[Toronto] The Race to 10,000 Mountain

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Hussler: Did you play Oosaka at EVO? I was at work when you were on the stream. Let's try and get as many games in as possible before you go back to Calgary, try and crystallize that level of play solid before you have to trek out into the wild. My new place in September should have pretty decent internet, so I think we'll be able to get in some decent games then.

Everyone: I will be at A&C on Wednesday.

OK, this month I am going to try something new. I will start a tradition of challenging local players I am not familiar with to a $15 money match, just once a month. This way I hope to play all the locals at least once and get experience with all the styles of play. Why $15? Because its the right price to cover the local price of travel back and forth plus food for the trip. I'm a practical guy.

This month I challenge: DINO

I have not played you since part 3 and have only played you sporadically online during part 4. You still live far off in Scarbourough right? So how is this going to work? Plan on coming down to A&C sometime?

First to 6 wins.

Do you accept?
I'll be there on Wednesday if I can confirm people are coming, I went there too many times with nobody there -.-'. Also tell Russell to keep systems for us, last time I checked there wasn't even space for SC.
southernontario - big mistake challenging Dino. He'll accept, and then never show. You'll end up waiting months just to play him.

Challenge me instead. We can play at A&C this Wednesday.

I'll bring my PS3.
At this moment franman won't be accepting any money matches...

I'm going to invest my time and money on a new controller "Hitbox" once I get paid +traded some of my stuff for $$.
I'll be there Wednesday as well, system and money match money in hand. I'll take your challenge too, Oof.

SouthernO - I didn't get the chance to play him in pools because I only went 2-2 (lost to aggrohahu and banes), but I played him in a casual ft3 after. Went 1-3. The first 2 rounds were really intense, but then he adapted and bodied me. I gotta keep working on that Maxi matchup :). It was really fun though, he's a swell guy.
I will try to show up to AC, Harry I have your MK copy that I need to return

Oof you paint everything with the same brush. I don't know if it to lessen the impact of other issue, or if you're looking through rose coloured glasses. Either way I don't care or want to waste time arguing, after all you and dino think infinities are fine...

Fact is, only 6 months in and the scene is pretty much dead. We probably have less then 5 people playing this game competitively.
Oof you paint everything with the same brush. I don't know if it to lessen the impact of other issue, or if you're looking through rose coloured glasses. Either way I don't care or want to waste time arguing, after all you and dino think infinities are fine...

Fact is, only 6 months in and the scene is pretty much dead. We probably have less then 5 people playing this game competitively.
One thing I feel I should chime in about is that Oof is right when he said games are always dying soon after they come out. Gamers have always played the next big thing and dropped it in a short amount of time, and the reason why games like Street Fighter are more popular is because of the larger number of people that went out and tried the game. You can bet your bank account that the majority of players that have bought SF4/SSF4 when it came out dropped the game within a few months or weeks.

Ratio-wise, SF4 (probably) had the same adoption percentage as SCV in their respective initial 6 months, but through sheer numbers alone, SF4 far exceeds SCV... is what he is saying.
SouthernOntario - I accept, But I'm only free Friday Evenings and Weekends. But I Def look forward to playing You. I also need to play this Che Fye Character.
Even if Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat had even more core players than Soul Calibur throughout these years, Namco has been messing up the loyal fanbase more often.

Hell I know some fans who were loyal to SC but really drop the game like Madnis.

Looking at our scene, we've lost the godfather of SC, Reno; we lost Senior who was at his time the best Canadian SC player as well as other old school players who use to play in the ol' SC2 days.

Somehow Namco changes the tide for the Soul Calibur series no longer being an arcade first release in Japan and this upsets many fans including loyal fans.

I think many fans who were loyal to Soul Calibur grew fad up with the way Namco is treating Soul Calibur.

Also I agree with Eli, for once I think some of guys should stop being way too optimistic; it's about time you acknowledge and accept the fact that not only this game isn't perfect but it had major flaws in it. Nonetheless we play the game regardless of the matter.
Well, the scene is dead it seems. Despite that, I think SC5 is still a beautiful game. I have been MIA for awhile dealing with some life issues, and tournaments usually conflict with my work schedule.

