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  • Here I thought I was the only person who ever played Evil Zone.
    I love that game, still emu it on laptop ^^
    Guess you know who I play :)
    I changed the title because I think we can also do a group effort on holiday stuff. Hope you don't mind.
    Like omg.
    Of course its OK thankyou I was thinking about asking you to when I posted it.
    I checked out the "Teach Me" and i saw your name in the Viola Category if possible can you help me out with some of Vi-chan's stuff? If possible just Message me on my PSN: Xx_Miku-chan_xX
    Thank you.
    Hey :)
    You asked for some matches a while ago. Are you still playing? Well, i've re-started to play SC a little bit (anyway way not as much as before )
    Maybe we could handle it this evening to do a little session ^^
    Sure, I try to pull myself away from work and eorzea every now and again.
    My half f-list is playing FFXIV , lol
    ...and the other half one plays GTAV XD
    I'm going to be running the tournaments again, I'll probably post a thread tomorrow or the day after about it for September, and then in November for SC2 if it is released then. If enough interest is shown for SCV still, I'll run that along side it. What do you think?
    Sounds like a good idea.
    Well hopefully there will be enough interest.
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Lol yea I don't mean to like rain in and attack your status or anything! xDD

    I'm just biased in favor for Xbox, I see PS4 and Xbox One as both being great consoles, I just think the Sony fans were giving XB1 a ridiculous amount of hate for random things. Aside from the negativity online, both consoles have literally maxed out day 1 pre-order sales! nice to know the gaming community is strong as hell.. =D
    I'm always open to people commenting :) I'd be lying if I didnt admit im a sony fanboy, but even then I won't deny Xbox 360 as a gaming console is good, my dislike stems from the company that made it.
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    I agree Microsoft was sort of giving us the crap end of the stick on the "Pay to play" online features, seeing as if you decided to pay for PSN's Playstations Plus, you actually got free games, Microsoft finally is doing that same policy.

    I agree the DRM 24 hour sign in was total BS, I'm thankful they took that away.
    Are you willing to give me pointers with Tira. Trying to shake off some rust and get better.
    send me a message when youre about.
    I've been around, but you look like you've been eaten by FFXIV. I'll be joining the soul sucking game soon enough. XD
    haha, yeah man sorry its taken me.
    I'm very rusty at SCV even with my main right now.
    But I can give you some games, and see whats up
    Emilio & Wong! I thought i was the only one that played that game! haha still hoping for a new one...
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    Reactions: bushindu
    Same here! I want them to get rid of burn if they do.
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