SCV got me into competitive Soul Calibur.


[09] Warrior
Hey all, I used to play SC for the DreamCast which is an amazing game. I didn't play the other games in the series because they didn't wow me like SC, but then SCV came and I felt it would be worthwhile to play. I (unknowingly) bought SCV on the first day it came out and fell in love with the game. Coming mainly from (half-assed) competitive SSB64, SSBM, SF: A3, SF3: 3S, (S)SF4(: AE), and KOF'96/'98/XII, I could tell that there is a lot of competitive potential for SCV.

Anyways, I hope to rank up and learn the game quickly as this is the first time I'll be playing a game seriously on the first day it comes out. I get destroyed online though, and that temporarily hurts my self-esteem.

I expect myself to main Hilde in this game.
welcome to 8wayrun!

I'm sure you will find the Hilde forums quite accommodating to your needs.
And don't worried too much about getting destroyed.
The game's just out a few days, most of us have no idea what we're doing anyway

Hilde's a great choice!