Tales Games/Offical Thread

Banco has reported 200k sales for graces f in the US. They said they have big plans for the series :D

Legendia wasnt that bad :x some fans loved it lol..

I couldn't stand to replay it with New Game +, which is a first for me. The battle system was really sub-par. The characters were a bunch of unlikeable b...bimbos. I really couldn't stand many of the characters, or the audio quality.
The game almost felt like someone trying to copy, and failing.

But I want your opinions of Destiny 2. That game had me beating my head into a wall, and the ending just made it even more pointless to have ever played for me.
As in destiny 2 Kyle Dunimas, Harold, Reala, and Judas? well.... that game was ok... i suppose but beyond that i only could of played it once lol.

PS: Hearing Tales of Legendia is actually getting a remake (WHY!!) for the 3DS and Tales of hearts is getting a Vita remake.
I couldn't stand to replay it with New Game +, which is a first for me. The battle system was really sub-par. The characters were a bunch of unlikeable b...bimbos. I really couldn't stand many of the characters, or the audio quality.
The game almost felt like someone trying to copy, and failing.

But I want your opinions of Destiny 2. That game had me beating my head into a wall, and the ending just made it even more pointless to have ever played for me.
Well I agree graces f isnt exactly the best tales but I enjoyed it overall, as for destiny 2, I only got to play about half before I lost my copy, I remember enjoying it but it was so long ago so I cant really say much...

As in destiny 2 Kyle Dunimas, Harold, Reala, and Judas? well.... that game was ok... i suppose but beyond that i only could of played it once lol.

PS: Hearing Tales of Legendia is actually getting a remake (WHY!!) for the 3DS and Tales of hearts is getting a Vita remake.
Legendia?remake? I dont know how to respond :/
never played hearts tho...
thanx for the Info!
Yes, make a remake of the least popular Tales game. And then have no advertising to boot. Master plan right there.
Sorry, guess I did word it badly.

To be more specific, there was a recent twitter posting for Tales fans in the West to stay tuned for some upcoming announcements. There hasn't been any new information yet. We may see something at Gamescom next month, though.
Tales of Xilla 2 made me sad a little inside because Xillia one wasnt all that good. It wasnt terrible but it just had weird battle mechanics that made you tilt your head a lot.

Tales of Vesperia PS3 will be announced at the Paris Japan Expo and set for international release later this year while Tales of Xillia will be released in the US/EUR early next year.

Tales of Vesperia PS3 will be announced at the Paris Japan Expo and set for international release later this year while Tales of Xillia will be released in the US/EUR early next year.

Vesperia Ps3 will never come out outside of Japan but we are getting Xillia and if his sells are high enough we will also get Xillia 2!