SB3 Updates

Just want to Note one thing. 2D players seemed to be happy with their tournaments. Hmmm.... I guess it makes sense. I mean the only time I saw this Fugee fellow was when we were being kicked out. How about a hello from the other tournaments that you added in your list. Not a bad request for gathering us all together in a $20 a person room with food that was clearly overpriced for a canadian like me. LOL


3D fighters>>>>2D fighters

wing_zero is a brick wall

Mick and rtd should stick with SC4 (time permitting)

jaxel and kowtow should fuckin stop complaining cuz it doest change anything

OOF shouldn't have played wing zero with that much respect and fear of him cuz then OOF would have won

Phillie Buffalo or Atl should be T.O's next stop, then they should come to T.O's regional

Props later
Wowwwww. That sounds pretty bad. Im curious on a few things if someone could estimate- How many tv's/stations were the other 2D games running on in their tournament (like MAHVEL) and did SC4 have the highest entrants of any game there?
Mick is a bitch ass bitch! Powerpole in GF ftw!

Were you at the tourney? I'm sure if you was there I wouldnt never heard that come out of mouth in any way besides jokingly and sparingly. It's cool, this will be addressed if you're at any tourney I see you at. BTW thanks for the kinds words until you face the harsh reality that will come in due time, that shit can be a year from now, but i wont forget this shit.

On this tourney shit! Congrats Wing and STD very solid players also respectable. I hate making excuses and i'm sure everyone know how everything went down. There were many factors that caused the results be what it came down to. History has repeated itself once again like Bush stealing the election back in 2004. My tourney days are over until there is a tourney held by someone I know who will do what is best and fair towards the players who worked hard to get where they got. Time played a major part in some players performance and it should never come down to who had the most enduring like a physical confrontation which I have a lot of that. If I came to fight I would have been well rested and very prepared for it, with that being said I will prepare for a marathon next time I go to a tourney.

JTOdaPRO(Mick cant beat me, lol): I guess you got the answer you've been looking for out of me right? All you had to do is keep your mouth closed about some meaningless casual games we had and you wouldnt got embarrassed like you did. I'm going to give an accurate count of what happened in the tourney. I beat you 6 rounds straight, talked shit, and put my leg on the table as if i was playing my 6 mon old. It's really sad because I gave you the choice to fight someone else, but you let the causal games go to your head; I think according to you, I lost 20-3 when we played. The tourney doesnt reflect that, however, everyone know I made you quit the last two rounds of the match. This reminds me of one of the FRs that I made you quit b4, I never thought history would repeat itself so soon again. You of all people should know not to get me hyped and pissed because there is no beating me at that stage, but now you know once again that nothing has changed especially when it comes to you vs me.

STD: You're very solid and glad to see you're running things in Toronto now. You get mad respect for coming out of the losers bracket so early to be in the finals. That hasnt been done in a long time at tourney with so many people. It was good seeing you and your brother again like always. Hopefully we see each other again b4 I leave, like always I enjoyed both of you all company. RESPECT!

Wing: What can I say, you wanted more than anyone that night/morning and your dedication payed in the end. I like you and bigboi because you're humble unlike most of the others in players(JTO#1) in ATL. Congrats, it only gets harder now to remain at the top bro, talk to me offline and i can help you with that.

Canada: It's too bad I didnt get to play some of you, i definitely wanted to. Did you all have a team tourney Sun? Dino good shit on making that far with voldo, i totally didnt expect it. I laid the blueprint on who to take voldo out a long time ago and people still hasnt got it yet. That in itself deserves credit. What happened Oof, I had money riding on you early in the tourney. Neo, it's one thing to have proud, but it's another to say canada beat canada. I'm sure a few US players sent some of you to the loser's bracket. When it gets close to the end that will happen, but not in the beginning of the tourney. I was ready to forfeit to RTD because I ran out of gas by the time winner's finals came up, but he got stripped of his win. You guys did good and had a strong showing. If you guys come to my going away tourney we will have a Canada vs Mick, RTD, Wingzero, JOP?, Tom Brady, ?. Hopefully if enough of a few others show up it can be more team tourneys 5 on 5.

