Superman vs Goku (Party Wolf Smells)

Who would win in a fight? Superman? or Goku?

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You are deluded into thinking Superman has no weaknesses that Goku can take advantage of, but thanks for being condescending.

YOU are deluded into thinking that goku would even think to take advantage of one of superman's weaknesses.
understand goku's character:

Goku is a martial artist who prides himself on fighting not only fair, but always at the best his opponent can muster.
so if he's so set on fighting superman at his best, would he even take advantage of superman's weaknesses?

no. IN FACT.

he would make sure superman is always in ideal form, so he can fight superman "at his best"

and then when trying to match superman's limits?

he can't.


Goku is a martial artist who prides himself on fighting not only fair, but always at the best his opponent can muster.
so if he's so set on fighting superman at his best, would he even take advantage of superman's weaknesses?

If goku wanted to fight "fair" he would never have fused with Vegeta. Spirit Bomb would also never be used
How do you figure?

When they first wrote Superman. He literally was invincible. Nothing could hurt him. No sun BS, no Kryptonite, no one written who could go toe to toe with him. Then Marvel comics came out, made more realistic characters with backstories and weaknesses. Superman was changed overtime to have some level of risk. As minute as it may be, no one really wanted to read a comic where a character could never lose or get hurt. The original writing of Superman was literally someone who could never be hurt or lose. Goku was never written this way.
When they first wrote Superman. He literally was invincible. Nothing could hurt him. No sun BS, no Kryptonite, no one written who could go toe to toe with him. Then Marvel comics came out, made more realistic characters with backstories and weaknesses. Superman was changed overtime to have some level of risk. As minute as it may be, no one really wanted to read a comic where a character could never lose or get hurt. The original writing of Superman was literally someone who could never be hurt or lose. Goku was never written this way.
Ok, then pre patch superman is pretty good. No wonder why KDZ won EVO.

at the end of the day, anything that goku does and throws at superman is ultimately meaningless.
why? because superman. HAS. no. limits to his abilities.

understand? if goku tried to actually take one punch from superman at full strength. it doesn't matter
what form you put goku in. how fast you actually think he can dodge it.. if superman lands one punch

that's a wrap for goku.

and you if you try to say something stupid like he'll bring in kryptonite, if superman is fighting at full strength
and bringing in all that limitless potential into play..


he's done.


goku does.

end of the day.

that's what it comes down to.
Goku can fight at a speed faster than light, Superman cannot. Superman can only fly at a speed faster than light, Goku actually has faster than light combat speed. #GOKUWINS
the only limits that superman has are those he puts on himself. do you get it? does that make sense?
understand the gravity of that.

at the end of the day, anything that goku does and throws at superman is ultimately meaningless.
why? because superman. HAS. no. limits to his abilities.

understand? if goku tried to actually take one punch from superman at full strength. it doesn't matter
what form you put goku in. how fast you actually think he can dodge it.. if superman lands one punch

that's a wrap for goku.

and you if you try to say something stupid like he'll bring in kryptonite, if superman is fighting at full strength
and bringing in all that limitless potential into play..


he's done.


goku does.

end of the day.

that's what it comes down to.
You have literally sat here saying the same thing while I have debunked it. Sounds like you are the fan boy tbh.
you didn't debunk anything.

you made a claim that doomsday killed superman so he has limits.
but doomsday never killed superman. so how does that prove he has limits?
he was put into a healing coma, but then you see the rematch between doomsday
and supes? did you know of the existence of this rematch? No?

because it was a non issue. like a boot having an issue with an ant. Doomsday became a no threat to superman.


superman has no limits to his abilities.

If superman can't be killed, if he can't die. he can take more than just a beating.
he can stand anything that goku throws at him.

if that's the case, goku will eventually wear himself out.

because goku has limits.

and then goku will go down.

like a chump.