Things we miss...


[08] Mercenary
Right, so I stumbled upon this place about a week ago from this post, you y'all looked like the slam-diggity. So, I made an account and hope to tro- *hacking cough* become a... valued member of the community.

On to the topic. Be it a game console, a puppy, your youth, the day's when Brian was still in Korn, or a story mode for each character, we all miss something (unless you were born with paper skin and and glass bones and have no fond memories to look back on). Here is a chance to post it on a website for the reading pleasure of people who you probably haven't met, or ever will. As a suggestion, start light, and end heavy.

I, personally, miss my kitty Oreo, Ronnie James Dio- who I regret never seeing live-, the 90's (kinda), my N64, and the days when I thought The Fifth Element was a great movie. Well, maybe not that Fifth Element bit. Lastly, I miss the days back in Romania when I would wake up and grandmama would be churning the butter and mama would be chopping the wood, and the chickens would be playing, and papa and grandpapa would have me come with them to the barn to show me how to milk the chinchillas; we made our profit off of selling it to the noble-people who offered top dollar for the delicacy. But that all changed when Reynolds Group Holdings came and forced my family into the aluminum foil business. That's when papa sent me away, so that I could find a life for myself, away from the tyranny of the Aluminum Foil industry.
Old cartoon networks shows like Johnny bravo, dexters laboratory, cow and chicken, and others as well.

At least cartoon network brought back one of my favorite things last saturday TOONAMI
Oh yeah, they did, didn't they. I remember now... many a nut was busted over that a while ago.
Well it was the only thing that kept cartoon network alive when they replaced all the good shows with crappy ones. When TOONAMI was gone I stopped watching cartoon network except for adult swim
Meh. Adult's swim. I miss it when they still played awesome things, like Blue Gender. Blue Gender was like... the ballinist thing next to Excel Saga to have come out of Japan in 1999.
I'm just gonna leave this irony here: As children we want to be adults. As adults we want to be children. But, we prefer to be in the middle....
What exactly is the hype for Toonami returning? Is nostalgia really that powerful? It's not like it will randomly be drastically better than Adult Swim's Saturday anime line-up (which was pretty much the logical continuation of Toonami). Or do people honestly give that much of a shit about that robot and the bad CGI cuts?

Sorry to go offtopic, but nerd nostalgia confuses the hell outta me sometimes.
Hmm I miss when video games were actually more creative and gamers were more open to many different genre's, I miss when people didnt live on facebook and actually went out xD (Tho i stay inside a lot Just weird to see people be a hermit like myself), I miss going to the movies when tickets prices were actually cheap xDDDD, I miss when games used to be the FULL product >_>X. There is a lot I miss but what we have today i cant complain too much on either xD
I miss the time when I was too young to buy beer. So me and my friend would patrol the neighborhood scouting for parties at night. We actually made it into a few.

I miss the time when my mom would blast Queen on the stereo as I played The Legend of Zelda for the first time.

I miss the time that I looked forward to my next Tips and Tricks magazine that came in the mail...
what did the chickens play?

wtf is toonami?

this yugioh/dbz generation makes me weep inside. i miss when kids had thundercats, GIjoe, upside down driving remote control cars, poison pogs and slammers, idols like john belushi, slayer, pantera and other badass, manly shit to grow up with.

i think that japan has successfully completed phase one of it's hostile western takeover, and i blame DBZ, yugioh, haim saban and jrock.

i also miss the days when i could jerk off for like an hour until i simply couldn't go on any more and then do it again 20 minutes later.
I miss waking up on saturday morning, getting a big ass bowl of cereal, popping on the TV a 6am and sit and watch He-Man, GiJoe, Transformers (the 1st gen, yeah Im THAT old), then 2 hours of looney tunes. Yall kids have NO CLUE what good cartoons are these days!

wtf is toonami!?
this yugioh/dbz generation makes me weep inside. i miss when kids had thundercats, GIjoe, upside down driving remote control cars, poison pogs and slammers, idols like john belushi, slayer, pantera and other badass, manly shit to grow up with.
GIJoe was the hypest shit. Thundercats, not as much, but it was still boss. I'm more partial to Transformers, though.

Also, Toonami was one of the latter generations exposures to Japanese animation, which has taken a hugely different path than our own animation (low budget film industry, animation was cheap, one thing lead to another, etc. etc.). Don't think it was completely retarded, though. There was Voltron, Robotech, Gigantor (GigaaaaAAAaantooor!), Gundam, Miyazaki movies, and hell, closer to the end they even through some sketchy bits in there. Yeah, it may have had alot of Japanese influence, but many of the old school cartoons had animation done by the Japanese for Americans. Along with the animation shown, they had quite a bit of music-geared segments. I remember DJ Qbert being on there and thinking "Aw hell naw".

It's cool and all it's coming back, but do I care? Not really. It's just like when I heard Bionicles were going to be discontinued. I had a bit of an emotional reaction because I remembered them fondly, but it's not like I actually gave a damn. Nostalgia should be there just to say "Oh yeah" to and move on.
Toonami was a brand in cartoon network created in 1997 and it feature mainly action cartoons and animes such as Thunder cats, Dragon Ball Z, Batman the animated series (my favorite), He-Man, G.I. Joe, and others as well.