
Followed up by : Sheniu, soul of Edge Master. A.K.A. the friggin' devil. I have no idea what I was thinking when making her but I still like her anyway ^^
She has wings coming out of her ass? o_0
i thought the exact same thing.

Pretty much yes, I wanted to do a Lilith/Morrigan thing, but the placement just didn't worked out, so that ended like this xD

Also, the unnamed guy, my mom called him... well, the full word for BS xD S'her character, so I can't do much about it xD
I'm thinking of macking a dude for Mitsurugi style, since I use it often, I'll check what I can do.
I'll post mine because why not. At least my OCs, the rest are kinda... well, just no comment xD Oh wait, I have two 3P character to show lol
Now you've gotten me curious, but I won't ask further information. ;D

@Vincent: Holy Shinya I did not expect a latex suit like that. I've only unlocked the non-cleavage one. In a more serious note, I like Keytara a lot. My heart goes to Twilight though. Angelic albino with freckles? *Commander Shepard voice* I'LL TAKE IT.
Sorry double posting.

Have you tried tweaking with the angle and rotation sliders?

Yes, and it actualy turned out super worst @.@ I only manage to put them this way with immense tweaking to be honest. That was surprisingly hard to do ._.
Also, I'll post my other P3 if you really wants to see them xD The only one I find decent is Hilde oddly enough xD My Siegfried is a color nightmare (lol) and the other are either ridicoulous or for trolling purpose (CAT VOLDO)
Also, I'll post my other P3 if you really wants to see them xD
I'd like to just for fun, but it's up to topic creator to say if it's fine. They seem pretty loose on that though ;D

Well this is a thread about originality. A bit less of the same colour scheme can't hurt.
But sorry if I came off as too demanding.
I think it's the use of the word "should", which is in its definition an indication of obligation and duty, so some people may find it a bit erky. Don't worry too much about it, but it's a good thing to know the shortest words make the biggest nuances (quite an irony there).

If I may add my opinion, black and white doesn't hurt, similarly to black and red. However, there are many hues of that, and colored black/white/greys also exists. Sometimes a small hint of a color can change the black/white/grey itself to add in the design. A cool black isn't like a warm black, nor is it like a "neutral" black. I think it'd be nice to risk trying it out more often; they are beautiful, very toned down colors, especially compared to just using the left-most column.
Originality as in, not copying pre-made characters.
I'd like to just for fun, but it's up to topic creator to say if it's fine. They seem pretty loose on that though ;D

I think it's the use of the word "should", which is in its definition an indication of obligation and duty, so some people may find it a bit erky. Don't worry too much about it, but it's a good thing to know the shortest words make the biggest nuances (quite an irony there).

If I may add my opinion, black and white doesn't hurt, similarly to black and red. However, there are many hues of that, and colored black/white/greys also exists. Sometimes a small hint of a color can change the black/white/grey itself to add in the design. A cool black isn't like a warm black, nor is it like a "neutral" black. I think it'd be nice to risk trying it out more often; they are beautiful, very toned down colors, especially compared to just using the left-most column.

I very much agree with the color notion--a very, very dark red-black can make an excellent option for many things and a blue-ish white goes very well with a soft pink. When in doubt, take a look at fashion models and see what colors they use; hell, just punch in 'fashion shows [insert color in question here]' and it'll bring up some amazing options for colors and designs.
Get a big, detailed color wheel, tape it to wall, roll 2d3 (or two 6 sided dice having 1/2=1, 3/4=2 and 5/6=3 for those not familiar with D&D) and throw that many darts at the wheel.

Instant color scheme.
Get a big, detailed color wheel, tape it to wall, roll 2d3 (or two 6 sided dice having 1/2=1, 3/4=2 and 5/6=3 for those not familiar with D&D) and throw that many darts at the wheel.

Instant color scheme.

Or if you're REALLY a color nerd, roll the dice and use them in correlation with the number scheme on game. Use the program to roll a nine-sided dice, a 63 sided dice and a 36 sided dice and just use the numbers per outfit color slot.
I'm incapable on making a character that is not A: female, and B: attractive.
I don't wanna look at some buff dude, it's not my thing.

...for some reason they always have red or blue hair also, just noticed.
I'm incapable on making a character that is not A: female, and B: attractive.
I don't wanna look at some buff dude, it's not my thing.

...for some reason they always have red or blue hair also, just noticed.

Then make a skinny bishonen guy.

Male, skinny and pretty. You get the best of both.
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