Street Fighter x Tekken

I recently got off my butt and tried this game. My first impression went along the lines of "This game is really boring."
My second impression was "Hey can we play Gears of War 3?" And I hate most shooters, Gears of War included.
That glitch reminds me of Yuns glitch in CvS2 because if yun caught you with his lvl 3 in the Air and then you palm immediately after the special the game just locked up. Rolento seemed to learn from yun xD
The negativity towards this game is why I think I've avoided playing it. I really haven't actually PLAYED it and made up my own mind because I'm too scared I'd just waste my time and let myself down.
This game is sooooooooooooooooooo unintuitive.

How am I to know that I was meant to miss the first kick in order to do the combo which completes the trial -__-
The negativity towards this game is why I think I've avoided playing it. I really haven't actually PLAYED it and made up my own mind because I'm too scared I'd just waste my time and let myself down.

RAWR, FUCK THIS FUCKING GAME, IT'S BALLS ON A STICK, IT'S WORSE THAN THE SMELL OF BURNT ASS HAIR, IT'S THE BEGINNING OF THE GAMING APOCALYPSE!!!! But in all seriousness, while it's not that bad, it was not worth my time, I traded it back in a few days ago.
Would you guys say this game is worth the buy for someone who isn't a hardcore SF fan? I like Street Fighter, but I've always preferred Namco's games (obviously, since I'm a member on this site). I was excited when I first heard about these crossover games, but after the lukewarm reception, I'm beginning to think I should just skip it and wait for Tekken x Street Fighter. Then again, SCV had fairly lukewarm reviews and I love the game.

I guess what I really want to know is if this game is better than BlazBlue, because that's the other game I'm considering. I've never tried it, but it looks interesting. I thought it would be nice to try a new fighter.
Would you guys say this game is worth the buy for someone who isn't a hardcore SF fan? I like Street Fighter, but I've always preferred Namco's games (obviously, since I'm a member on this site). I was excited when I first heard about these crossover games, but after the lukewarm reception, I'm beginning to think I should just skip it and wait for Tekken x Street Fighter. Then again, SCV had fairly lukewarm reviews and I love the game.

I guess what I really want to know is if this game is better than BlazBlue, because that's the other game I'm considering. I've never tried it, but it looks interesting. I thought it would be nice to try a new fighter.
It's going to play more like Street Fighter than anything so if you don't want that then don't buy it. It can't really be compared to Blazblue since the two games are totally different, but if you wanted to play something like BB, you could instead wait until Summer and get Guilty Gear AC for XBLA and PSN for like 15$.
It's going to play more like Street Fighter than anything so if you don't want that then don't buy it. It can't really be compared to Blazblue since the two games are totally different, but if you wanted to play something like BB, you could instead wait until Summer and get Guilty Gear AC for XBLA and PSN for like 15$.
SFxT isn't like any other game out there, because it's the WORST game out there so you shouldn't be insulting any other game by ocmparison.

In reality though it's more like KoF XI than anything else really.

And if anybody wants to play BB, than play BB it's much better than SFxT. And don't wait for GGAC this summer, wait for Persona 4 Arena. GGAC is done with, P4U is just getting started.
Im still playing it...its really fun.

FUN? FUUUNN!?! Games are not meant to be played for FUN! They are strictly serious business. Why... The very idea--!?!? This is the Internet young lady, and we shall hear nothing of your positivity nor of this "fun" that you speak of!

The game might have been a wreck at the competitive level, and it probably justly fostered a lot of loathing with it's DLC shenanigans, but I thought it was fun too.
FUN? FUUUNN!?! Games are not meant to be played for FUN! They are strictly serious business. Why... The very idea--!?!? This is the Internet young lady, and we shall hear nothing of your positivity nor of this "fun" that you speak of!

The game might have been a wreck at the competitive level, and it probably justly fostered a lot of loathing with it's DLC shenanigans, but I thought it was fun too.

You dont think for real, that im gonna let me influence from your post.
I like it, i like the DLC`s to(it doesnt matter for me if any character/outfit etc to begin is in the game)...and i have fun with Games!
My opinion, your live with that.
Game is ass. Game is not fun, game is not good, game is dead and the DLC thing had very little to do with it.

It not being at EVO is the greatest news i've had heard since Naruto is ending.
You dont think for real, that im gonna let me influence from your post.
I like it, i like the DLC`s to(it doesnt matter for me if any character/outfit etc to begin is in the game)...and i have fun with Games!
My opinion, your live with that.

I think you may have missed the sarcasm intended for the first half of the post. I wasn't being serious. Moreover I was agreeing with you.

Game is ass. Game is not fun, game is not good, game is dead and the DLC thing had very little to do with it.

It not being at EVO is the greatest news i've had heard since Naruto is ending.
Who said it was good? I said it was fun. Maybe not if your idea of fun is becoming a tournament level grand master, but because the game is what it is, it's the perfect game for playing with button mashing friends. At least in my book. Whether you agree or not, tell me this., Naruto is ending? For real?