Random Post Thread

I had this really silly idea of The Sun from the Jimmy Dean commercials being a Soul Calibur V character and and I'm going to share it here because I just need to throw this out there.

Like, he'd use this ridiculous martial arts style and summon fire, but he'd be all happy about everything.
-Intro quotes:
"Good morning!"
"Is something wrong?"
"Have you had breakfast yet?"

-Win quotes:
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..."
"Shine on, friend. *chuckle* I know I will!"
"I'm just here to give everyone a good breakfast.

I dunno, I just think it's funny to imagine the announcer's voice saying, "The Sun" with some goofy looking artwork of him accompanying it.
And then with his critical edge he'd just grin as the camera zooms in and say, "You need a hug," at which point he'd grab them like Ivy/Asta's would and he'd follow up with, "Let's brighten your day!" At this point he'd have them locked in a hug and his sun outfit would glow white hot, dealing damage until he releases his opponent, who will then be wreathed in flames. "Don'tcha feel better now?"

There, I said what needed to be said. I'm done.