[Philadelphia, PA] 1-800-GET-THAT-CHICKEN

When I was in Japan, I lived on Popeyes. That chicken is so good, it could fuck my bitch.
Yea, that's a gay ass signature. Don't tell me what you do with the special sauce.
Does anybody know where I can find a SC II arcade cabinet to play in Philly or the surrounding areas? Just moved to Drexel Hill and got the urge to play arcade version.
Session is on for tomorrow, but so far nobody has been able to snag an early copy of Calibur 5. I'm going to try one more time tonight to see if I can find somebody at Walmart who doesn't realize that it has a street date, but in the very likely event that that does not work, tomorrow's session will probably be Settler's of Catan and movies or something.

7 PM
Don't want to get everybody's hopes up, but Bibulus thinks he has a lead for tomorrow, so there's still a slim chance we could have SC V for tomorrow
I just ordered one of those "Evo monitors", the Asus VH236H and it should arrive well before Saturday. I hope I don't regret this.
I just ordered one of those "Evo monitors", the Asus VH236H and it should arrive well before Saturday. I hope I don't regret this.

They're great for fighting games but not much else. Plus it's easier to transport than a CRT.

I plan on picking on up also. Hopefully by next week.
I don't need it for anything else but Calibur, so I'm ok in that regard. I decided it was time to get one once I realized I couldn't read the text at all on the CRTs. Plus, it'll be bigger and in crystal clear high def.

Have you guys been playing the online at all for 5? It is amazing! As long as you have a 4 or 5 bar connection, you can actually block slow lows and react to shit!
I was thinking about a CRT also, but trying to read the text on Saturday turned me off to that idea. Time to move on to HD.

And when I realized that I could actually block lows online, I almost lost my mind. 4-5 bars is the troof, and I have been just completely destroying people online except for those doing random supers. Gotta be more patient.
Yo. yesterday's online session was the most fun I've had with Soul Calibur online in a looong time. The player commentary was hilarious. Funny how we all forget that some casual players don't know Kilik is now a mimic character.