Tsunami in Japan


[08] Mercenary
This morning there was an 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan resulting in an estimated 13 - 30 foot tsunami. There's not much information about how many lives are lost right now but it's terrible no matter the number of deaths.

This thread is dedicated to the lives and familys affected by all of this.. they will be in my thoughts.

Severe disasters such as this, always affect me emotionally. My family and I are praying for all those that are lost and those that have lost loved ones. Most SC4 players are accounted for as far as I know except for Talim_JP. Im worried bout him!

Such a tragedy. I really wish all SC4 players and all those friendly to us will report in to make sure all is good.

God Bless

The Hot Rod Family
Ive heard over 1000 now. For the 5th biggest quake and largest quake in japan this is a low death toll. Right now they are having issues with a nucular reactor, the pumps to it have been disabled by the quake. The backups as well. The USA is sending help as quickly as it can to help them deal with this. I really hope they get this under control or we could be looking at a meltdown.
Even though I am in Okinawa things here are at a stand still. Ports closed, constant buzzers sounding off letting people know there was a earthquake in mainland. My wife deals with shipping import export and she say ports in china, japan and other major commercial ship areas has stopped. Which sucks because bbc news was just reporting 2 days ago that Japans economy suffered a bit because of the chinese new year and now this?

Best wishes to the peeps in mainland and stay safe (and warm lol).
Hope JP's alright. I heard they expected the wave to hit the western side of Chiba, so I hope his stuff's where he left it too. I don't mean to sound petty but it's amazing how much money a flood can cost you, to say nothing to the human toll.
Hope JP's alright. I heard they expected the wave to hit the western side of Chiba, so I hope his stuff's where he left it too. I don't mean to sound petty but it's amazing how much money a flood can cost you, to say nothing to the human toll.

I was a victim of the california wildfires back in 07. I lost my house and my shop that I owned (keep in mind they were 13 miles apart). I lost everything. Homes, cars, my business, everything. I can sort of relate to what these people are going through. Which is why things like this always hit really close to home for me!

ok it's ok what HRD says "feel what they are going throgh" but don't pitty them for those who have no idea what that kind of loss is like, that's just straight fucked up, however, death will come for us all anyway, so the only thing grateful to be about is to still have a few more seconds to enjoy life
Seriously man^^ this is not the place. Period.

God bless all those affected by this disaster. We are all extremely fortunate to have what we do in life. We never know when it can all be swept away. Im sure to most it feels so far away, but just like HRD I got my house/ car/ dog swept away by a mudslide in Brazil from excess tropical rain in 2006, it is devastating.

At least the death tole isn't as high as expected.

Ill definitely keep all of Japan in my prayers.
Amen to that, their souls will be rewarded in heaven, and as for the bad guys THEY WILL BURN IN HELL, wait for how long was the earthquake? I think the tsunami was more of a bitch than the quake
Words can't describe how they are feeling. Lord please bless those poor people. They didn't deserve such things.

On a bad humor joke, I liked everyone's post because I felt compelled to agree with everyone/understand/etc.
So sue my simpleton behavior =p.
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Watching the NHK news and just now they had a small quake? Aftershock? and they said that the news office was shaking a bit then stopped....how long is this going to last?

Another find just to give you guys more of a clearer picture of whats going on over here and possibly over there in the near future God Bless http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08xfg8P6tYo
The news made a big deal out of that aftershock, but we've been feeling more severe ones all day. They said it could possibly be months, considering the size of the initial quake. There may be a larger one to follow in the coming months as well.
I underestimated the destruction, i never imagined it would be that bad..... My heart goes out to those in Japan, may there be a speedy recovery for your country!
I have some cousins living in Sendai and I haven't been able to contact them until this morning. Thank god they are okay.
And then my older brother had to fly to japan because his wife got hit by a bookcase during the quake.

I drove to Seaside, Oregon two nights ago which proved not to be a good idea.

Not gonna lie, I was scared shitless
My condolences to you Hajime, and may all the Japanese players check in and make a speedy recovery. Anyone heard from Talim-JP?

On a another note.. Daishi made it through as well.. tweeted that the office was a wreck.
I'm here and updatin my thread as much as possible.
Thanks for all the worry guys, me and family are doin OK.

360 is OK too although I lost my good LG gamin monitor (it fell and a book landed on the screen. It looks OK but when you turn it on and it has a bullet hole effect so I trashed it).