[San Antonio, TX] Home of the Mashers

And still the undisputed cw house tourney champion of the world...highlord agustin!!!

I am just the legend thats wispered in the wind, a myth too great to be spoken. Will I ever cross paths with The Highlord Agustin only fate knows and only then shall my legend put his Undisputed title to the test.

Remember Me.
S.O.S- you never posted those vids you said you would have them up last sunday a week ago.. just checking
Blaze: Stop double-posting...that's why there's an edit button ;)

Recent Results:

1 Mr. Tickles
2 Moogle
3 Setsuna
4 s0m3 BlaCk GuY
5 SlayCruz
5 Cleon
7 Blaise24

1 Agustin
2 Mr. Tickels
3 dirty Fish
4 Setsuna
5 slaycruz
5 con
7 cleon
7 Chickenwing

1 Lord Augie
2 Blaze (Forfeited)
3 CW
4 CoN
5 Moogle
5 Cleon
7 Setsuna
7 Nori
9 Diego
9 Dirty Fish
9 XMTerror
Round robin would be better since yknow... Everyone would play everybody instead of some people falling asleep waiting for matches...
Con, 2 things:

1. I've never ran a round-robin style of tournament, so you're going to have to teach me that.

2. I only have 2 TV's(that i can spare) so........um. yea......
Blaze: Stop double-posting...that's why there's an edit button ;)

Recent Results:

1 Mr. Tickles
2 Moogle
3 Setsuna
4 s0m3 BlaCk GuY
5 SlayCruz
5 Cleon
7 Blaise24
Hey bitch, there were 2 tourneys this day and I won them both. Tell me you saved over that file and don't have the results anymore. You tool

Con: Round Robbin will take forever. Think about 13 people playing each other on 2 TVs
no there weren't and if there was...i'd have the data for it.

Con: i'm trying to remember the system that i worked with a few years back. It involved players being ranked by ACTUAL rank, and not being tied. If i remember how it works i'll implement it for this thursdays gathering....btw, i STILL can't see football @ work *cries*
no there weren't and if there was...i'd have the data for it.

Con: i'm trying to remember the system that i worked with a few years back. It involved players being ranked by ACTUAL rank, and not being tied. If i remember how it works i'll implement it for this thursdays gathering....btw, i STILL can't see football @ work *cries*
Yes there were. We did 2 tourneys, I know for a fact we did. The first time I played, I lost against Ned the first round cause I went random select. Then I wound up winning by beating rob twice in grand finals. The next tourney, I went straight through undefeated. It's not the biggest deal in the world I guess, but since you listed those I figured you would still have it, but you probably saved over it. Jerkface

BTW, in case anybody hasn't seen this, BrianHates had a grand finals match with a Hilde player. Hilde is gross w/out walls, seriously. Watch Hates vs Cerian 2 also

Good luck to everyone this weekend. I won't be there. Nothing takes priority over the Red River Rivalry.

Hook 'em Horns! Beat OU!
Thx Nako!!!

Anywho, this week's antics will take place THURSDAY. We will participate in 2 types of tournaments. The first will be a Regular style double-elim tournament. IF there is more 8 participants for this mini-tournament, then we will take the TOP 8 and move them to a Power-Ranking style tournament. In which i will explain how it's worked when we are all together.

Also, i am trying to re-arrange the place to where i can have 3 TV's...doubt it would work tho. But i'm going to try. I don't have any gas, so get your rides taken care of THANKS!!!!

Other than that i WILL run the SC Tournament, but for help, PLEASE if you can, bring PS3's please. I'm willing to donate mine again, but running 2 TV's isn't fun. (for some of you that been to the last tournament)

Anywho, give me a call if you need diretions to my place.

(210) 304-0218

Power style tourney? Sounds interesting looking forward to seeing how its set up.

Man it looks like Hilde gots a sick ring out game. Can you shake out of those ground stuns? If not damn....she pops you up from a distance from the edge and dats yo ass lol.
Setsuna: yes, it's an interesting style of torunament that's set up. I'll show you all how it works 2nite @ the crib

OK, i'm out of work @ 630 so whenever i get's home, i'll start setting up for the 2 stations, again imma try to arrange it so we can have 3 stations set up. ik how....but i'll work on that :)

other than that...moogle won't be able to be in attendance 2nite or @ the tournament due to his wrk. So ANY ps3's that you can donate for 2nite or the tourney WILL help me greatly. Yes please bring your xbox sticks (you know who you are) just in case we're playing on my box 2nite.

Also, get's your rides in check NOW. again if we(adriana and myself) needs to get you/drop you off, the cash has to come with ur bodies, otherwise the VIA bus system is a GREAT alternative source of transportation. (i've done it for 6 years...you can too)

I'm home...so get @ me if you need directions...

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