PSN-Player match rooms to stay out of (mostly)


I've never had a problem with shadow fox. Dude usually just makes 4 person lobbies with good connection and doesn't say a word, so I usually join him.
Thanks, I'll check his channel :D
i could be wrong, but im pretty sure its partywolf.

uhh who else have i fought recently that has kicked me. hmm viola something. some B rank viola user from europe who i can only assume barely knows how to play her as they only do simple shit and noob first picking up the character does and no juggles
I know this isn't the best thread to ask this question on but... can someone please help me understand why so many players have a problem with SuperrobotOGS?
Because he rekts people with devil Jin.

But in all honesty back then he used to spam leixia with his ungodly lag