Siegfried - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

    • SBH = Base Hold
    • SCH = Chief Hold
    • SSH = Side Hold
    • SRSH = Reverse Side Hold
    • SBTCH = backturned Chief Hold
    • SBTSH = backturned Side Hold

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Slash Impact 18 18 -2 4 6 81
    :A: :h: slight push back
    Slash Impact ~ Side Hold 18 18 -1 5 7 81
    :Ah: :h: :SS: slight push back, back step
    Slash Impact 18 14 -14 -4 -4 40.5
    :A::A: :h::h: NC
    Slash Impact 18 24 -14 KND KND 12
    :A::A::B: :h::h::l: linear
    Slash Impact ~ Base Hold 18 24 -3 KND KND 12
    :A::A::Bh: :h::h::l: :SS: linear
    Quick Backspin Slash 17 30 2 KND KND 16-81
    :a-small::g-small::A: :h: SC varies with speed, pushes opponent left
    Quick Backspin Slash ~ Reverse Side Hold 17 30 -8 KND KND 16-81
    :a-small::g-small::Ah: :h: :SS: SC varies with speed, pushes opponent left
    instantQuick Backspin Slash 18 34 2 KND KND 16
    :a-small:::g-small:::A: :h: JF, Juggles airborn opponents, pushes opponent left
    instantQuick Backspin Slash ~ Reverse Side Hold 18 34 -10 KND KND 16
    :a-small:::g-small:::Ah: :h: :SS: JF, Juggles airborne opponents, pushes opponent left
    Quick Spin Slash 15 24 -16 -2 KND 97-99
    :6::A: :h: push back at close range, CH KND's right
    Quick Spin Slash ~ Side Hold 15 24 -12 2 KND 97-99
    :6::Ah: :h: :SS: push back at close range, CH KND's right, back step
    Armlet Crusher 19 32 -14* KND KND 20
    :3::A: :m: HTC[10-19] TC's some highs at tip, rarely TC's horizontals, tracks left, combo's into itself near walls and ring edges. -15 on grd at point blank range
    Leg Slash 19 14 -18 -8 -4 81
    :2::A: :l: TC[9-19] ~FC (Hits beyond tip range), has inconsistent tracking at certain ranges
    Grounder Beta 28 16 -16 -6 -6 81
    :1::A: :l: TC[24-28]
    Double Grounder Beta 28 27 -15 KND KND 40.5
    :1::A::A: :l::l: NCC
    Piercing Hilt 17 18 -8 0 SHK 81
    :4::A: :h: Tracks right, CH is +2 on fastest shake
    Piercing Hilt ~ Reverse Side Hold 17 18 -3 5 SHK 81
    :4::Ah: :h: :SS: Tracks right, CH is +8 on fastest shake
    Leg Slash 19 14 -18 -8 -4 81
    FC :A: :l: (Hits beyond tip range), has inconsistent tracking at certain ranges
    Maelstorm 17 20 -21 -11 -11 133
    WR :A: :m: TC[1-4]
    Maelstorm 17 30 -24 KND KND 46.5
    WR :A::A: :m::l: NCC, TC during last hit
    Maelstorm (cancel) 17 20 -22 -12 -12 133
    WR :A::A::2: :m: :SS: FC~TC
    Maelstorm ~ Side Hold 17 20 -3 7 7 133
    WR :Ah: :m: :SS:
    Fatal Spin Slash 26 28 -10* 2 2 21
    :7::A: :h: TJ[7-26] opponent BT on hit, -9 on grd at tip
    Fatal Spin Slash 26 30~32 -10* KND KND 16
    :8:*:9::A: :h: TJ[7-26], -9 on grd at tip
    Turning Head Slash 22 20 -6 8 8 20
    BT :A: :h: (less advantage at tip range on hit)
    Turning Leg Slash 21 16 -8 4 4 125
    BT :2::A: :l: TC[11-21]

