Why is racism still an issue in a civilized, globalized world?

"which really just means a genetically isolated population that can interbreed with others of the same species, but becomes distinct due to genetic drift"

Isn't that exactly what a "race" is? Caucasians are genetically distinct from Africans. Doesn't mean they are a different species. And we sure as hell don't call them a sub-species.

Point is, if it wags like a dog.........(you know the rest)

As far as the Aborigines skull being a "hoax", here are some other examples..

download (3).jpg

Looks pretty much the same as the one you claimed was a "hoax" doesn't it?

download (4).jpg

Left-Aborigines, Middle-Asian, right-Caucasian. There is a lot of diversity in skull shapes well within the "human" label.

images (2).jpg

Here is another side by side of aborigines and caucasian

images (3).jpg

And finally here are 2 actual people. Check out that brow ridge! Are you gonna claim that this was photo shopped as well?

The definition of "human beings" is much broader than some would like to believe.
Racism exists because people choose to promote it: Racism is when Madonna was blasted for using the word "nigga" in a non-derogative manner on Twitter but had she been black nothing would have been said. Racism is when a 16 year old white boy can take a drunken joyride in his parents car leaving four people dead and two others in critical condition. His punishment? 10 years probation. Because he and his family were white and rich. Racism is when a white man shoots at a car full of unarmed black people because they had their music too loud. But that was in Florida where it's almost open season on blacks.

Who said anything about photoshop? Hoax means it isn't what it is purported to be , an aboriginie from the nineteenth century; without knowing where it comes from or how old it actually is, I'm saying I don't accept what joe-blow on the internet says it is if I can't confirm it through a credible source. And just because you can find more than one picture of a skull with google image search doesn't make it any more credible, nor does the fact that you can buy a cast from "Bone Clones"....you realize they have in the past sold (and maybe still do) a cast of Piltdown Man, right?

Nevertheless, the point of this is you are conflating the concept of race with evolution, population dynamics and speciation. I have no problem with the range of variation in modern humans. And Australians and Neanderthals are completely different genetic types, as Australians are derived from the more recent African lineages (along with all modern humans) than the Neanderthals, who were genetically isolated in Europe and the Near East for hundreds of thousands of years, and were the only humans in Europe for most of that time. Their genes were introduced into those same out-of-Africa lineages in Europe well after Australians were in Australia. Trying to to imply that there is some connection is just ignorant.

So tell me, what race does this skull belong to?

How about this one?

Here's a few additional questions:

What "race" are Native Americans? How about people from India? How about the Jomon in Japan?

Answers: First picture, "white"; second picture, who knows, but her descendants would be considered either "Native American" or "Latino", as she's a prehistoric Peruvian.

Race, at least the modern concept of it, is based almost entirely on skin color, and can have very little to do with underlying physical morphology. Of any of the skulls shown, what was their skin color when alive? Cranial morphology has nothing to contribute to the question, without living analogs to compare with, and even then its just an assumption. In example after example, genetic sequencing has shown that so many of the assumptions made about modern populations based on cranial morphoplogy are grossly overstated, if not flat-out wrong. Trying to find a basis for the modern concept of "race" (more a sociological phenomenon than anything else) in the prehistoric past is becoming less and less tenable.

And again, I have no interest in getting into a discussion about "race" on this site.....the discussion quickly turns to sarcasm, factually bereft suppositions and thinly veiled race-baiting. If you want to discuss the sociology of racism, where it come from, whether it still exists, that's fine....just don't try to trot out bad/nonexistent science to support whatever your assertion is.

