Toronto End of Jan. 2v2 Tourney Vids. Finally.


[11] Champion
Finally got them all done.

This was a 2v2 round robin tournament (First to 3), so everyone played everyone. I got vids of everything, and there were some very nice matches. Jeff and Stryder (in his first SC4 tourney appearance) had good showings, and OOFMATIC was whoring the Star Wars characters, eager to do work on people now that the ban has been lifted. Best matches, in my opinion, Stryder vs Jeff and Jeff vs OOFMATIC.

Team Spekz (Jeff and China) vs Team Low Tier (Stryder and Ember)

Team Star Whores (oofmatic, Kevin) vs Team Raph's a Dick (page, kyper)

Team Low Tier (stryder, ember) vs Team Raph's a Dick (page, kyper)

Team Spekz (Jeff, China) vs Team Raph's a Dick (page, kyper) match

Yes, there should have been a 3rd match, but Kyper was leaving and we forgot to play it. :/

Team Low Tier (stryder, ember) vs Team Star Whores (oofmatic, kevin)

Team Spekz (Jeff, China) vs Team Star Whores (oofmatic, kevin)

Some good stuff with Mi-na there, Page. I liked the reaction you got in that one match when you auto impacted Vader's B+KBB. And dude, your Rock is a wrecking machine.
Wow, oof... that was some nasty bubble whorage there.. but it goes to show that bubbles alone can't guarantee a win :)
Missed a great RO in the first round by doing 22A+B after crouch throw?! wth was that hahaha.
Stop abusing 6B+K as round opener
After ground throw breaks you have advantage, 44BB is poor choice. JF dash -> 6K (among others) interrupts everything
After 9B on air hit, 6B+K is best followup
Need more 2K (it's one of his fastest moves) You rely too much on 6K as interrupt
Less 8WR and more step
You need to implement more dashes in your wakeup, it's critical. From the looks of it you rely on 22B, 1A and 2A+K for your wakeup. Like after G+A you ALWAYS do 1A afterward for example.
More aggression, you're far too passive, attacks like 2B+K and stuff were largely absent, you need this as a pressure tool. You also could've whore bullrush much more.
Good suggestions.

I've found 9B, 6B+K to be kind of inconsistent. I may just be doing it wrong (sometimes 8B instead of 9B).
I'll try using more 2K. I thought it was unsafe.

I blame playing on a pad for everything else.
One thing I'd like to mention regarding your Rock: you can use ground throws against people who like to roll in wakeup situations (after B+G is a good example); encourages people to stand up and eat things like 2B+K and 214A:A:A.

Also, everyone needs to duck the second hit of Vader's 1BA. It looks like there was lack of Vader knowledge throughout the tourney so it's no big deal for now.
Well it's not 100% combo, but it works well vs most.

All 2Ks are unsafe, but not many can punish it. Everybody's 2K has the same data. i15 hs-4? bs-14
Only sophie and sets can punish hard.
Nice Mina.

Am I the only one that whores 22_88A though? I asked Khent about it, I guess he uses it too, but that's one of my staple moves if I'm midrange with Mina. Fast, safe, covers step, knocks down. Only downside is that it's HH but you can't react to it, so the only way you're going to get ducked is if you're spamming it and getting predictable.

I also like 1A and 11A (1A often for starting a match) as wakeup options if I'm a good distance away.

Not sure if I would have used BBB three times in a row, but I guess that worked for you. >_>

But yeah, more mina vids are always good. Thanks!
I only use 22A when I'm looking for a cheap RO. :O It's a decent enough move, though. I wouldn't take anything away from my Mina there; it was pretty terrible and I should have played more Rock.
It seemed like he was using 6BB and BBB a lot because Astaroth might have trouble punishing it. I'm not sure. If your opponent is bad at GIing and can't punish well, it can be abused all day.
It seemed more like the Astaroth didn't know how to play against Mina at all.

Not to sound elitist or anything, but it also seemed like the guy playing Astaroth wasn't entirely familiar with the character. That might just come from me getting dominated by Beefy's Asty, though.

But yeah, if it works, abuse it!
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