    Vertical Attacks​

    Armor Breaker 24 16 -8 -2 2 20
    :B: :m: -
    Armor Breaker ~ Base Hold 24 16 0 6 10 20
    :Bh: :m: :SS:
    Armor Breaker 24 14 -14 -3 0 15.5
    :B::B: :m::m: NCC, linear
    Armor Breaker 24 24 -22 KND KND 13.3
    :B::B::B: :m::m::sm: linear
    Armor Breaker ~ Chief Hold 24 24 -8 KND KND 13.3
    :B::B::Bh: :m::m::sm: :SS: linear
    Buster Grounder 24 30 -17 KND KND 15.5
    :B::2::A: :m::l: 17 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Buster Grounder 24 40 3 KND KND 9
    :B::2::Ah: :m::l: :gc:, 34 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Buster Grounder ~ Chief Hold 24 16 -24 -18 -14 20
    :B::2::A::4: :m: :SS: TS
    Buster Grounder ~ Chief Hold 24 16 -41 -35 -31 20
    :B::2::Ah::4: :m: :SS: TS
    Gauntlet Buster 16 20 -9 1 1 15
    :B::6: :m: (less safe at tip range) can be STC'd at tip range
    Rampart Buster 35~45 42 0 STN STN 8
    :B::4: :m: Tracks right slightly, puts opponent in FC, delayed input makes the move faster
    Rampart Buster 46 48 4 STN STN 8
    :B:::4: :m: JF, Tracks right slightly
    Piercing Strike 25 35 (40) -17 KND KND 8
    :6::B: :m: TC[8-25] (does more damage at far range) linear
    Sky Splitter 17 28 -22 LNC SLNC 13
    :3::B: (close range) :m: TC[5-14]
    Sky Splitter 17 18 -22 -11 -11 13
    :3::B: (far range) :m: TC[5-14]
    Sky Splitter ~ Chief hold 17 28 -5 LNC SLNC 13
    :3::Bh: (close range) :m: TC[5-14] :SS:
    Sky Splitter ~ Chief hold 17 18 -5 6 6 13
    :3::Bh: (tip range) :m: TC[5-14] :SS:
    Shadow Buster 23 18 -8 0 0 13
    :2::B: :m: ~FC
    Shadow Buster ~ Base Hold 23 18 -2 6 6 13
    :2::Bh: :m: :SS:
    Thrust Throw 24 28, 35 -16 KND KND 13
    :1::B: (close range) :m: :at: STN's on CH at weird angles
    Thrust Throw 24 28 -16 0 0 13
    :1::B: (far range) :m: STN's on CH at weird angles
    Headbutt 18 12 -14 -2 -2 96
    :4::B: :m: -
    Double Headbutt 18 16 -14 -2 -1 41.5
    :4::B::B: :m::m: NCC
    Triple Headbutt 18 20 -14 KND KND 28
    :4::B::B::B: :m::m::m: -
    Earth Divide 66 50 (75) - KND KND -
    :2::3::6::B: :m: :UA: TC after execution (deals extra damage at close range, :G: cancels)
    Split Buster 22 18 -8 0 0 13
    FC :B: :m: TC[1-3]~FC
    Split Buster ~ Base Hold 22 18 -2 6 6 13
    FC :Bh: :m: TC[1-3]:SS:
    Rising Hilt 17 22 -20 KND STN 13
    WR :B: :m: -
    Rising Hilt ~ Chief Hold 17 22 -1 KND STN 13
    WR :Bh: :m: :SS:
    Fatal Buster 35 24 -8 0 0 13
    :7::B: :m: TJ[7-34]
    Fatal Buster 35 28~32 -8 KND KND 10
    :8:*:9::B: :m: TJ[7-34]
    Turning Sword Thrust 26 18 -6 4 4 10
    BT :B: :m: -
    Turning Sword Thrust 26 24 -18 -8 -8 6.5
    BT :B::B: :m::l: NC
    Turning Shadow Buster 25 20 -8 0 0 10
    BT :2::B: :m: ~FC

    Kick Attacks​

    Dark High Kick 13 12 -8 2 2 81
    :K: :h: -
    Dark Toe Kick 14 18 -14 -1 SHK 81
