

[08] Mercenary
Hi there! I'm new here. My name is Flamzeron. I've been a big fan of Soul Calibur since II. For those who care, I got it for the GameCube. I love playing the games, and I find the back story of each of the characters interesting.

Other than SC, I'm a HUGE DBZ fan. I own all of the series on DVD, and I'm even working on a second set. My favorite character is Trunks. I also love the Tales series. My favorite game is Tales of Eternia and my favorite character is Reid Hershel.

Other than that, I'm just your average video game and anime fan. I also like to write stories and voice act.

That's pretty much it. I hope we can all be friends. :)
Hey there! Nice to meet you. and... DBZ is AWESOME. :] So is anime. :o i dont think i could live without dbz...
Goku is my favorite, but I love the Goku and Vegeta relationship.
Vegeta: "Join me Kakarot!"
Goku: "Too bad he'd make a great sparring partner"

Nothing beats Dr. Briefs cat though