What System

Sophitia and Seung Mina? What kind of fucked up shit is that? Are you sure? I remember distinctly playing Sophi against a friend of mine for 2 years at the arcade. She was his favorite.

Am I sure? Yes, I'm sure. Maybe you're thinking of SC1, the arcade version of which doesn't have Cervantes, selectable Inferno, or anywhere near the polygon count of the Dreamcast/Xbox Live Arcade version, because it runs on a Playstation 1 equivalent chipset.

I know a few things about these things.
It was a big announcement when we found out that Sophitia was coming back for the console version. We thought she'd been replaced with Cassandra like Hwang was with Yunsung.
Once again I apologize. I just played the Arcade version a couple of weekends ago at a freaking anime convention up here. God that game was so fun. I forgot so many moves that Mitsu had. the running sidestepping UB on wakeup was godly! I saw there was no Sophie along with a few others missing. Either way, I'd kill for this version to be on Live arcade. *sigh* the good ole days.
For the PS2 here. I actually just bought SC2 recently, started with SC3 first. Its fun to see how everyone has changed.
well...the amount of hours clocked in on SC2 is most likely in retareded levels. I played it the most on PS2 more than likely, since it was typically tournament standard.

But I had ridiculous amounts of hours on the Xbox and GCN versions as well.

Played the FUCK out of SC2, any platform thrown at me.
Wish I had PS2, but I played it on GC and had to deal with that Fisher Price controller all them Smash kids keep tellin me is so pro.
I played SC2 on all 3 systems and I say the Game Cube version was the best and easiest version to learn. it made playing the game fun and I didn't have to sit there and have a headache trying play a game that was met to be fun. The Game Cube controller also allowed me to master Link in every way, shape and form, so for me hands down the Game Cube pad was the best. Even video game books and websites voted that, that the Game Cube pad was the best of the three, so go Game Cube! lol
I just picked up SC2 again for the first time in about 5 years for the xbox this past weekend for like 8 bucks. To bad while playing on an HDTV with the 360, it won't upscale to widescreen. Ah well.
played it on gamecube myself, Link was da man bro!!! ill bow, bomb, illusion stab combo your FACE in!
I owned a GameCube long before I bothered obtaining a PS2, so naturally I stuck with what I had.

Looking back on it now, Heihachi and Spawn seem pretty damn cool, but I'm a Nintendo fan at heart and Link has a place in there somewhere.