Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Results!

Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

9th place is unacceptable for me.
I played so-so and got beat like I deserved to.

I think somebody said there; that if you didn't feel bad about losing, you'd lose that competitive fire.
I completely agree with that sentiment. I'll be back next month gentlemen, hungrier and hopefully stronger.

To KDZ, Rigel, Bibulus and Hacker Mike, thank you again for being very cool. You guys are definintely changing my long held views on NJ folk being condescending pricks in the SC arena. I hope to see you guys at the next BONE so perhaps I can return the hospitality.

Serge: You make one hell of a first impression. Thanks for the ass whoopin and looking forward to playing you again.

Guys I was drinking with in the Kitchen: We need to drink more, next time.

Maxx: Definitely need to session next time. I'm looking forward to it.

Everyone else: See you next month. hopefully with moar New England players.

Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul


I am officially re-hyped about SC4. I made a little wager with Kowtow that i would place top 5 if i stayed sober the entire tournament, and i did a little better than i thought i would.

Ok i gotta give people some props:
People i played:
Jaxel - i was the one that felt your Talim first and you were definitely on point with her. Props again for hosting and being so accommodating to me, i really appreciate that.
Frantastic - good game, and i can definitely relate to the controller stuff dude. Next time be sure to ask for that XBox option if presented.
Sporko - you gave me a good amount of trouble with voldo. His moves are so confusing, fluid and numerous that no two Voldo players are ever the same - take advantage of that dude!! Get at some Manta, SLips, or even Bibulus vids when they're out
IdleMind - having never played you before, i watched your match against TehEarl carefully since i knew i was going to play the winner (heck, Earl even gave me a little scouting report on you). I like your cass - very aggressive and raw. And im glad you got to see the many sides of Serge, now all we need to do is mack bitches together.
KPC - bleeeeeagh. I cant wait for our vids. I love that spinny shit u did to ring me out when i was looking to do the same with my guard break, that match is for the people.

Phil - damn dude, what really re-ignighted my affair with SC4 was our series. Winners finals was a blast, and the way you basically went around my gimmicks in grand finals was awesome. I had to try to make up new gimmicks on the fly. Blah blah blah, we went through this before, and we will again. Congrats on winning your first SC4 tournament that Serge was part of:-) Just like SC3, after getting served by you, I'm taking my characters back into the lab.

People I Didnt play
my NYC bros, you guys are awesome as always, and as seen by the Team tournament - our Brooklyn counterparts can bang with the best of them. I especially wanna give props to OmegaRich - your self taught style is hella fun to watch and i like how u sacrifice damage to stay on top of your opponent to bang them up again. Yo beat some excellent players Saturday bro.
The Scranton Crew - Donkey's X is different than mine, but it's very effective. I'll look at his vids to see what i can pick up. Earl - you are solid as fuck. I honestly think the Algol ban wont hurt you because your amy is pretty sick.
Jersey people - fuck there are a lot of you guys, and you are all really solid. You can't spell Rigel with out "L", Tim gets props from me as always, NeoOutlaw coming back strong (and even stronger cause of the book i just gave him) and HackerMike - read my lips boys and girls - he is the next big Jersey star, that's why I insisted he be the leadoff man on my team in the team tournament

Realyst - with the way you play man, you honestly just need to go through every character and realize what you can interrupt or deathfist, your punishment game is amazing.
MC Emazing - you are the only person i saw actually use the living room outside of me lol. I hope you enjoyed the tournament and all the shenanigans that go with it, and you and your friend (or was it brother? my memory is terrible) should definitely come back in november.
MT Fighter - i love you. Get at phil for that maxi shit, as well as that dude from Mexico City. Trust me i know all about needing to relearn a character, but who knows, with your good manners and top hat, maxi can be a threat again.

I left out some people, I'm sorry this was a large tournament. But there are a few final comments:
1. People really need to consider the XBox option. Remember people - if both parties agree to an XBox - do work!
2. Play the matches in front of you. Don't look ahead in the bracket, because in the tournament there are only 2 names that matter - yours and the guy you are about to play. There were a few cases in this tournament that the "bigger name" lost. Being cocky gets you a cock. So don't worry about names, reputations, and the fact that "yooo i should have beaten that guy".
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

I had a great time, and this was both my first video game tournament and the first time I've played anybody in non-online soul calibur who wasn't terrible so, for me, I was very pleased with how I did. And thanks for the props, Serge. You wrecked me, but I'm just happy I managed to squeak out a couple rounds against you.

I'm now going to try and swear off of online play entirely, as I was conditioned to playing with a delay and I paid for it in the tournament by frequently mistiming attacks and throws.