    :6::K: :h: CH is +11 on fastest shake
    Axle Head Upper 15 16 -13 -3 -3 123
    :3::K: :m: -
    Axle Head Upper 15 14 -20 KND KND 55
    :3::K::K: :m::l: TC
    Axle Head Upper 15 20 -16 STN STN 31.3
    :3::K::K::B: :m::l::m: (last 2 hits NC) last hit STN's on lone hit
    Stomping 21 10 -18 -6 -6 89
    :2::K: :l: useful for forcing tech
    Stomping 21 6 -18 -8 -8 :SS:
    :2::K: During hit :K: :l::l: NC
    Stomping 21 4 -18 -8 -8 89
    :2::K: During hit :K::K: :l::l::l: -
    Stomping 21 4 -18 -8 -8 89
    :2::K: During hit :K::K::K: :l::l::l::l: last 2 hits NCC
    Stomping 21 4 -18 -8 STN 89
    :2::K: During hit :K::K::K::K: :l::l::l::l::l: CH results in "ow my foot" stun, last 3 hits NCC
    Dark Low Kick 15 14 -14 -4 2 89
    :1::K: :l: ~FC
    Darkside Kick 19 22 -6 4 KND 14
    :4::K: :m: TC[11-19]
    Dark Low Kick 15 14 -14 -4 2 89
    FC :K: :l: TC[1-3]~FC
    Rising Night Kicks 15 10+12 -10 4 4 40.5
    WR :K: :m::m: slight TJ
    Fatal Brave Kick 24 14 -12 4 4 123
    :7::K: :m: TJ[7-24]
    Fatal Brave Kick 24 18~22 -12 4 KND 123
    :8:*:9::K: :m: TJ[7-24]
    Turning Dark High Kick 15 14 -4 4 4 81
    BT :K: :h: -
    Turning Dark Low Kick 17 12 -20 KND KND 89
    BT :2::K: :l: ~FC

    Simultaneous Press​

    Blaze Wind ~ Side Hold 18 15,15,20 1 4 4 10.6
    :A::+::B: :m::m::m: :SS: has a wide hit radius around sieg, 1st 2 hits NCC, last 2 hits NCC
    Blaze Wind (cancel) 18 15,15,20 -18 -15 -15 10.6
    :A::+::B::G: :m::m::m: :SS: has a wide hit radius around sieg, 1st 2 hits NCC, last 2 hits NCC, cancel
    Blaze Storm 18 15,15,20 -14 -4 -4 10.6
    :A::+::B::A: :m::m::l: has a wide hit radius around sieg, 1st 2 hits NCC
    Dark Soul Impact 28 34 -16 KND KND 9
    :2::A::+::B: :l: linear, long range, TC[28-29]
    Dark Soul Impact ~ Base Hold 28 34 -3 KND KND 9
    :2::Ah::+::Bh: :l: :SS: linear, long range, TC[28-29]
    Base Hold 20 - - - - -
    :B::+::K: :SS: TC[11+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI: = i7-i18, :GI: gap = i19-i29, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i30 - i271, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    Reverse Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash foward)
    Chief Hold 25 - - - - -
    :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    :4::B::+::K: :SS: :SS: (slight backstep)
    backturnedChief Hold 20 - - - - -
    BT :B::+::K: :SS: :GI: all weapon horizontals i6-i21
    Spinning Cross 22 18 -10 2 3 81
    :A::+::K: :h: TS
    Spinning Cross Combo 22 18+15 -8 1 1 40.5
    :A::+::K::A: :h::h: NC
    Spinning Cross Combo ~ Chief Hold 22 18+15 -2 7 7 40.5
    :A::+::K::Ah: :h::h: :SS: NC
    Spinning Cross Combo 22 18+15,14 -9 4 4 27
    :A::+::K::A::A: :h::h::h: -
    Spinning Cross Combo ~ Side Hold 22 18+15,14 0 13 13 27
    :A::+::K::A::Ah: :h::h::h: :SS:
    Spinning Cross Combo 22 18+15,14,36 -20 STN STN 7.75
