Soul calibur 2 Destiny Mod


[08] Mercenary
Hey guys i have maked a sc2 mod called sc2 destiny the mod contains

+New costumes and 8 costumes to some chars and some other costumes by NH
+3 new guest chars heihachi,kazuya,link
+heihachi moves hacked to xbox
+5 new stages created by me
+the other stages recolored by me
+New Bgm {alot of rock music metal and some goa trance and some LP]}
+New backgrounds
+new lifebars

Stages- Gameplay

pls tell me what do you think :p
let's not turn this to a stupid topic ok,i like what i did and i don't give a damn if you don't like it stop being childish
I know this may be a dumb question to ask but how on God's green earth did you MOD SC2? How is that even possible? It's interesting but how was it done?
It all started when i was modding doa i sawed sc extreme and i got inspired to make some mods and i was searching crazy for tutorials
from NH and i found a pack for sc2 if u are still intrested send me a pm and i will send u link not zelda :D internet link
After a month, here's what I think:
- Shitty Music.
- You cannot "Create" stages as we do not know the model format, but only the texture format.
- Pics or no gives.
- Rude attitude to opinions after you asked for them

Sometimes I think just because of mods like this, and modders like you, the modding communities should not exist. And coming from a man whom modded SC3 and KH2 since 2016 and discovered a lot about it, that says a lot.
After a month, here's what I think:
- Shitty Music.
- You cannot "Create" stages as we do not know the model format, but only the texture format.
- Pics or no gives.
- Rude attitude to opinions after you asked for them

Sometimes I think just because of mods like this, and modders like you, the modding communities should not exist. And coming from a man whom modded SC3 and KH2 since 2016 and discovered a lot about it, that says a lot.
do you have the mod can you pm me
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