Sophie's Tech Traps

Also opponent's who are ground-rolling(side to side) can typically block are they unable too specifically after 66A+B/4AB?
If you land 66A+B, 4AB, or A+K, the opponent recovers roughly the same each time. So, because the recovery is so similar for each of these moves, you can always play with the 66B or 44B+K mixup if the enemy tech rolls.
Ok I checked some of this stuff out today and have the following comments:

after 4AB;
44B+K will not catch neutral/back tech on nightmare, otherwise it works on most characters
11_77B+K might be the better alternative,
+ deals a point or two more damage when it hits opponent on the ground
+ since it hits a frame later, if opponents techs to your right it hits them as though they were standing (full damage) and causes an amusing groundslide which leads to more tech trap/free damage anywhere near an edge/wall
- also since it hits a frame later it does not hit neutral/back tech on some extra characters like asta and voldo

Also you really have to be close to the opponent to get the 66A+B > 44B+K to work out right.
Note: The difference between a tech trap like 66A+B and 22A is that, 66A+B allows the opponent to roll instantly if they hold guard + direction... and 22A allows the opponent to stand instantly if they hold guard. Each tech trap gives your foe different recovery, which is why you have a viable mixup only in some cases (like my example above). On that note, I'm open to other mixups if you notice anything just as good.

I think the main difference in these tech traps is actually how soon the opponent is allowed to tech with relation to when you recover. The early part of ukemi still gets hit on the floor and acts as though grounded, but otherwise goes through the same motions if given the opportunity.
This one's silly. On normal tech (lol as if anyone still normal techs anymore):

236K, TAS B, TAS B:4

If you actually catch somebody with this, congrats. :sc4sop1:
You can do this too after 4B lands on a grounded opponent, TAS B catches f/n/b and depending on distance its often TAS B X 2 opportunity. TAS B will similarly hit a teching opponent after 66A+B(float TAS), 9A+KB and near an edge (no wallsplat/RO) after CH 6B, TAS K, 11AA_[A] or 4B+K.

It also tends to work in most places the standard tech traps do.

Also CH 44K > Delay > FC1B8BAK catches all directions against left footers and most right footers, though some can tech to sophie's left. Timing mistakes can cause problems such as ability to block 2nd hit.

TASA(on grounded opponent)~A when done with maximum delay is a tech trap that covers f/n/b/l/g

TAS AA(2nd hit only, NH) - 66B f/n/b/l/g
44B+K f/n/b/r/g
33B(slight delay) f/n/b/l

1A(on grounded opponent)A tech traps inconsistently on different characters but usually covers at least n/b
So is when they stand up with just G in here or what? Like normal tech ? all i see is front back left right and grounded? What all are tech catches on the front page for normal tech? Getting back in the sophy groove ;) Oh how I have missed her safe ass ;)