[Seattle, WA] Ragin' in the Rain

Thanks for the recipe. And in all honesty, I'm willing to admit when someone is flat out better than me, and both Cam and Jdaco handed my ass to me well done on a golden platter. Fuck Algol.
So people were talking about gathering more often. I've been doing Tekken Sessions in Tacoma, and the place I host at just moved to a bigger location and we could probably fit some SCV play in there too. Anyone interested?
hmmmm I have this thursday off so I might go. I've also been interested in learning how to play tekken for awhile so this would be a good opportunity for that.
how long would this gathering run until? my evening hours can be iffy sometimes. i would probably be able to offer a ride depending on the answer to the previous question.

my availability will open up a lot more as we get into the summer months.
We usually run from 7 to midnight, but you don't have to stay the whole time. The guy in question is going to Evergreen right now, but I'm not sure if he lives on campus or not.
midnight on a thursday is not that desirable for this time of year. i will examine my schedule a little more carefully and see if i can make this work.

evergreen is 20 minutes from me. if a better meet spot could be arranged, i would likely be up for it, as long as he does not mind leaving at my discretion.
Actually, I only work till 8 so I'll see if I can make it. If I can, I can bring a monitor if anyone needs it.