Some SC2 features:

Advance features:

Wall Hit's options for defender: (I have found Wall GI. Yeah!)
After Wall hit, the earlier input windows is in 19th frames.
You can input 6, 2, 8, 2:G, 8:G and 5 (do nothing or hold G) anytime you want.

6 - It is a 37 frames front roll which can faster to evade high attack, but player is unable to guard within its' 37
vulnerable frames. Sometimes, it can push opponent out of axis and evade poking mid. It counts as crouching when it landed on ground.​
8 and 2 - they are the 24 frames of right roll and left roll which can faster to evade vertical attack, but player is
unable to guard within its' 24 vulnerable frames. It counts as standing when it landed on ground.​
2:G and 8:G - It can GI all vertical moves including Throw and Low moves. It has around 3 frames of GI ability in the initial motion of wall-roll.
Players has to activate the wall-roll first and then press G instantly. Do it in one to three frames before the impact frame. Don't input 2+G and 8+G, it will not work well.​
5 or just Hold G - It is not a wall-roll. Player is unable guard in the air, but he can guard (everything) instantly when the body
landed. The body will lay down on the ground if you do nothing or hold G only. After the lay down, it will go to normal Tech-roll stage.​
**** Player can delay any wall-rolls input as long as they want until the body lay down on the ground and went to
Tech-roll stage.​
**** All wall-rolls are vulnerable even they landed on the ground. When they get hit in the air, it counts air hit.
When their legs touched on ground, it counts as standing or crouching. Beware of being relaunched if the Wall-rolls haven't finished.​

Post-GI options for defender:
- Repel (6+G) can GI all High and Mid moves including Throw, but it CAN'T GI Low moves. It has 20 frames advantage if it succeeds.
And it has around 9 frames GI ability after execution.​
- Parry (4+G) can GI all Mid and Low moves, but it CAN'T GI High moves. It has 25 frames advantage if it succeeds.
And it has around 11 frames GI ability after execution.​
- [G]+2 can guard everythings EXCEPT Low Moves and Throws. Beware of BB (mid-mid string): to guard the second hit of BB is difficult;
player has to do [G]>Tap2>release 2 instantly after 1 frame tap. By the way, [G]+2 has around 7 frames guard ability after the tap 2. Keep holding [G] will get all this 7 frames, otherwise it will not guard. This guard is like normal guard. Input G2 will not affect you to perform GI later.​
- In Parry Post-GI, [2]545 can turn the body. Input 2545 also work, but not consistent. Input [8]545 works well. (useless?)
*** When opponent got GIed, he needs 1 extra frame to guard Low moves after finishing the Post-GI. That mean i21 Low moves can't not be guarded after finishing Repel>Post-GI.

Post-Guard Break options for defender:
- Repel (6+G) is as same as in Post-GI. Beware of JFC: Prepare to break throw. (see JFC explanation showing below)
- Parry (4+G) is as same as in Post-GI. Beware of JFC: Prepare to break throw.
- [G]+2 can guard some fast moves depends on how many the frame disadvantage is.
The formula is like that: For the defender side, "Frame disadvantage + 10 = the slowest moves can be G2ed"
For example on defender, -30 + 10 = -20, that mean defender can G2 i20 or faster moves. On the other words, i21 or slowest moves cannot be G2ed.
For example: Yunsung's SC1>4A+B>GB>AA> Defender's G2 > being Guard.
Another example: -15 + 10 = -5, that mean no moves can be G2ed because there is no i5 move in SC2.​
- Retreat Guard can limit the Attacker's options. For instance, it will make Talim's 66B whiff after B+K or A+B GB >> Retreat Guard (Hold G and 4).
*** I recommend to use Retreat Guard and Parry against to JFC because Parry step back a little that will cause JFC's throw whiff in mid range.

