Official Jrasta Thread








Several years back I was studying portraits and working as a volunteer teaching I.T to people with learning disabilities.

This story goes on a while back with lots of details in among it all so you'll just have to bear with me as I get around to figuring it all out which could take a while...
@Jrasta111 You can post all the scriptures you want, but how can an unsaved person understand them without an interpreter?

You have plenty of scriptures here, but I can assure you that even I won't remember them all. However, the holy spirit helps those who desire direction from our Lord Jesus Christ. For now, the basics.

First off anyone who doesn't have a relationship with God, you must be born again. John 3:3. Simply just means accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior and letting him take control of your life because he knows what we need. God doesn't care if you're a Pastor that preached 30 years, some religious cult fool(every other religion bar Christianity), good moraled but wish washy person, a backslider(someone who used to be cool with God) or a scumbag. He use anyone but a disobedient prideful person. Rather he'll let you go through things in life, and see if it'll humble you to come to him. Disobedience just means you'll go to hell, and he doesn't want to see anyone go there. Nonetheless, he's an awesome God give you a free will because he's marvelous mystery.

Second. Matthew 6:33 Seek the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Phillipians 4:6 Don't be anxious for anything but in everything, give thanks and make your requests known to God. Basically, God knows you worry on simple things like "What about my light bill?" or "Is this the woman for me?" and etc. However rather to sit and worry, pray to God and he shall direct your path.

Third. Proverbs 3 4:-5. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths. Just means exactly as it says. Proverbs 14:12 There may be a way that seems right to men, but in the end it is death. We may have good works, but where do they come from? You can tell a person don't kill, but did you die for their sins? Of course not. Everyone bar Jesus is wicked because Romans 3:24 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Jesus was sent to pay the penalties of our sins. Every time you mention a good principle, always keep in mind that you have to practice what you preach. Jesus could do it. We cannot do it unless we have Jesus in our hearts. In short, we are plagiarizing the Lord's principles and polluting it with our ways. Thus, it's why we have Christian pretenders out there with whacked out doctrines like "you can drink alcoholic wine in moderation" or other atrocities.

Fourth. Stay on the narrow path. Jesus didn't half die, he commited himself to pay for our sins with his life. John 3:17 explains it better. Jesus is God incarnate. Basically, he's God in the flesh. There is no partiality with God. Romans 1:17. If Jesus died for you, shouldn't we honor him by following after him? Common sense is don't jump off a bridge to be with him, but to accept him and try to live your life by his principles until you die to go to heaven or get raptured by his glorious return to go to heaven.

Fifth. Why certain people fail being a Christian is they don't forsake all that they are even if it costs their life. What prophets a man who gains the whole world but loses his soul? Mark 8:36.

As a Christian, we have to live a life of repentance. It's hard as heck to do by ourselves, but Jesus helps us. If one is too in tuned with worldy things like how those celebrities of Hollywood live their life(money, sex, drugs), it could hinder you spiritually. Wouldn't it suck if you preached don't smoke a joint to someone only to be called a hypocrite for doing it yourself(especially when you say in moderation)?

Listen. God knows you have your flaws and he'll forgive you from the worst of sins like killing to something small as lying to a kid. However, don't make it a habit. Don't smoke then go to church sunday to live clean only on that day and every other day is smoke day. Forsake smoking forever and keep serving God. He isn't looking for a perfect Christian, he's looking for a faithful and obedient Christian. If it's too much to say quit smoking, that's what Pastors and saved friends/family is for. Even Jesus had a family he spent time with.

No Christian should ever be alone, because then you'll be easy pluckings for the devil. Devil is very crafty with sayings like "Don't go to overboard with serving the Lord, you need to live it up and have fun." or "No one loves you" or the very common one that people love to hear "live how you want and listen to no one but yourself" and more.

If anyone reads this, thanks for your time. If you have questions. Ask via PMs. Otherwise back to lurking about.
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