SC Revival Thread 2 (New Objective; Free Discussion)

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[10] Knight
I created this thread as a continuation to the original SC revival team that was recently locked due to thread derailment by the topic creater. I personally did not post in it as I feel no need to provide input of my own once again on similar matters that I already expressed my opinion in but enjoyed reading other veterans opinions etc. So I create this thread as a spin-off with the very intention of this type of discussion.

I quote this cause I think it holds weight on the status of the community and can keep the discussion flowing. Its interesting to hear the opinion of other SC vets coming back and witnessing the bans, complaining etc.

M0-T3MP35T said:
BABY: Ayo! What up boi...glad to hear you're back on the scene.

*sigh*...This game wouldn't need a revival if key people in the community wouldn't post so selfishly and irresponsibly. It's down right reckless...but nobody cares when it matters. They don't realize that the online community pretty much = the community. That being that the game is so niche and everything they say and do makes an impression on people trying to get into the game seriously or stay once they're in. The SC community is like a moth to a flame....forever destroying itself because it refuses to learn from the past mistakes of itself and others. This happened with SC2 (towards the end of its life), SC3, SC4 and if Namco's future installments aren't 100% perfect with no bad glitches/character balance issues (very rare for a fighting game...especially one w/o arcade support), to the point where people can enjoy the game minus the melodrama that comes with the community that's already'll happen again. Stop blaming Namco every other year and look in the mirror. I'm not posting to rant, or to sound like a broken record...i'm just sayin, I don't know why you all are trying to convince people to stay in a community that is disfunctional. Why would anyone want to stay in this abusive relationship? now organizers are forced to bribe people into playing again. Really?? I spoke with Noface via text and I agreed (and Aris apparently) to go to a tournament with $500 garunteed...and decided to come on the boards and see what's up with this. Make no mistake...I would be playing for the money and I think I know Aris enough to say that he would too. While I appreciate what Ramon and everyone else is trying to do here...this is a truly fucked up state of affairs and it was totally unnecessary and aviodable. You telling me I gotta play for money now that I can't play for the love of the game...because of certain people in community? Nevermind Namco not updating the game consistantly. IMO, they did their part with the first couple of updates...then they left the community to govern itself with a pretty good game and you all dropped the ball with that macho, man up or get out shit. Now you mad because people left/are leaving?? ROFLGTFOASAP. What's worse is that you didn't care when people that actually were good at the game, cared to get better and were passionate about it, left...and now you're just trying to get people to play so a game that you enjoy for whatever reason doesn't die out completely and god forbid, you get lonely and have to play with yourself. Some I would even believe just want newbies and scrubs to continue playing to continue to add more money to the pot...some of yall are that selfish. Man up?? Some of you aren't men at all. Especially in the face of a "top player". Following suit and all that...

I said it before and i'll say it again. It's not Hilde that's the's the community and it's inability to compromise for the sake of everyone playing the game. You guys are worreid about "scrubs" quitting and asking them to stay...while in the same breath calling them fucking scrubs. LOL. Yeah, that's encouraging :/. Now you're all like ok, ok...we'll ban Hilde to give you some incentive. Again...ITS NOT ABOUT HILDE, and it never was. The people that have stuck with this game have been playing 2+ years WITH Hilde and Algol/SW/whoever because they respected the powers that be's ability to make a good decision concerning the well being of the community. Everyone with half a brain knew this game was gonna need some solid perimeters if the game was going to maintain some kind of competitive longevity...yet you all dropped the And after constant warning at that! My god. I love calibur, and I love certain friends I have met here over the years...but as a whole, fuck you guys. Seriously.

The SF commuinity and the Tekken community do well because they have structure and maturity. The organizers/heads/OG's of those communities can talk about these issues in a diplomatic fashion and give the people what's best instead of what they think they want, while at the same time empathetically respecting the community's views, concerns and opinions on matters that effect the future of the game. But above all else, once again...the game lives and dies by it's community, and it's ability to make decisions for the good of itself. The people that make the decisions in other FG communities aren't biased because they place at tournemnts like the SC community. Mr. Wizard, Castel and the likes don't even compete anymore, maybe that's why they can make sound decisions. I mean, didn't Jaxel make this site to get away from all that elitest, some > all, bureaucratic mentality? That's the impression he gave with all that drama at looks like either that wasn't the case and the site is either just poorly managed, has no worthwhile direction/mission or exists mainly out of spite. No hate on Jaxel...but this is just like a PG'er version of what caliburfourms was underneath all the tears. Same issues, new site. I say all of that just to say that this community is stuck on stupid and will continue to be and NEVER floursih unless it grows up. It doesn't take a leader and it doesn't take Namco to care... it takes you.

Then...and only then will the community and the game thrive.
S-U, apparently discussion on banning is not allowed on these forums. Ramon permanently deleted my thread on discussing possible guidelines for banning in SC5. There was no trolling, no flaming, nothing bad in that thread, just good sensible discussion with some very good points being brought up, and it got deleted.

My guess is this thread will get closed as well. Forget about freedom of discussion on this forum.
I know and it sucks. This site is almost going against the Bill of Rights amendments (so cheesy) lol cause I see no flaming. I even edited my signature for my new cause and motives partly influenced by the above quote.

I must point out that I created this thread as a spin-off for this very discussion. So if it does get closed it won't be for thread derailment. So i'm curious what would justify it if it did.
Hasty decisions were made without any consideration for communication. But on a more positive note...

I told OOFMATIC what I heard from IdleMind. Idle would like to ask Jaxel to open up a new forum just for Tournament Organizers so these threads on rule discussions will stop popping up and they can be settled once and for all. The general public does not want to see these same types of threads in this particular forum, so I hope it does happen. Also, OOFMATIC's thread was good. I'm sure his first post will come in handy later on.
Hasty decisions were made without any consideration for communication. But on a more positive note...

I told OOFMATIC what I heard from IdleMind. Idle would like to ask Jaxel to open up a new forum just for Tournament Organizers so these threads on rule discussions will stop popping up and they can be settled once and for all. The general public does not want to see these same types of threads in this particular forum, so I hope it does happen. Also, OOFMATIC's thread was good. I'm sure his first post will come in handy later on.

i kinda like seeing these threads pop up they show some stuff in them that is normally interesting and if some negativity is happening well people like drama so the threads instantly get popular.
There's no practical reason for discussing SC4 rules anymore because the only people still running tournaments have already decided on their ruleset, and the tournament scene for the game is too dead for it to matter otherwise.

SC V on the other hand will have a lot of tournament activity, at least early on I'm sure, so some discussion about general groundrules like oofmatic suggested could be prudent. I think if we're talking about SC5 we won't get as caught up in specifics because there isn't any data.

also...8WR really is no different than caliburforum other than the actual forum itself WORKING from a technical standpoint (which is very important). Mods are still abusing power it's just different mods (really wasn't a good reason to delete that topic) and the community itself is exactly the same (which should be obvious since everyone from CF just moved here anyway).
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