Stuff about stuff

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Prettier than you
You are a scrub if:
You think nightmare is overpowered
You think natsu and lex are anywhere near as bad as aeon raph or zwei
You complained about patch 1.03
You think viola is OP

that is all.
Maxou would like a word with you.

Insert foot into mouth, up to knee.
You mean someone who banned algol for being different and is part of the same race of people who banned starwars for being different?

Nightmare is not op just repeating that for emphasis
You mean someone who banned algol for being different and is part of the same race of people who banned starwars for being different?

Nightmare is not op just repeating that for emphasis

I mostly listen to people who make reasoned arguments, not people who hold 3 year old grudges about scenes they weren't really involved in.

When I go to the Viola forum, Maxou is arguing intelligently with Cedric and a few others using lines of reason to back it up. Also, I know you know the difference between nationality and race, but I'm sure you thought it would be a shocking troll. It wasn't. That is Vints level right there.
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