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  • Are you the same Beta that plays Raven in t6?
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    Reactions: SWBeta
    Oh, I see. I've probably seen you around then, but didn't know who you were. Say hi the next time you see me at one of our tournaments in VA.

    We're having a SC5 tournament in March. You should come on down. I heard kPc is moving, but maybe you can drive down with someone else. Maybe BattleJitni?
    Jitni only gives gm rides lol. I believe either pacifist or I will be the new driver. The whole tekken scene here is also playing soul calibur now so we're hype for competition, especially since a lot of og players came back for this game.
    Good luck tomorrow! Something came up and I'm unable to make it, so I will catch you at GMU some other time!
    Question, Beta. If I had a camera with a USB cable (w/ yellow + white plugs), will I be able to hook that up to a television for uploading like you did at UMBC? What ports on a television are compatible with such a camera?
    What kind of camera is it?
    It's... uh... let me think off top... a Casio Exilim digital camera. It think the model type is... S5?
    Can't really tell at the top of my head. I'll have to get back to you on that.
    Aww, man! I totally remembered about saying whuzzup on your b-day moments b-4 it came up: and done forgot it on the very day.
    Now my homage will now be all late.
    On that note, I'll still say it.
    Happy B-lated, bro.
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    Reactions: SWBeta
    Thanks, man! We'll talk when we meet next... probably when SC5 drops.
    are u going to be coming to xanadu games for scv when it releases?
    Nope. It's just me and Minerva_SC out here. I don't think you'll find a scene anywhere in MD until 5 drops. Have you talked to Promiethius? I know he only plays games that there's a scene for, but see if you can get him to play some SC4 with you. He's much closer to you than I am.
    he only can play on ps3 hes actually a close friend of mine.
    I know, lol. I met you at his one party a couple years ago. Me, you, and Casper played Tekken 5 DR. I was that Raven player.
    hey are you going to be at umbc tomorrow 11/26, cuz i still want to come up there and i can probably bring about 2 people with me
    Yeah, I freaking love that scene. I also loved the scene in the mansion where Anya says "I'm surprised that the Universe can tolerate the both of you." XD
    Oh my God i loved that scene, something about the screaming was classing. I almost cried when Corp Hart gave her life to save Cortez, though ='( I loved the map maker and would spend like each day making a new map and its still fun.
    HELL yes, best FPS i have played to date. Its my favorite video game series period
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