
I usually don't make too many females--I have an aversion to boobies.

Actually, truth be told, it's just easier for me to spiff up the guys rather than girls. I'll try though and see what happens, just for kicks.

As for voices, I find myself going with either 'Sarcastic' or 'Reliable Leader' for the ladies. For men, I have a character for each of the mens voices, with a focus on the 'Young' set and the Scoundrel.
I usually don't make too many females--I have an aversion to boobies.

Actually, truth be told, it's just easier for me to spiff up the guys rather than girls. I'll try though and see what happens, just for kicks.

As for voices, I find myself going with either 'Sarcastic' or 'Reliable Leader' for the ladies. For men, I have a character for each of the mens voices, with a focus on the 'Young' set and the Scoundrel.

I like the Femme Fatal (spelling?) and the other that is similar... the sarcastic one. However I can't see them fitting on my characters because they're typically smaller, sleeker built.

Then make a skinny bishonen guy.

Male, skinny and pretty. You get the best of both.
No thanks. Like I said I don't have any desire to make anything but a female.

I can make either gender, but if I make a female, I cannot bring myself to pick a man-ish face for them. It must be adorable or attractive.

This, exactly.
okay. i want to do a little eye sight challenge. there is something similar in the pictures (maybe all or maybe some) of my characters i posted up on page 23. see if you can find it and ummm... i'll give you a cookie. XD i don't know. just some mind exercise.
okay. i want to do a little eye sight challenge. there is something similar in the pictures (maybe all or maybe some) of my characters i posted up on page 23. see if you can find it and ummm... i'll give you a cookie. XD i don't know. just some mind exercise.
It is... a bit vague XD Since you said "maybe all or maybe some", it's... well.

- Many of the girls wear skirts
- Shinya and Evil Elisa both have the spider tattoo on the same spot of their chest, hinting that perhaps Shinya have some of the same demon powers?
- Black and white
- Evil Elisa, Sarah and Akino shares the same pose.
It is... a bit vague XD Since you said "maybe all or maybe some", it's... well.

- Many of the girls wear skirts
- Shinya and Evil Elisa both have the spider tattoo on the same spot of their chest, hinting that perhaps Shinya have some of the same demon powers?
- Black and white
- Evil Elisa, Sarah and Akino shares the same pose.
oops. i guess i was a little too vague. the symbol a few people have would be a better hint.
the black and white thing has something to do with the Darkrose Royal Family colors which was made before i ever even got soul calibur and is a little more in depth. good guesses though.
I have this posted in my own thread, but I figure I show her off here as well.
Raine, my "technical" main for now. Even though I bounce around with all my characters, I tend to use her most.


Also created a wikia page for those who might be interested in her backstory:

Comments & feedback are all welcome.
How many people make more women than male chars anyway? I would myself (only actually have 3/14 chars who are female right now) but I need to unlock more parts first. I have quite a few ideas swirling that I can't do anything with yet.
All but one are women?
i have another male but to be honest Pat is the only male i like using and i rarely even use him. i normally keep the fighting styles to their original genders except A. Pat whom i stuck on the same character that I had using Setsuka's style back in SC4. males are cool and all but it just seems i'm liking less and less of them as the Soul Calibur series go on.
i have another male but to be honest Pat is the only male i like using and i rarely even use him. i normally keep the fighting styles to their original genders except A. Pat whom i stuck on the same character that I had using Setsuka's style back in SC4. males are cool and all but it just seems i'm liking less and less of them as the Soul Calibur series go on.

Well, let's face it; the males just aren't the mainstay. When you say 'Character from Soul Calibur' who do you think of first in most circumstances? Ivy, Taki, Setsuka--the fanservice in the game is overwhelming for guys that like huge breasts and little clothing. These characters have the most, well, character as well. I would also like to note that the guide says that Ivy 'Stopped aging at 32' meaning she gets to have those breasts stay right where they are and NOT hit the floor like something that big should when she gets older.

Now the guys; Mitsurugi--a dick with a chip on his shoulder and a superiority complex. Why is he a dick? Who knows. CHARACTER!