How to do JFC (one of glitches in SC2):
The requirement to perform JFC is: 2 moves with buffering, Attacker's 2A+G and 2B+G JF input, Defender's GI. Lack of one of these factors will not execute JFC.
Step #1 - Attacker has to buffer second move in the recovery of first moves. Don't mash buttons.
Step #2 - Defender has to GI the second move.
Step #3 - Attacker has to input 2A+G or 2B+G in the impact frame of the move and GI. It only has 1 JF window. (Extreme hard)
Step #4 - If it succeeds, Attacker will have a throw on Defender. The throw is breakable.
For example: Yunsung's SC1>4A+B>GB>33B> 2B+G and Defender's GI > JFC​
*** Input 2_8_1_3_7_9A+G also work. But I recommand 2_8.
*** Don't mash buttons to buffer. It will mess your buffer instruction and make JFC not consistent even you input the 2A+G in the right timing.
*** JFC doesn't work on Post-GI.
*** "Retreat Guard + Parry" can resist "GB + JFC" in mid range.
*** Buffering some A moves don't work for JFC such as Yunsung's 66A.
*** JFC can work on Weapon Clash. It is just the timing of Weapon Clash instead of GI.

There are 3 kinds of Get Ups :
Tech-roll stage - You can do 2_8_6_5G Tech-roll. On the other way, Tech-roll stage > do nothing > normal Roll stage.
After hit by a launcher - You CAN'T do Air Control if opponent didn't hit you one more.
However, you can do "Hold G > Tap 2 to guard low and Tap 4 to guard mid when your body landed on ground". You can get up instantly by doing that. For example: Ivy's 3B>K2, you can do "Hold G < Tap 2 to guard the low kick. When you do "Hold G > Tap 4" to guard mid, be careful to execute Parry faulty. On the other way, you can input 2_8_6_4 roll instantly when landed.​
After get hit in the air - You can simply press G to get up instantly when you landed. On the other way, you can input 2_8_6_4 roll instantly when landed.
For Air Control, you can hold 1 or 7 that can simply escape most of juggles. If you are near the edge or wall, it is another story. For some specific combos, you need to air control other way to escape.​
*** 2_8 roll is vulnerable in 14th to 29th frame; total 16 vulnerable frames.
*** 4_6 roll can guard any time.

To understand what TER is:
Attacker = the character does the throw.
Defender = the character breaks the throw.

TER is stand for Throw Escape Recovery. It can always happen after every regular throw's escape. After the regular throw's escape,
there are 15 frames of TER's windows for both Attacker and Defender. It will be activated on Defender 1 frame faster than Attacker,
so it will be 1 frame faster to end and makes Defender has +1 on Regular Throw Escape Advantage.
How do I know where TER's windows is? Can I see it? Yes, You can try to break throw and then Hold G and 8 in practice mode.
You will see the character has a little walk without guarding which is similar to Raphael's 66B>little walk.
That is the input windows you can do move with TER. During this windows, you cannot do normal guard, but you can do G2 Guard and attacks with TER.
For instance, near the wall, assume an Attacker (Raphael) does 6B as TER and Defender (Sophitia) just holds Guard. Then, Rapheal will get a free
6B hit on Sophitia. On the Defender side, Sophitia can do G2-Guard to guard 6B or she also can do other attacks as TER against to Raphael's 6B.
Before TER's windows, buffering input of A, B and K is not allow, so you have to do your move in the right timing, otherwise it will miss and won't
be excuted.

In my testing result, every directional inputs such as 12346789 is used to activate the TER. Since most of moves that already
has directional input such as 6B, 66B and so on, you can just simply input 6B in the right timing, then the move and TER will be excuted at the same time. For some moves such as A, B, K, aB and so on, you have to do it in a tricky way. You have to do something like this 65(activate TER) > B.
Keep in minds that: The directional input of activating TER can be buffered before the TER's windows, but the input of A, B and K can not be buffered.

The frame data of Throw and TER:
Regular Throw (i16)'s break windows: in 18th to 30th frames of throw's motion.
Regualr Throw Escape Advantage without TER: Attacker~ -1 f / Defender~ +1 f
TER maximum advantage VS Holding Guard: Attacker~ +14 f / Defender~ +16 f
The earliest input window of TER for Attacker's move is the 28th frame after the throw break. Buffering move before 28th frame will not be excuted.
The earliest input window of TER for Defender's move is the 27th frame after the throw break. Buffering move before 27th frame will not be excuted.

