New profile posts

Oops! I forgot how to update my fan art thread. I ended up posting two more images as a reply instead of an update.'s been awhile since I posted anything. ^^;
Every time I log here, it would seem that the community is still not
lively. Did everyone leave this site or something? What's going on?
Oh I see. Thanks for sharing that. ^^
It certainly seems like that may be the case. Discord has been strangely popular. Though I
don't see why. For me personally, the site seems confusing. I never know who I'm replying
to in a sea of incoming traffic of commentaries. How does anyone keep up with that? XD
Who can say? I've never understood why when things like Steam came along people started buying hundreds of games they'd never play. I think it's safe to say though that these instant online things have brought out some odd compulsive behaviours.

On some level people actually seem to want to be buried in that mess as some form of escapism. The psychological comparisons to illegal drug use also cannot be understated.
That's a scary place to be in. I think you nailed it.
Persevera Deoque Confide - You can and will be prepared for anything. Even as death render preparation utterly impossible. Fundamentally irrelevant.:sc2yos2:
Logged into this account after half a decade for the nostalgia. I don't know what younger me was on when he was typing the shit he was typing for the seven years he used this site, but I need some of that. I miss when this was the go to place for all things Soul Calibur. Those were some good times.
Not much to share in update at the moment. Just super busy making ends meet. But I do hope that
I'll be more socially active here again and even share some fan related content. Here's hoping. :)
I got a glimpse of a gamer from Twitch still playing Chronicles of the Sword.
Awesome stuff. I miss playing that mode. I'm currently still working on a SC3
Chronicles of the Sword fan comic. I wanted to share a comment, but I don't have a
Twitch account. Too many accounts to keep track of. I just don't have that kind of
luxury of time. ^^;
Ever get the feeling online that you may as well go and search for some kind of gaping void to scream into for some kind of entertainment only to have people you decided to bother speaking to tell you you were doing exactly that?
Just dropping by briefly again. Sort of have some stuff I need to do with my art works and stuff.
Hope everyone is doing well. ^^
Dropping by once again to check around. Still just super busy.
Haven't had much of a break.
Just dropping by to catch up a little. Situation with being super busy, has been
pretty much the same. I'll drop by whenever I can. ^^
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