Request to go!

If someone could make Ivy in a pregnant

Seriously dude you got issues.

Anyway, I know I've requesting alot recently(and I promise this will be my last request for a while) but could someone make this?

Its Weiss from RWBY wearing an assassin's creed outfit
i'm ok with this thread being un-stickied.

i guess Saturn from Star Gladiator is impossible to make. i am more fan of Hayato and Gore
@FreeMeal Hey, I don't know if you saw my post but can you make the formula of Straid for me? Thanks and sorry if you are already working on it as we speak.
Here you go, Davin:
NAME: Straid

Height: (3) Build: Slim
UA: (-12) FA: (-12) PC: (-12) HI: (-12) TH: (-12) CA: (-12) ST: (-12) WS: (-12) MM: (2)
Chest: (-12)
Face: (11) Hair: None Eyebrow: (5)
VOICE: Main Bad Guy Pitch: (0) Tone: (0) Malfestation: None
Skin Color: (4,19,23) Defualt Underwear Color: (----------) Hair All-Color: (9,42,31)
Face Paint: (40) CA: (9,63,31) CB: (9,19,31) CC: (9,11,21) CD: (8,16,26)
EyeBrow Color: default Facial Hair Color: default Eye Color: A: default B: default


COLOR-ALL (9,43,31)
Notes: After equiping all parts/patterns. Then go back and do the solid colors.

HEAD: Monk's Hood
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (35) A: (50) Ca: (6,44,31) Cb: (0,43,30)

FACE: Ancient Mask
Color1: (9,47,29)
Color2: (9,43,31)
Color3: (9,43,31)


UPPER INNER: Congratulatory Shirt
Color1: (9,43,31)
Color2: (9,43,31)
Color3: Basic 2 S: (16) A: (50) Ca: (3,8,26) Cb: (3,8,30) Cc: (1,44,31)

UPPER OUTER: Long Leather Coat
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (0) A: (50) Ca: (6,45,31) Cb: (0,43,28)
Color2: (6,5,28)

PANTS: Slops
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (0) A: (50) Ca: (6,42,31) Cb: (0,43,27)
Color2: (9,43,31)
Color3: (7,8,25)



ARMS: Wide-Opening Gloves
Color1: (9,43,31)
Color2: Modern15 S: (0) A: (100) Ca: (3,9,23) Cb: (8,3,31) FLIP V



FEET: Leather Shoes
Color1: (9,43,31)
Color2: (9,43,31)

WEAPON: Jingu Staff
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (0) A: (0) Ca: (6,41,31) Cb: (0,43,31)
Color2: (9,35,16)

EXTRA 1: Turtle Shell
Location: R Shoulder H: (-3) V: (0) B: (-15) W: (-33) L: (-31) D: (-16) RV: (28) RH: (180) RA: (0)
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (0) A: (51) Ca: (6,42,31) Cb: (0,43,27)

EXTRA 2: Turtle Shell
Location: L Shoulder H: (3) V: (0) B: (-15) W: (-33) L: (-31) D: (-16) RV: (157) RH: (0) RA: (0)
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (0) A: (50) Ca: (6,41,31) Cb: (0,43,28)

EXTRA 3: Horns of Calamity
Location: Head H: (-2) V: (1) B: (18) W: (50) L: (12) D: (42) RV: (166) RH: (30) RA: (22)
Color1: Ethnic15 S: (0) A: (50) Ca: (6,42,31) Cb: (0,43,31)


SMALL 1: (78)
Slot: Upper Outer Slot #: (1) Location: Upper Body Method: Place by Axis
Ca: (9,43,31) Cb: (9,43,31) Cc: (9,0,26)
V: (100) H: (50) S: (91) R: (50)

SMALL 2: (59)
Slot: Upper Outer Slot #: (2) Location: Entire Body Method: Place by Axis
Ca: (7,44,31) Cb: (9,11,20)
V: (15) H: (0) S: (96) R: (50)

SMALL 3: (59)
Slot: Upper Outer Slot #: (3) Location: Entire Body Method: Place by Axis
Ca: (7,43,31) Cb: (9,43,31)
V: (15) H: (0) S: (88) R: (50)

SMALL 4: (88)
Slot: Upper Outer Slot #: (4) Location: Entire Body Method: Place by Axis
Ca: (2,0,28)
V: (70) H: (100) S: (100) R: (50)

SMALL 5: (77)
Slot: Arms Slot #: (1) Location: Left Arm Method: Place by Axis
Ca: (9,8,29)
V: (33) H: (26) S: (100) R: (50) FLIP V

SMALL 6: (77)
Slot: Arms Slot #: (2) Location: Right Arm Method: Place by Axis
Ca: (9,8,29)
V: (33) H: (72) S: (100) R: (50) FLIP V

BIG 1: (Number1)
Slot: Upper Inner Slot #: (1) Location: Entire Body Method: Place by View
Ca: (9,6,30) Cb: (5,0,24)
V: (0) H: (0) S: (61) R: (75)
Notes: Shoot stright on, position the 1 between the bottom and 2nd from bottom metal trim on the long coat.

BIG 2: (Number0)
Slot: Upper Inner Slot #: (2) Location: Upper Body Method: Place by View
Ca: (9,63,31) Cb: (0,0,19)
V: (0) H: (0) S: (2) R: (50)
Notes: Shoot stright on. Position over the number 1, to the right. Have half of it cobered by the long coat, so that it looks like a belt buckle.

Final Notes: By FreeMeal
May I request Candy/Honey from Fighting Vipers?

I just picked up Soul Calibur 5 for cheap and I'm unlocking items as we speak.

I'm on level 53 now.
