Soul Calibur 5 Demo - Top French Players


[10] Knight
Recently, GnouzCorporation and Namco started to put on youtube some nice quality videos recorded during Kayane' session and Gnouz Calibur Contest 5, thanks to Furzy.
One new video each day.

Thanks to Malice that already put most of them on the 8wayrun medias.

In case you missed them, here are a few exemples:

Furzy (Maxi) - Saitoh (Siegfried)

Saitoh (Astaroth) - Malek (Ivy)

Ahriman (Patroklos) - Saitoh (Mitsurugi)

All videos are available on GnouzCorp channel:
omg lol at Saitoh in the match vs Patroklos....already pressing start every time he eats a Critical Edge, lol. I can see people being sick of this animation after 3 weeks into the game...a lot of rounds will be lost if we don adjust our start button rule in tournaments :)

EDIT: Already found the reason, according to Saitoh its a bug in the beta!