[PSN/XBL] Online Player List

North Carolina
PSN: Mogget_WhiteFear
Main: pyrrha, 2nd: tira
I only get online on Saturdays but the rest of the week I practice offline. Unfortunately I only have the computer to fight which becomes boring. I'm always trying to learn something new. If you do get a chance to fight me please give any kind of criticism to help me.
- Zesan
- USA, Fresno California
- XBL Gamertag is AirmailKitten2, I play Tira, Pyrrha and Hilde.
Characters: Nightmare, Algol, Mitsu, and Cervy.
I don't play this game much anymore, but that's all you need to know :)
Forum Name: Marceos

Location: USA

XBL GT: Marceos

I main Cerv, but am currently trying to get better with Xiba, and also with aPat on the side. I also constantly want to improve my Cerv. Am contemplating trying out Raph and Z.W.E.I., and possibly Seig as well. GGs all!