Who will be the breakout character in SCV?

I know everyone has been doing their preliminary tier lists, but as always there seems to be a breakout character that seems to pop out of nowhere to succeed on the tournament level despite being written off as "mid-tier". After having played the game for quite a while, and watching quite a bit of 8WR stream matches (please hold the "online doesn't count" comments). I think I have a good idea of what characters will start seeing more of an appearance.

My perdictions:
Yoshimitsu - Probably the best mix-ups in the game
Patroklos - Despite having less tools than Pyrrha, has better range and RO game.

Returning to this, it seems like I'm a little correct. :sc5pat1:
^ Siegfried is a cool knight as well, the only thing I don't like about him is the total abscence of a helmet.
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