G2-Recovery (G2-Guard) (Guard in the recovery of moves) (Test on GC US version):
Raphael has G2-Recovery on those moves:
33B / 66B / Last B of 6BBB / Second B of 1A+B B:B / a6 / PrepIII>6A

Nightmare has G2-Recovery on all stances:
Night Behind Stance / Night Reverse Side Stance / Night Side Stance / Night Lower Stance

Link has G2-Recovery on these moves: (SC Discord Admin, scha, discovered it. Thanks)
Boomerang Stance / Boom. A / Boom. A2 / Boom. A8
Bow Stance / Bow B / Bow B9 / Bow B3 / Bow (B]
Bomb Stance / Bomb K

Ivy has G2-Recovery on 3 stances:
Serpent's Embrace / Spiral Tribute / Spiral Serenade
*** There are G2 input windows in Spiral Serenade's 3rd to 21st initial frames only.

Mitsurugi has G2-Recovery on these stances (works alone; no other moves involved.): (Thanks scha)
Relic / Mist / Half Moon Death / Full Moon Death
Also, Mist A+B has G2-Recovery windows after auto-GI frames.

Maxi has G[2]-Recovery on 2 stances:
Right Outer (A+K) / Left Outer (A+K)
*** G[2] can be input in the loop motion of "RO to LO" and "LO to RO"
*** Player has better to input G[2] instead of G2. Input G2 doesn't work well in this loop.
*** For instance, B> RO(A+K) > G[2] while looping > LO
4B > LO(A+K) > G[2] while looping > RO
Hold A+K loop RO >> LO >> RO >> LO >> G[2] while looping >> RO
Berserker has G2-Recovery on 33[K]G. (scha discovered it.)


Weapon Clash Advantage, Perfect Landing, SCC, BTCancel .... Stay tuned.
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Soul Calibur 2 Tutorials - Post-GI 2G
by DaPope

Post-GI options for defender:
- Repel (6+G) can GI all High and Mid moves including Throw, but it CAN'T GI Low moves. It has 20 frames advantage if it succeeds.
And it has around 9 frames GI ability after execution.​
- Parry (4+G) can GI all Mid and Low moves, but it CAN'T GI High moves. It has 25 frames advantage if it succeeds.
And it has around 11 frames GI ability after execution.​
- [G]+2 can guard everythings EXCEPT Low Moves and Throws. Beware of BB (mid-mid string): to guard the second hit of BB is difficult;
player has to do [G]>Tap2>release 2 instantly after 1 frame tap. By the way, [G]+2 has around 7 frames guard ability after the tap 2. Keep holding [G] will get all this 7 frames, otherwise it will not guard. This guard is like normal guard. Input G2 will not affect you to perform GI later.​
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Soul Calibur 2 Tutorials - JFC
by DaPope

The requirement to perform JFC is: 2 moves with buffering, Attacker's 2A+G and 2B+G JF input, Defender's GI. Lack of one of these factors will not execute JFC.
Step #1 - Attacker has to buffer second move in the recovery of first moves. Don't mash buttons.
Step #2 - Defender has to GI the second move.
Step #3 - Attacker has to input 2A+G or 2B+G in the impact frame of the move and GI. It only has 1 JF window. (Extreme hard)
Step #4 - If it succeeds, Attacker will have a throw on Defender. The throw is breakable.
For example: Yunsung's SC1>4A+B>GB>33B> 2B+G and Defender's GI > JFC​
*** Input 2_8_1_3_7_9A+G also work. But I recommand 2_8.
*** Don't mash buttons to buffer. It will mess your buffer instruction and make JFC not consistent even you input the 2A+G in the right timing.
*** JFC doesn't work on Post-GI.
*** "Retreat Guard + Parry" can resist "GB + JFC" in mid range.
*** Buffering some A moves don't work for JFC such as Yunsung's 66A.
*** JFC can work on Weapon Clash. It is just the timing of Weapon Clash instead of GI.
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General Frame Data:
Turning Back = 10 frames
Stand into FC and iWS = 5 frames (46789 and 8WR moves can cancel the crouching motion)
FC into Stand = 7 frames (46789 and 8WR moves can cancel the standing motion)
FC into stand with buffer (iStand) = 1 frame (It must buffer 4 or 6 in the move's recovery. It can not be performed after blocking opponent's low.)
Minimum side step into standing moves = 9 frames (46 and 8WR moves can cancel the step)

SC2 Throw Range Ranking: (The smaller number; the farther range can reach.)