@Norik , the thing is that virtually no one outside of academia is actually employed as an anthropologist, except maybe a few who work for big gov't agencies like USAID, and maybe some international companies. Kris and I worked together at a firm as archaeologists, basically part of the machine of environmental permitting under state and federal laws and regulations. You're from Miami right? I'm guessing you know about the Tequesta village at the MDM Miami site.....well, pretty much the same thing, although the firm handling that is a non-profit, and we worked for a big for-profit engineering firm/douchebag colony that pursues similar contracts for developers and state/federal agencies.
Humans are insane by default! =P

It's historically factual that our ancestors hunted down the Neanderthals, seeing as the skeletal remains of them they found had sharp abrasion wounds in their skeletons suggesting stab wounds. And in another, had a fractured skull at a sharp angel, suggesting a hard blow to the head with a blunt object...

That's why Dwarfs and Elves never could co-exist with humans like in the novels and movies.. xD We'd go psychotic and go on some big "cleaning spree" where every small Dwarf tribe would get killed off before they were evolved enough to fight or communicate with us.... Just look what we did to problematic species like the Woolly Mammoth and the Sabre Tooth!
Wow, that's just so........wrong.
First, not even sure what this is doing in a thread about racism (????)

Second, this nonsensical hogwash about Neanderthals, about which we have no "history" (clue: history=writing, hence the term prehistoric); no facts, just data and/or evidence that requires interpretation, and please tell me what remains, and from what site "the skeletal remains of them" were found that lead you to this groundbreaking conclusion. I'm curious to see what evidence you base your "hunted down the Neanderthals" theory on. Oh yeah, that's right, never any sources to back your assertions.

And as for wooly mammoths being a "problematic" species, what "we" did was eat them, along with a bunch of other proboscideans like mastodons, Columbian mammoths, and gompotheres, and now they are all extinct. sabretooths almost certainly went extinct because "we" ate their food....there isn't a single scrap of evidence anywhere that Smilodons were ever directly killed by humans.

Do yourself a favor, try the links I posted previously in this thread, read up on what the evidence actually is and what people who do this for a living think it means, and stop posting horseshit.
[Retarded paragraph of self-gloating and pseudo-intellectual nonsense.]

You know, I'd love to go type some massive multi-paragraph response full of links, and articles about human history and how key species went extinct by human tribes eating them. Or how I've watched TV documentaries about "Why did the Neanderthals Die?" where they showed scientists looking over the skeletal remains.... etc.

But then again.... This topic is retarded, along with your run-off posts, and I'd rather not argue over such trivial, irrelevant, speculative discussions. So, (on topic), I already summed up racism in a post. Feel free to read it over and over again in case you're dyslexic... Cheers!! =3

Omg why does everythig have to turn into an argument. This thread started out so beautiful D: It still is though.

My over simplified self thinks that we are in fact one of the same race as a whole. If people could put aside differences we would be so much farther in so many different studies and subjects that its not even funny. But people are how they are and I accept this.
The first mistake is believing we're actually in a globalized/civilized world (and even defining one). As seen in this topic with the guy with the Japanese name, our own experiences (especially if we're not put in situations that take us out of our comfort zone), can heavily eschew our view of the world.

And, to answer the question, it's cuz of the white devil.
I think its still here cause of the arrogance that is shown by people. Not much to say; people are stupid. It's always been that way. I'm gonna go with Pocky-Yoshi on this one. Honestly, the main source of the bullshit, is bad parenting. Not beating your kids asses for crossing a serious line they shouldn't have. Back in the day when I was a young lad, attending school. Black people would always say the N word. Constantly after every fuckin sentence. It was really annoying; only showed arrogance, stupidity, & lack of trust & unproper character. It teaches others to use it in a sense to think its cool, when really its not. Then there comes the sagging part. Then street gangs which still hangs today. Maybe not bad as before, but still. I live around a street where sirens constantly go off. Graffiti all over the damn bridges, some side walk areas, & up side a building. Then this strong sense of arrogance & stupidity has been passed down to anyone else.

Whites have there own unique way of being dangerous to the society. Rape, shooting up buildings, & blowing shit up. Any other race involved is just for the ride along. Sometimes dominance & judgment is an okay thing to children. Who knows what you could have just prevented, if you used it. Kid going off in school, bullying (which I hear is becoming a real problem), thieving, & other shit. Then it upgrades to shooting, property destroying, gang making, etc.

