefer to when I do well and times where I won't.

All right, so is this guy someone who's played for a while, and just has a new name? Or did you guys seriously lose to Asura spam, AGAIN? Because that's twice now if that's the case, although BL Dave has been around for a while.

First offline tournament. I migrated from online.

Good job Unique! Took them internet skills offline and won against some top tier folks, good job again. For this being your first calibur you really caught on to the game fast. I'm glad you took everyone from PSN advice and went to some local offline tourneys. When you told me you lived in NY, the first people that came to mind were the NJ people.....glad you actually got to meet and play them. Now you gotta play them at a crooked jester tourney, where they are always on top of their game. Can't wait to see the results of the next one.

Thanks I sure did take everyone's advice and delivered offline. I will be at every future Soul Calibur IV tournament in my area unless it conflicts with work or school so this isn't my last one.

good job Something-Unique!

I want vids, please!

Unfortunately there were no vids recorded but I wish they were especially for the last matches between me and Rigel (Sick).

As a fellow Kilik player since you can relate more to me I landed perfectly timed Asura GI's about 80-85% of the time using it. The other 20%-15% was either blocked and punished or people just couldn't react fast enough to punish it for fear of getting hit.

I only really had to abuse WSB, Down A, Forward Forward B, Down-Back B, and Back-Forward B, Down K, outside of Asura GI's and Festival of The Damned. People like Astaroth is a problem though (Gotta go to practice for him). The way I look at it is why GI when you can Asura GI instead and do crazy damage but all Astaroth's good moves can't be countered that way. I had to learn that the hard way.
For people like Asta, Voldo, X, Cervy, and Hilde, you have to rely more on your defense and character matchup experience (since it's a lot harder to use Asura against them, imo. ESPECIALLY Asta =/ ). Get at me on PSN so we can talk more :)

Good job once again on the win. Will I see you at NEC?

Rigel - Good job on 2nd place. Here's a tip for you: Delayed moves are pretty good against Asura. A great example is Amy 66A; this move kills Asura consistently since it's comes out with a delay. Also, if you block WsB in close, this give Amy a free 6BB236; don't forget about that. Last but not least, 4A is a good tool to use against Kilik. DON'T throw it out mindlessly, but it get's around a good bit of his stuff, and Kilik can only get 6AA on block.
man you guys are good. I just rolled out of bed and into work. I was gonna post this up too.

It was awesome to meet you guys. i hope to meet more ppl. we can def get this going more often.

The fact that unknown (that is his new name from now on) won from the losers bracket is a sign that this game is real competitive.

if you guys have any suggestion and input on how to improve the venue (within reason) please let us know.
someone who didn't play sc2 or sc3 and only plays sc4 online managed to win? with Kilik? That is something.....unique. says somethin about you folks allowing that to happen.
I underestimated Something Unique.

I was the one that sent him to losers bracket in the first round of the tourney, but then he did something that really impressed me - he scouted how i played. So after eliminating Papy_Danone, Tidus and Shadowfox in a row, i had to play him in order to get to Losers finals... and i got beat.

The asura spam really limited my options, so in the end i was getting hit with shit that i would usually never get hit with (such as the Kilik Guard Crush, etc).

In any case I'll see everyone either at the BX session, or if i get my special visitor this weekend - at Jaxel's tourney

also - great venue, great location, great hosts. Lets have more stuff there
Congrats Unique, coming outta NOWHERE.

I look forward to playing you at a NY/NJ meetup, or if you ever decide to come to MA for a tournament.

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