    :A::+::K::A::A::B: :h::h::h::m: delay able, 14 frame gap between 3rd and final hit
    Spin Slash Double Grounder 22 18+15,20 -9 3 KND 27
    :A::+::K::A::2::A: :h::h::l: -
    Spin Slash Double Grounder 22 18+15,20,35 -20 KND KND 11.75
    :A::+::K::A::2::A::A: :h::h::l::l: -
    Spin Kick Combo 22 18,22 -16 -2 KND 48.5
    :A::+::K::K: :h::m: NCC
    Spinning Phantom Combo 22 18 -15 +9 KND 40.5
    :A::+::K::a-small::2::A: :h::l: -
    Spinning Phantom Combo 22 25 -20 KND KND 15.5
    :A::+::K::a-small::2::A::A: :h::l::l: NC, 16 frame gap between 2nd and 3rd hit
    Slash Cross 15 15 -10 10 10 96
    :a-small::+::kA: :h: Safe at tip, delay able(i19)
    Slash Cross ~ Chief Hold 15 15 -4 17 17 96
    :a-small::+::kAh: :h: :SS: Safe at tip, delay able(i19)
    Slash Cross 15 15+14 -8 5 5 40.5
    :a-small::+::kA::A: :h::h: NC
    Slash Cross ~ Side Hold 15 15+14 0 13 13 40.5
    :a-small::+::kA::Ah: :h::h: :SS: NC
    Slash Cross 15 15+14,36 -20 STN STN 8
    :a-small::+::kA::A::B: :h::h::m: can be delayed, 14 frame gap between 2nd and 3rd hit
    Grounder 15 15+20 -9 3 KND 41
    :a-small::+::kA::2::A: :h::l: NC, 13 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Double Grounder 15 15+20,35 -19 KND KND 27.3
    :a-small::+::kA::2::A::A: :h::l::l: -
    Phantom Grounder 32 20 -15 9 KND 20
    :a-small::+::k-small::a-small::2::A: :l: delay able(i39)
    Phantom Double Grounder 32 20,35 -20 KND KND 16
    :a-small::+::k-small::a-small::2::A::A: :l::l: NCC, delay able(i39), 16 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Assault Slap 22 30 -15 KND KND 13
    :9h:*:6h:*:3h::A: :h: TC[6-19]
    Alternate Cross 31 36 -18 KND KND 14
    :2h:*:8h::A: :m: TC[17-29]
    Backspin Slash 36 20 2 STN STN 13
    :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A: :h: -
    Backspin Slash ~ Reverse Side Hold 36 20 -10 STN STN 13
    :4h:*:1h:*:7h::Ah: :h: :SS:
    Rook Splitter 33 42 -20 KND STN 10
    :6h::B: :m: TS ~FC
    Sky Splitter 18 30 -22 LNC SLNC 13
    :3h::B: (close range) :m: TC
    Sky Splitter 18 20 -22 -11 -11 13
    :3h::B: (far range) :m: TC
    Sky Splitter ~ Chief hold 18 30 -5 LNC SLNC 13
    :3h::Bh: (close range) :m: TC :SS:
    Sky Splitter ~ Chief hold 18 20 -5 6 6 13
    :3h::Bh: (tip range) :m: TC :SS:
    Phalanx Buster 29 27 -22 LNC LNC 10
    :2h::B: :m: TS, slight TC, tracks to the side it initiates from
    Phalanx Buster ~ Side Hold 29 27 1 LNC LNC 10
    :2h::Bh: :m: TS :SS: slight TC, tracks to the side it initiates from
    Phalanx Buster 29 27 -25 LNC LNC 10
    :8h::B: :m: TS, slight TC, tracks to the side it initiates from
    Phalanx Buster ~ Reverse Side Hold 29 27 -2 LNC LNC 10
    :8h::Bh: :m: TS :SS: slight TC, tracks to the side it initiates from
    Illusion Edge 23 20 -22 -8 STN 10
    :1h:*:7h::B: :m: TC[10-22]
    Illusion Edge ~Chief Hold 23 20 -6 8 STN 10