This good parenting could also end the controversies between violence coming from video games
^Or... you know, teaching your kids not to be racist assholes.
That'll cause a lot of side effects for your kid to lie though & never be honest. It's good to be nice, but not too nice. Not being assertive enough, I would just think your bullshit or just let it go through one ear & out the other. For a kid to really go pass a serious line they shouldn't have & your not that angry enough with'em. You'd have to be outta your mind not to go ape shit.

Kid steals from a store, you gonna ground him? Kid becomes the notorious delinquent & picks a fight with anyone, you gonna ground him, still? It'll just be an endless cycle of him getting more & more worse. It'll be only a matter of time before he'll start hanging out with others worse then him, doing drugs, drunk activities, etc.
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That'll cause a lot of side effects for your kid to lie though & never be honest. It's good to be nice, but not too nice. Not being assertive enough, I would just think your bullshit or just let it go through one ear & out the other. For a kid to really go pass a serious line they shouldn't have & your not that angry enough with'em. You'd have to be outta your mind not to go ape shit.

Kid steals from a store, you gonna ground him? Kid becomes the notorious delinquent & picks a fight with anyone, you gonna ground him, still? It'll just be an endless cycle of him getting more & more worse. It'll be only a matter of time before he'll start hanging out with others worse then him, doing drugs, drunk activities, etc.

Yep, like my first post, black kids generally grow up in poorer areas, thus they get into crime more often.

I think the generalized stereotype is black people are more likely to be criminals because 52% of the annual homicides in the USA is committed by a black person, and black people only make up 17% of the US population. So that's a pretty violent %..

Secondly, black people are like anyone, living in an upstanding society brings them up to be upstanding individuals. It's just the "Gangsta yo yo!" thug lifestyle that would make anyone a criminal, regardless of race. I don't dislike people for their nationality or skin, I like or dislike them based upon their characteristics.

^ The only problem with this is, if you dislike a person for how they act, and they HAPPEN to be black, they immediately assume it's just because they're black.... So in that way it's either 1) Racists whom are unreasonable, or 2), people who always think other people are racist.
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Ever since I was born I have never looked at anyone of a different race as inferior, or superior, I simply look at them as just another person.

The fact the social media is trying to riot black people with movies showing 1930's racist baseball players and such is pathetic. Racism is over, people on the internet may say racist things to get people upset, but seriously, it's time for people to stop feeling oppressed, and stop living in a self-induced oppressive society.

If you can't find a job? RACISM!

If you get a failing test? RACISM!

If someone looks at you strange? RACISM!

If someone just doesn't like you? RACISM!

Bury the 150 year old hatchet and let's all just become "people" where what you do personally is an interpretation of what people think of you, not your skin tone.

If only people had your mindset. Racism is still here, but on an subtle level. Most people keep saying the world is vile, there nothing wrong with THE WORLD, it beautiful and so full of life.It what in most people's hearts, having the ugly mindset of racism...
If only people had your mindset. Racism is still here, but on an subtle level. Most people keep saying the world is vile, there nothing wrong with THE WORLD, it beautiful and so full of life.It what in most people's hearts, having the ugly mindset of racism...

Yeah... It is a sad world since a lot of people's hate for other people is based off ignorance and bias, rather than logical reasoning... =P

If racism is anything, it's not "Black Oppression", it's more like in the middle east where Muslims try to openly kill Jews. Obviously that has religious bias in it too, but roughly you've got people in America complaining they got cheated out of a job because they're black, meanwhile in Israel you've got Muslims trying to set Jewish buses on fire!!

It's just insane.
It is an sad reality, people complain about this and complain that.While other kill an other human being for being different, it IS insane...

Lol yep! It reminds me of like when people complain the government has too much power, and meanwhile other countries you aren't allowed to own game consoles, own guns, you can't vote, and you have no welfare system! How to feel good about where you live ---- look at other countries where you don't live! xDD
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