Things for a total SC noob to practice to become good?

I see. But what does the i-notation in front of the numbers in that thread mean? Also, what do the plus and minus signs mean?

If you wanna be good competitively read that. 95% of ppl have this mentality till they reach a highly competitive level of play. however you cant reach that level of play until you get over those mental barriers.

In My Opinion, THATS the FIRST thing you should do. When you lose the mentality of the scrub you accept that you only lose because of your own mistakes and not that the persons character is "too good" or moves are "cheap". This allows you to better your game because you are always looking of ways to improve your own strategies.

2nd Suggestion: Memorize your own frame data, and learn as much frama data of the chars you're gonna play the most (especially top tiers). this allows you to play less trial and error when it comes down to matches as you dont have to waste time figuring out wat works and wat doesnt.

3rd Suggestion: ask better players lots and lots of questions. i used to play in NY/NJ and i dont think i ever met anyone who was a prick or stuck up. everyone used to session and just help each other out. i was new to competitive all together and was getting destroyed but after doin these things i mentioned (and practicing, lots of practicing) i actually stood a chance against most ppl and have won lots of money money matching ppl ;)
I see. But what does the i-notation in front of the numbers in that thread mean? Also, what do the plus and minus signs mean?

The i stands for impact frames, the lower the number, the faster the move. It tells you how many frames it takes for a move to come out after you input its command. Therefore, the frame data I linked you to lists the moves in order of fastest to slowest (i11 to i28).

The numbers listed after H, C, and B, indicate whether you're in advantage or disadvantage on Hit, Counterhit, and Block, respectively. + means advantage, - means disadvantage. You have to finish your move animation before you can do another action (block, sidestep, another attack, etc.) and frame advantage/disadvantage lets you know how quickly you get back to your ready stance compared to your opponent.

Take a look at Sieg's standing, plain old K.

i13: K
H: +2
B: -8

On hit, K gives Siegfried frame advantage of 2. This means he recovers 2 frames faster than his opponent and is in a good position to counterhit or force a mix up. On block, K puts Sieg at 8 frames of disadvantage, meaning the opponent will recover 8 frames before him.

There isn't a value listed for C, so that means it has no special properties as a counterhit and merely does the same thing as on hit (+2).

Some moves knockdown (KND) or stun on hit/block and that's listed instead of frame advantage/disadvantage in those cases.