[Seattle, WA] Ragin' in the Rain

Yeah, I think so. The advantage of buying the game there is that there's no tournament entry fee, if it works the same way as their UMvC3 tournament did.
G1! Fix dis shit! They tryin' to make me play Pat, dawg!
Lol! I was gonna text you to see how you feel bout that shit. Come on now bruh, you just gonna have to get scuffed up (as you would so eloquently put it) playing a dude now. Hey, at least you won't have to see that ugly bitch get busted up no more.

I wonder though. I saw that he had the same move set but never once saw an umbrella.
omgoodness. Seattle full of haters! Gotta get out of here! ;-;
Damn we chasing him off already? I thought we'd at least get to whup his ass a couple of times before he went back to Chicago crying.

Hmmm. I'm thinking about posting this up everywhere just to show Siegs true colors(and ultimately his players)...


Now isn't that just a bastion of manliness right there? Lol!
Not sure how you're all doing - I hope you're all safe - but I'm snowed in and without power. I'm wisely using my phone to let you all know the following:

This snow shit is crazy, man.
Yeah, I was just about to post asking if everyone else was safe, lol. Especially feeling for the people downtown right now, hope everyone's making it through ok.
I too hope you all are safe. As for me, I've been stuck in my hotel for the last 3 days in Downtown. Thank god I brought my PS3. Absolutely sucks that I don't have a copy of 5 yet. Otherwise I'd be in heaven right now. As it is right now, I'm going fucking stir crazy.

Hey Josh, if you're stuck out and are around the area come through. We can get some games in if you want. Lol! Yes that's how crazy I am.
Tekken juggles? In Soul Calibur?

The worst part of this: the only thing that looks Siegfried 1B punishable is a whiffed laser beam.
HA! I fucking wish. It's fucking killing me that I don't have it yet. Trust me when I say I'm almost near tears when I keep seeing these scrubs putting up videos of my beloved game.