SCII HD Online EU XBL Tournament

Why is the SC2HD netcode so bad... I would play this game much more often if the code was better.

Its still amazing offline! Btw Furzy and i play SC2 since 6 months non stop. Its our main game. We stream regulary (probably also today), usually starting from 8 pm onwards. You should tune in :)

EDIT: Jag if we both win its you against me...i think last time we tried to connect with Furzys account we couldnt even enter the same room :)
Mage stfu you little scrub lol, Havent played in ages, but if you want an ass whooping carry on.

-Joel, lol funny guy. Yeah says I got kicked.
Anyone played? @docvizzo I just realised you havne't actually posted Furzy's gamertag... noob.
@JAGTHEGEMINI it's FT3 (best of 5), but my friend doesn't mind so I'll award the match 3-1 to you instead of 2-1.
Yo looks like furzy has no Xbox Gold anymore, i dont own the game. I might buy this bullshit, though. Give me a bit of time.