What happened to overkills?

Overkills are still in the game? What are y'all talking about? I used my classic 2A+B over and over again when I won my matches
Classic 8WR nonsense I think. Some random poster says something ridiculous and it becomes a “flash fact.” I didn’t bother fact checking, because I haven’t watched much of the newest build yet... I assumed (you know, that verb that makes an ASS of U and ME?) that it was a new development.
To me the overkills where hilarious depending on the person. Hilde's was pretty funny but Mi-na's was just outright annoying, at least I made use of Sieg's 2KKKKK :D
I guess overkills are only funny depending on what you're doing to that dead carcass

Sophitia's B2BBB all day, everyday <3
Right. I for instance cannot abide T-bagging. Beat me a dozen rounds straight with lag tactics while talking trash and overkilling? Fine. But if you t-bag after one round online, I will disconnect from you on principle. The only exception I make is for Yoshi’s FLE 2A+K 2A+K 2A+K 2A+K 2A+K 2A+K 2A+K... because it is the greatest T-bag of all.
Oh I was talking about the death cries. #oop
I love overkilling bitches but I have to mute.
Oh I was talking about the death cries. #oop
I love overkilling bitches but I have to mute.

Well, that really... um, nerfs? Can you nerf a taunt? Anyway, that really nerfs the comedy factor of Yoshi’s FLE A+B A+B A+B etc. etc. post-KO taunt then.
Overkills are still in the game? What are y'all talking about? I used my classic 2A+B over and over again when I won my matches

Well, I can obviously see that you're lying, since you're free to anyone who's still breathing.
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Then Pyrrha's B2BBB lost it's purpose... :(

I think it's just that the players themselves don't overkill when playing the demos, not that they're out.
All overkills would do when used on me would piss me off, so I stopped doing them to other people. I'm glad they're not in SCV.
For some reason it's ok when it's done when playing offline. But it throws me into rage mode if it is done to me online. Probably because it's a stranger doing it, and not a friend.
Without the unlimited screams, Soulcalibur V is just a weapon based Street Fighter.

This is a joke, not criticism.
Hmm.. I've been watching nearly all the newest game footage and I never noticed that it was gone surprisingly.
But I'm not into overkilling and I don't usually like being overkilled. Just seems a little unsporty IMO. Though if it's with friends and in good fun then yeah I don't take it too seriously. Also I second what was said about Sophie and Xianghua.

So yeah I won't miss it too much.

Only real time I'll do it seriously is to a spamy Yoda player with Seigfried's :2::(K)::(K)::(K): over and over.
I just hate playing against those kind of players. ^^;