I updated EP and he know what was going on, feel free to PM him. Hopefully he will post how I was feeling at the tourney after a certain hour.

Jaxel, masato, JinMaster, Halister, Cha Cha, Thugish(like your X), Godfather(tom brady), krono, webster, etc., and to all the people talk it was good seeing you all again.
Mick - maybe he will come to Nashville on Nov 15 and see if he can try his luck one more time

Hopefully, i talked to him and asked, but i think he will show up then again maybe not. I forgot he gave up and said he let Jinmaster beat him to because he was so sad after losing to me. lol

Canada and a few others said they are going to make plans for this tourney. RTD, EP/ICE/JOP(still working on it), and Tom Brady will be there for sure, alot of others within the surrounding areas too.
Well, this has been pretty well covered here, but I can add a couple things.

A problem here is that most of these multi-game majors are run by Capcom people, who are not familiar with the rest of the community. As such, they just go to whoever they know to run the other games. This is why Guilty Gear turned out like it did - they went with a guy who had a proven history of rigging brackets (Marn) since he pals around with top Capcom players. And what happened? He delayed the start of the tournament for hours because he wanted to run a million money matches, then after winning $1500 betting on the JWong match he didn't give a shit about GG anymore (he suddenly claimed he "didn't feel good"). None of this is new, he's the most compulsive gambler in the entire scene; hell, he's owed money to the mob in the past for sports bets (true story). But none of this ever affected Capcom players, so they always let him run GG at majors.

And that's on top of all the bracket weirdness. Here's one that might be even better than losing to a bye: Jake, a Testament player from Pittsburgh, played exactly 2 matches in the tourney - Steve Harrison in winners, Steve Harrison in losers. Another guy had to play the exact two people he drove 800 miles with. There are plenty more examples.

That shouldn't be the case anymore, so in the long run this will be a good thing. It just sucks that it's always GG that gets screwed by shady people (hell, the Planet Zero arcade stuck one of their own guys on the SBO team even though he didn't win). Now that the major culprits have been outed, I'm optimistic for future events.

To get a bit more general now, the main issues with SB3 were relying on pre-regs to make the brackets, not dividing up resources properly, and not enforcing start times. I dunno if they just weren't ready to handle a tournament with this many people or what...SB2 wasn't anywhere near this bad.

I think eventually, every major will have to do two things:

1. Require everyone to pay online in advance. Evo already started doing this, after a bunch of last-minute registrations screwed up the 3rd Strike tournament last year.

2. Ditch paper brackets altogether. There's been an argument on this for awhile, but I think SB3 demonstrated the real reason this is necessary: With Tournament Maker, unless I'm missing something, at least you can't rig the bracket after it's created!

-Josh Ballard
I'm at work right now and don't have much time but I just wanted to say GG's to all that were there. I'll post up tons more when I get off.

Josh Ballard- Sup man hope we get to play again soon ^^. One things though I have to say is playing online...bad idea. NO EVENT SHOULD FORCE ANYONE TO PLAY ONLINE! The game just really bad online. Anyway like I said before I'll be back to post up my thoughts on the tournament and the peeps that came.
Hopefully, i talked to him and asked, but i think he will show up then again maybe not. I forgot he gave up and said he let Jinmaster beat him to because he was so sad after losing to me. lol

Canada and a few others said they are going to make plans for this tourney. RTD, EP/ICE/JOP(still working on it), and Tom Brady will be there for sure, alot of others within the surrounding areas too.

Thanks for the ride.... umm NOT :) LoL way to ask me if I wanted to go then never call me back... Anyways Props to Wing ;) and with kilik wow! thats nice ;)

Props to everyone for staying up till 5 in the morning to finish the tourney .... unbelieveable... kinda glad I didnt go now... doesnt sound like it was too good...
please come to me so I don't have to come to you and can keep talking on the internet

THAT is the biz. I don't even know who you are, probably another nuthugger who allows mick to run around acting like an asshole just because he's good at a videogame. Sick of that attitude.
Whoever he is, this isn't getting settled in a videogame, I don't play games over some beef like this. He needs to consider that before he continues this any further.
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