Maxi- Dickish, gay pirate. Why is he a dick? WHO CARES?!



Kilik-Self-righteous prick

Cerevantes - Irrelevant since the end of the first game.

Astaroth- Angry golem whose death/ressurection mean nothing since he's a bunch of clones

Zasalamel - Doctor Who but minus any personality, wit or general likeability.

Yunseong - Annoying loud-mouth punk

Raphael - Pedo-vampire.

Rock - Who?

Siegfried - Cloud on steroids

Nightmare - Mindless hulk of teh EVULS!

Lizardman - Joke character

Algol - Plot device (but incredibly, incredibly hot for a 40 year old immortal)

Dampierre - Probably has the most backstory and yet we STILL know nothing about him beyond 'I am a con artist'.

Patroklos - Easily-manpiulated cry baby.

Z.W.E.I. - Typical cool-guy lancer character with, once again, no backstory.

As you can see there is NO reason to care about any of these characters. Not one. The only thing that makes them redeeming is their looks. Now, some may say, 'Then you shouldn't be playing a fighting game when you should be playing an RPG' and to them I say, 'Then why do you need a game with Ivy in it when you could have identical wire-figures with different fighting styles?' The fact that Ivy is a woman certainly doesn't effect the gameplay. If you are going to give someone a name, a face and a personality then you damn well better give them at least some reason for them being why they are, or at least let us know WHO they are in the first place.
Lizardman - Joke character

I disagree.

Lizardman originally had good motivations for his story. Being cursed by Soul Edge and abandoned by the gods, wanting to get vengeance with them, all that good stuff. He was only really comic relief in SCIV, and by that time, he only wanted to get his soul back.

Now, he's pretty much totally lost his mind. The poor bastard deserves a break.
I disagree.

Lizardman originally had good motivations for his story. Being cursed by Soul Edge and abandoned by the gods, wanting to get vengeance with them, all that good stuff. He was only really comic relief in SCIV, and by that time, he only wanted to get his soul back.

Now, he's pretty much totally lost his mind. The poor bastard deserves a break.

I would agree that yes, he has a plot, except it's not required reading. It's not in the manual that I recall and his ending did nothing but cement how obsolete to the story he'd become. Instead of removing characters like Mina and Zas and Amy who still had room to grow and WEREN'T turned into complete jokes by the people who created them, why not make Lizardman a DLC character in V and give one of those others a spot? It's sad to see a character that had potential literally fall from grace and become a laughing-stock.
He's much better in V, from what I've seen so far.

And rather than make Aeon DLC, they should have just made more characters.

You are absolutely right. Why complain here where people will agree with you when you can complain in a thread where one can be verbally kicked in the teeth.

ANYWAY my point is this; I understand where folks are coming from when they pick the females; the females literally have more clothing options then guys. The only thing that guys have over the women are the actual muscle options and the amount of faces; guys have like, almost three times as many options due to facial hair.
When did this become a discussion over the character;s personality. They all suck, you just like one more than the other.

With that said, stop talking about it and get back on topic.
Okay, I'm sorry!
Nightmare - Mindless hulk of teh EVULS!
But I have to agree with this soooo much! I wish we had a better villain not all "I will eat your SOUL!!!" His in-game dialogue is generic and boring as f*ck as is his story. He's just NOT interesting.
Again, I'm sorry Mamoru, mods, CaS enthusiasts, I would have put this in the complaint thread but that's a 'Complain about SC5 thread' and this has been a problem since the beginning! Right, okay, on topic. Sounds good.
okay! got a new character Ambeon. a british school girl that i even had in her own horror story and makes a cameo appearance in No Tomorrow as a bad girl.

and to go with that is my scrubby presentation of her using Viola.
i was satisfied because I told my friend i was facing that i was knocking those horns off.
and i did ;)
^Nice CAS Maisie. I quite like the color scheme you've got there! Female Z.W.E.I. needs 'em fuzzy eyebrows man! *jk*

okay! got a new character Ambeon. a british school girl that i even had in her own horror story and makes a cameo appearance in No Tomorrow as a bad girl.
That's a nice cutie there. Oh and what's your recording device Vincent?