___ 0 / Voldo's 236[A+G] and 236[B+G]. (i33, R:D L:D, 13 breaking frames)
___ 1 / Berserker's B+G>B+G. (i41, Second Throw, 13 breaking frames)
___11 / Voldo's 236A+G and 236B+G. (i31, R:D L:D, 13 breaking frames)
__ 16 / Astaroth's 3A+G and 3B+G. (i38, 7 breaking frames)
44-43 / Astaroth's [B+G], [B+G]6 and [B+G]4. (i51, R:C L:D, 7 breaking frames in [B+G]6 and [B+G]4)
44-43 / Berserker's B+G and 214B+G. (i16, R:C L:B, 7 breaking frames in 214B+G)
65-63 / Kilik's 236A+G (A break, B break for 2nd part) & 236B+G. (i20, R:D L:C, 8 breaking Fs in 236A+G & 10 breaking Fs in 236B+G)
__ 66 / Yoshi's 6K+G (A break). (i16, R:D L:D, 13 breaking frames)
67-66 / Astaroth's normal throws, B+G6 (A Break) and B+G4 (B Break). (i16, R:A L:C, 7 breaking Fs in B+G6 and B+G4)
67-66 / Berserker's A+G throw. (i16, R:A L:C)
__ 67 / Voldo's 214A+G. (i25, Direct Input, R:A L:A, 13 breaking frames) Not sure for 214[bG]??
__ 69 / Ivy's SS (B break). (i20, R:A L:B , 5 breaking frames)
70-69 / Astaroth's 2A+G and 2B+G. (i15, 7 breaking frames)
70-69 / Berserker's 3A+G and 3B+G. (i15, 7 breaking frames)
73-72 / Kilik's normal throws. (i16, R:C L:C)
73-72 / Necrid's normal throws. (i16, R:A L:C)
__ 73 / Nightmare's normal throws. (i16, R:C L:B)
74-73 / Voldo's normal throws and K+G (A break). (i16, R:B L:B, 10 breaking frames from 19th-28th frames in K+G)
__ 74 / Mitsu's normal throws. (i15, R:C L:C)
75-74 / Maxi's normal throws. (i16, R:C L:B)
76-74 / Raphael's normal throws. (i16, R:C L:B)
__ 75 / Yoshi's normal throws(i15), 66A+G(i15) & 214A+B(i16, A break). (R:C L:B, 13 breaking Fs in 66A+G & 7 breaking Fs in 214A+B)
76-75 / Cervantes's normal throws. (i16, R:B L:B, 12 breaking frames in A+G(FrontSide) and 13 breaking frames in B+G)
76-75 / Taki's normal throws. (i17, R:B L:D)
76-75 / Lizardman's 214B+K. (i16, R:C L:B, Unbreakable)
__ 76 / Lizardman's normal throws. (i16, R:B L:C)
__ 76 / Voldo's 214B+G. (i32, R:A L:A, Direct Input, Unbreakable) **BSB+G is breakable like normal throw.
77-76 / Mina's normal throws. (i16, R:C L:B)
__ 77 / Taki's 66B+G. (i16, R:B, L:D, 8 breaking frames)
78-77 / Assassin's normal throws. (i16, R:D L:C)
78-77 / Xianghua's normal throws and 214B+G. (i15, R:C L:D, 9 breaking frames in 214B+G)
78-77 / Yunsung's normal throws and B+G4. (i16, R:D L:C, 13 breaking frames in all throws)
79-78 / Ivy's normal throws. (i16, R:D L:D)
__ 79 / Talim's normal throws (i17) and 236B+G (i16). (R:B L:B, 7 breaking Fs in 236B+G and 2 breaking Fs {B break} in 2nd part)
82-80 / Link's normal throws and 66B+G. (i16, R:B L:B, 13 breaking frames in all throws)
86-84 / Sophitia's 66A+G (B break). (i16, R:B L:C, 7 breaking frames)
90-88 / Cassandra's 66B+G. (i16, R:B L:C, 10 breaking frames)
__ 91 / Sophitia's normal throws. (i16, R:B L:C)
93-92 / Cassandra's normal throws. (i16, R:B L:C)
__ 98 / Ivy's CS (A break). (i19, R:B L:A, Direct Input, 5 breaking frames)

*** Most of normal throws above are i16 and the breaking windows is from 18th to 30th frame, total 13 frames.
*** R = Right Side Tracking / L = Left Side Tracking / The best to the worst tracking ranking is A to D. For example: R:A L:C
*** I think all BT>Throws are R:A L:A that means full 100% tracking for both side.
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