Soul 6 Sophie Bible Ver 1.0


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This is going to be an open source Sophie handbook. If you want to add something go to Sophieland or the 8WR thread

Horizontals -

AAA - H,H,H - 6AS transition possible.

Safe on block hits 2 and 3

Advantage on hit 2 and 3 causes spin

Gap between hits 2 and 3

3rd hit checks movement options. CH property??

6AA - H, L - 6 AS transition availible

aGI H/M Horizontal and kick buttons

Safe on block all hits

3A - M - Stab punishable

Advantage on hit


2A - sL - Classic 2A feel, test frame advantage with 4B and 66K

1A,A - L,m - 1st hit no longer knocks down

NC delayable/hit confirmable?

4AB_AA - H,M_L,M - 4AB is NC

All unsafe besides first swing

4AB is a guard break in SC
4AB NC makes it good as a whiff punish

4AB knock down into typical tech trap?? Feels that way, but testing is required

44A,B - M,M - 2nd hit only on CH

SC guard break string on block

11AA - L,M - swing in on block?


22_88A - H - Tech trap knockdown setup

Similar on both hits, but one advances and the other does not,
tracking properties differing?

66_33_99A - M - classic, 33_99 versions classically have better properties TBD

Verticals -

BBB - m,m, M,M - 6AS potential?

Stuff backstep after BB

Safe on block

6BB - M?M?, Old 4B+K
gotta be some kinda useful on aGI? Must test more

66B - M - Good block frames

Air backflippy thing?

3B - M - This is the only disappointing move she has in my book. It feels like it whiffs to every kinda funky hurtbox. I can honestly dig it though, the lack of a standard 3B makes you have to use the other tools she has for block punishment, like TAS B and 44B and 4AB (NC now so it’s a good punish for midrange when they have an off axis recovery state)

33B - M? - Unsafe to bb/stab?

BT B+K????


2BB_K - m.m_H? - 4 JF and possibly 6 JF

B and K enders are unsafe

22BAK - M, really highs - Pyrrha special

1BBBB? - LLLLL? - lows stabs

check properties on crumple to see if that popup JF is back

11_44_77B = M - launch


KK - h,m - the classic

6K - ??

66_33_99K - m - Classic
33_99 has better launch and gives TAS B to splat

22K - m - Classic - Seems to knockdown on some whiff punishes
Check to see if super and stab work

2K - L Test for advantage

1K - L - Classic
- on hit

Tech traps on CH

11K - WTF is this?

44K,K_? - M, M_??? - Old 9K
Lab options post 44K

4K - WTF does this do?

Multi press -

6A+B - Old A+B Counter - Test properties

A+B - Old 22B guard break


66A+B - high - Opression is back with Lethal Hit properties

66B, TAS B combos

No air properties

44A+B - Old 22A+B/Pyrrha 3A+B The Lucent Move

B+K,B - m,m - the classic

Lack of WS B+K means doing WS B+K gets standing B+K… REALLY DIG THAT!

66B+K,A,B - m,h,m - The classic

Angel Step -
The input for AS is 236

The input for TAS is 236~6

Doing 236236 will get TAS, so old inputs still get desired result

TAS 6_4 cancels into WR/WS state

AS 4 cancels into WR/WS state??

AS A,A - m, L - Classic

Seems to be the reliable TC option out of AS, haven’t been hit out of this with a high like I have with TAS A

AS B - Classic deathfist


AS K - Face kick - Test for juggle properties

AS A+B or B+K?

TAS A,A - Uninteruptable, maybe jump?

You can GI this, but if you do that into AB you eat Lethal Hit and hold a fat combo

TAS A,B - Guard break,

Gap to push buttons

Ability to block first and sidestep

Both of those options lose to TAS AA

TAS B - Classic, now with Lethal Hit


Lethal Hit gives 66B to launch
Doing JF doesn’t let you Lethal Hit combo, so doing it every time costs you a lot of damage

TAS K - Slow spinny mid kick with block advantage? Felt like it, but I should test


Test tech options after TAS B splat

66B - TAS B 4B

66K - 236B


33K - TAS B 4B

44B - 4B



Lethal Hit -

66A+B - 66B, TAS B, 4B?

TAS B - 66B lanch

This us up as a Google Doc and will be updated here when appropriate. If you have any questions, additions or addendum please post up here and they will be addressed. GLHF :)