Xiba Matchups that just don't seem fair...

^I have, Xiba isn't that great. He has as many flaws as an average low-mid tier character.
Then why not switch to a different character if you think he's so terrible?
I don't think he is, he is bad. Not TERRIBLE, but bad.
And im a character player. I will only use characters i like no matter how good or bad they are. I'll quit a game before a character.
I'm gonna assume that the people complaining about xiba being bad are the kind of people who rely on his tech steps and use all of his unsafe moves until they work. Majority of the time, you lose doing that because you're not taking advantage of his tools. Also I havent seen anyone mention how he has the most devastating wall combos in the game when you compare him to the majority of the roster. That shit hurts!
They aren't the MOST devastating if you're only comparing him to a Majority of the cast lol. That doesn't make sense.

Ya he has some godlike wall combos though.
well, the way I play him, the wall combos are something common but I have to agree, his, are some of the most devastating wall combos, not to metion I think all of them RO. The only ones I can think that are superior are those of astaroth or nightmare, maybe maxi as well