Without purpose why play this game? I feel that I can potentially be one of the best in Canada and maintain that. I see results and improvements in my game so I continue to play. I enjoy the in depth aspect of the game, including the mind games, set ups, combos, etc. I like kicking someone's ass with a character they don't believe in. So in other words I have a purpose in my mind.

Now to be blunt and horrible, I believe that a majority of people who quit this game simply suck at SC5. They cant handle the pressure, and they see no improvements in their game. It's not our fault Toronto sucks. I dont blame the game, I blame the people who happen to live here.

Who likes losing right? I look back to the time when I was new and losing. I took the time to travel to players houses, go to tournaments, look up strats setups etc on forums, and I paid attention to the top players. Well I hate to say it but most of the "new" guys didnt bother (with the notable exception of Hussler) . Maybe our current community doesnt come off as friendly or maybe were intimidating sure.. But what can we really do about that....?

The casual type of people we attracted and the wrong mindset is what we got. Other than that life can get in the way. I find as I get older it gets harder to stay active consistently.

It's not the existing communities fault at all. This is just the reality of a fighting game scene.

I'm not sure if this was directed at me but i'm gonna reply anyway even if its not. My comments about the "game is dead because the community allows it" is not based on the players skills. It's based on the community not supporting the game we all love. Like I said, I can only create casual places and tournaments but if the numbers keeps becoming 4-5 and not even reach 8, why should I even bother adding SCV in the next tournament lineup. Everyone has issues in life so don't think anyone is special. Gaming helps us escape even for a bit so there's no reason to not come to gatherings really unless people do not want to play SCV. Which to me is how things are looking like.

EVO Peeps: Awesome job representing Canada. Hearing Partisan swear is also something that I will take out of this. LOL! Hope to play some of you guys altogether when casuals and tournaments are available.

Everyone has issues in life so don't think anyone is special. Gaming helps us escape even for a bit so there's no reason to not come to gatherings really unless people do not want to play SCV. Which to me is how things are looking like.
You've gone and said something I have to disagree with.
Take that back or prove it.
I'm not sure if this was directed at me but i'm gonna reply anyway even if its not. My comments about the "game is dead because the community allows it" is not based on the players skills. It's based on the community not supporting the game we all love. Like I said, I can only create casual places and tournaments but if the numbers keeps becoming 4-5 and not even reach 8, why should I even bother adding SCV in the next tournament lineup. Everyone has issues in life so don't think anyone is special. Gaming helps us escape even for a bit so there's no reason to not come to gatherings really unless people do not want to play SCV. Which to me is how things are looking like.

EVO Peeps: Awesome job representing Canada. Hearing Partisan swear is also something that I will take out of this. LOL! Hope to play some of you guys altogether when casuals and tournaments are available.


This was not directed towards you at all. In fact I appreciate what you have done in the past years up until now to keep the community alive and as consistent as possible. You give people like me and many others the opportunities to play and grow with a positive attitude that the community needs. This also go's for Eli, and Offmatic, who certainly contribute a lot of their time and effort as well for gatherings, time and what not.

As for SCV being an escape from reality, a way to relax, yeah im sure it can be. I also agree that everyone has issues in life, although I do feel that people choose to deal with them differently and that doesn't necessarily mean that they do not want to play the game anymore.

I wont say something like oh I dont have time for a " video game". Because SC to me is more then a game, it's an accomplishment, an escape, a community, a test of skill, a form of control in life (based on seeing improvements in self, by studying and playing more.) a place of warm memories, excitement and friendships. So yes I wish I could see things your way and be able to put that extra time for SC and the community, and that actually means for myself. But as I said people deal with things differently. A sense of guilt is probably my biggest issue I have to come out and play at this point in time. Obviously this wont be forever.
So I haven't been on my PS3 for a few weeks now. I come back on, there's an update for it. I download the update, and go to play SCV.

My PS3 won't recognize the disc. fml.

I won't be able to bring my PS3 to A&C after all.
^that's okay, I'll bring my ps3 and scv. There'll only be 4 of us anyways: you, me, southern, eli.
I will also have a camera to record this money match.
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