By the way, I'm sure it was unintentional as my controller wasn't labelled and I left it in the garage near one of the other x-boxes people brought, but somebody took my wireless 360 controller home with them and if whoever took it realizes they have an extra, I'd really appreciate it back at the next tournament as I only have two controllers. Sadly, like I said it was unlabelled but if it helps identify it, it had a rechargeable battery pack and not the regular kind with the two AA batteries.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Congrats to the top 5 guys! I managed to actually get in the tournament as the only Apprentice player (at least I think so...) and learned a LOT from so many people. Let's not talk about how I did at the moment (probably dead last too...), but I'm definitely going to improve. Oh, and good job to Jaxel on taking out Phil, Kowtow, and Rigel in the team tourney. Trust me guys, Team Hell Freezes Over will never let you live that down. Especially since our team consisted of Talim, Yunsung, and The Apprentice... XD But no, really, Jaxel brought his A-game in those matches and used Talim's craziness to dominate. It sucks that we got taken out by Astaroth in the next round, but it was fun! lol I will be practicing for the next tournament so I'm not just a level 1 no0b at SC anymore. See you guys then!
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Apparently Jaxel is the best player at this tourny because he ocv'd kowtow, rigel , and kdz aka my brother man phil, but wouldnt that make me the best player at the tourny since i ocv'd When Hell Freeze's Over? HUH HUH HUH????? /flex Asty 4 lyfe. Anyways back on topic

Serge: I NEVER EVER EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR PENIS EVER AGAIN PLEASEEEE lol that shit was so funny when you were on mike's lap and rigel went to take your beer and you were like NO MY BEER LOL

KDZ: Your my bro man i had faith in both you and rigel repping NJ hard keep that shit up man your sieg/cas are sick

Rigel: Fun as always man i love you like i love my son i know that creeps you out but oh well, way to fight 34 matches to come back from losers and rep

Jaxel: I have never laughed so hard being ringed out 3 times on seesaw when all i had to do was spam bull rush but GOOD SHIT with teams you held your team thru it all and still placed 4th somehow TALIM IS TOP TIER EVERYONE GET ON IT.

Maxx: Your my favorite gay guy ever. You taught me so much shit with taki, and allowed me to abuse KPC round 1 before switching to asty like a dumb ass and losing first round :). We repped teams hard as hell even though you were so drunk you were stumbling all over the place.

Klizza: You are still the man keep up that raph game man you get there i have faith.

Jeff: I am not sure how much exp you have against asty but man you had my heart in my ass the whole time. your sophie is sick keep it up.

Kitt: LOL we smoked like 21 blacks dude im serious lol

Straylion: GOOD SHIT MAN keep that raph game going practice does make perfect it seems

Jimmy: You knocked rigel out first round wtf happened stop slacking slacker get on that game your my bro and rival 4 LYFE!!! What a contradiction :).

kowtow; You were the angriest human being i have ever seen at a SCIV tourney lol wtf...

Pape: You are my hero for using something i taught you no more then 30 mins before your match and winning a match with it. 2 crouch grab 4 da win ASTY 4 LYFE

Neuz: you cheat i hate you lol jk i might go to brooklyn to chill with you and pap so we can get some sessions in.

Rich: Your voldo is sexy but i think your x is better my opinion :)

Tim: stop beating people using the same combo you would think they would block it by the 19th time you did it to them lol

KPC: We had such a good first round man my hands were sweating hard. Its always fun your a good player you outplayed me and deserved to win. GGs

For everyone else, i apologize if i forgot you see you all next month

Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Dreamkiller... you'll never hit my level so it's pointless...

ill be there next month..!!!

and tinshi plays SC4? has been the question this whole thing is.. getting 9th

and props to my DE peeps...
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

kowtow; You were the angriest human being i have ever seen at a SCIV tourney lol wtf...

Yeah I wasn't feelin good at all, BK gave me that 'itis like a motherfucker, lol. Still not feeling right, so in the future I'm sticking to QuickStop subs and grocery store food, no more Edison fast food joints. Either Indian people hate me for some reason, or I'm just unlucky lol.
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

Yeah I wasn't feelin good at all, BK gave me that 'itis like a motherfucker, lol. Still not feeling right, so in the future I'm sticking to QuickStop subs and grocery store food, no more Edison fast food joints. Either Indian people hate me for some reason, or I'm just unlucky lol.
Could be both.

Who knows???

(cue eerie music)
Team Crooked Jester Soulcalibur IV October Monthly Resul

LOL too bad I missed the team tourney but then again, it was a lot of fun getting hammered and not seeing serge naked... But the Booty butt bounce was tooooo much for my eyes.... LOL

Overall the tourney was a lot of fun. Thats why I will be there again to help run the damn thing.