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  • Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
    Microsoft has fucked up non stop for almost two months straight. This is damn impressive.
    LOL I don't blame you. hahaha looking at both systems now, they're literally the same thing just with different parts. At this point it really is like Coke and Pepsi. I'm going to get an xbox 1 just later. first i'm going to cop the PS4. Naughty Dog is just too good a company to pass up.
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    I hear you. I've bounced back and forth from owning both to owning one, but I've decided that even though I have enough money for both I only have enough time for one. That means waiting to see which has more of what I want. The GAMES on both look great though.
    that about sums it up for me as well.
    I was waiting for you to show up in the new console reveal discussions, haha. I honestly don't know what to think of the new consoles, but I was a Sony fan before the Xbox ever existed so it won't be hard for me to switch over.

    It doesn't look good, but I really think people are blowing their stack early, though.
    lol.. All i can say is i've grown. what people play and where they play it is not my primary concern anymore. hahaha.. but I'm not jumpin down MS's throat too early. I think they're doing a brilliant job in terms of marketing. yeah, it's bad publicity, but they got people talkin about it tho. Where as, sony is just sony. You know what to expect from them. I'm really looking forward to E3.
    But for real tho, you already know i'm getting that ps4. it's just a question of whether or not MS can convince me to get an xboxone as well.
    Happy New Year, my dude! Did you happen to make it to the states AND Final Round this past weekend?

    If not, what month would you estimate on you coming back to the states?
    Sorry for the late reply but I am in the states! hahaha I'm currently in Atlanta, and life got in the way of me making it to Final Round. I got a real "little Madnis" in my life now so I'm on the job hunt trying to make it in my industry.

    anyway, how are things with you my dude?
    Oh, shoo, man! Congrats on the little champ, my man. I sincerely hope you find a spot in the industry. You should do great! ... oh and also as a pappy... LOL
    going to make the good attempt at showing up to final round in 2013! hope to see you there.
    Madnis!! Damn bro. I should've BEEN looking on through for ya'!
    How's 'ish been?
    Because I'm reaching a new chapter in my life and I haven't been this excited since moving to Korea. besides work, I have some huge life altering shit happening right now and I'm ecstatic to see it through, but also hella worried. I'm going to pull it off though.. I just like to see how shit pans out before I move and with this, I don't have that option... next stage is hella difficult.
    so having said all that... How are you livin, b?
    Well I'm staying cool. Just not not trying to think TOO deep about my current finances. Paying bills, shit like that. These days, I'm alright just by doing things like hanging at local gaming communities easing things out and enjoying my time. Also taking other times being at peace during good chances I get relaxing. Work's good too. I'm just being chill.
    형 오랜만이에요. 이제 군대에서 나올날이 27일 남았네요. 잘지내세요? ^-^
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    ㅇㅇ 잘 지내. 그럼 너 12월에 나와? 그때 정호랑 만나자. 네 달이는 어때? 괜찮아?
    점 시간 잡고 만나자. 전화번호 뭐지? ㅋㅋㅋ 감빡햇다.. ㅋㅋ
    Happy birthday, amigo. I pray to God that you said "CUT THE CAKE." at least once.
    hahahaha! I said "Cake for everyone!" is that close? luckily, i have a birthday dinner on saturday. I'll say it then. and I'll video it.. and youtube it. just for you.

    your prayers will be answered!
    I laughed out loud when I read that. The cat looked at me like "what are you waking me up for?" Seriously, thanks man. Do that. I'm not gonna hold you to it, but it would kill me.
    by the way. i made the video of me saying cut the cake and cake for everyone. i'll upload it to my facebook when i get the chance.
    I just read some thread in the wayback when you were trolling people, I came in with some snide comment and you posted: "Chuck, I was WAITING on your bitch ass." I had to walk away so I wouldn't laugh out loud in the office.
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    Link me! i want to read this post.
    Yo Madnis. I was just reading through what posts of mine remain at Caliburforums before the eventual nuking takes place, and... damn, I was an asshole to you. In all seriousness, SORRY about that stuff. Hindsight is rough.
    aww man.. that "my xbox 360 died" thread Gj made was freaking hilarious! I had completely forgotten about all of that... WHERE ARE MY MADNIS STORIES?!?! i want them back...
    The Landslide
    The Landslide
    Yeah man, being competing fanboys was a good time. Now it's all redundant, lol.
    I backed the entire site up to my hard drive. No joke. Sitting on the second hard drive as we speak. And there it shall stay, until the end of time. Or until I drop that hard drive. Which ever comes first.
    Yes I'm still there. And I will be watchin' the doorstep for it. Spring-loaded I seem to recall.
    i saw your crib via google maps.. street view & satellite view. there's mad construction going on in your area dude. what happened there? or are they planning big things for that area?
    Short story: Yes. Long story: What? I cannot post a message over 420 characters? Oh I shattered that.
    hey, would like to play gainst you in person, if not Arnidrake and Tseuee are my XBL names and Tseuee is my PSN name
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