    :1h:*:7h::Bh: :m: TC[10-22] :SS:
    Fatal Dive 38 38 -17 KND KND 8
    :4h::B: :m: STJ,
    Fatal Dive ~ Base Hold 38 38 6 KND KND 8
    :4h::Bh: :m: STJ
    Fatal Dive ~ Chief Hold 68 - - - - -
    :4h:::bG: :SS: STJ
    Fatal Drive 38 30 -20 KND KND 5
    :4h::B::B: :m::m: STJ, NC, 18 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Fatal Drive ~ Chief Hold 38 30 -12 KND KND 5
    :4h::B::Bh: :m::m: :SS: STJ, NC, 18 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Shoulder Charge Strike 15 16 -16 -4 -1 96
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K: :m: -
    Shoulder Charge Strike 15 25 -8 KND KND 40.5
    :6h:*:3h:*:9h::K::A: :m::h: TC, (Good for Left RO during stun combos), NCC
    Spinning Cross 22 18 -10 2 3 81
    :2h:*:8h::K: :h: TS
    Spinning Cross Combo 22 18+15 -8 1 1 40.5
    :2h:*:8h::K::A: :h::h: NC
    Spinning Cross Combo ~ Chief Hold 22 18+15 -2 7 7 40.5
    :2h:*:8h::K::Ah: :h::h: :SS: NC
    Spinning Cross Combo 22 18+15,14 -9 4 4 27
    :2h:*:8h::K::A::A: :h::h::h: -
    Spinning Cross Combo ~ Side Hold 22 18+15,14 0 13 13 27
    :2h:*:8h::K::A::Ah: :h::h::h: :SS:
    Spinning Cross Combo 22 18+15,14,36 -20 STN STN 7.75
    :2h:*:8h::K::A::A::B: :h::h::h::m: delay able, 14 frame gap between 3rd and final hit
    Spin Slash Double Grounder 22 18+15,20 -9 3 KND 27
    :2h:*:8h::K::A::2::A: :h::h::l: -
    Spin Slash Double Grounder 22 18+15,20,35 -20 KND KND 11.75
    :2h:*:8h::K::A::2::A::A: :h::h::l::l: -
    Spin Kick Combo 22 18,22 -16 -2 KND 48.5
    :2h:*:8h::K::K: :h::m: NCC
    Spinning Phantom Combo 22 18 -15 +9 KND 40.5
    :2h:*:8h::K::A:(slide):2::A: :h::l: -
    Spinning Phantom Combo 22 25 -20 KND KND 15.5
    :2h:*:8h::K::A:(slide):2::A::A: :h::l::l: NC, 16 frame gap between 2nd and 3rd hit
    Slash Cross 15 15 -10 10 10 96
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A: :h: Safe at tip, delay able(i19)
    Slash Cross ~ Chief Hold 15 15 -4 17 17 96
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):Ah: :h: :SS: Safe at tip, delay able(i19)
    Slash Cross 15 15+14 -8 5 5 40.5
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A::A: :h::h: NC
    Slash Cross ~ Side Hold 15 15+14 0 13 13 40.5
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A::Ah: :h::h: :SS: NC
    Slash Cross 15 15+14,36 -20 STN STN 8
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A::A::B: :h::h::m: can be delayed, 14 frame gap between 2nd and 3rd hit
    Tripple Grounder 15 15+20 -9 3 KND 41
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A::2::A: :h::l: NC, 13 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Tripple Grounder 15 15+20,35 -19 KND KND 27.3
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A::2::A::A: :h::l::l: -
    Phantom Grounder 32 20 -15 9 KND 20
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A:(slide):2::A: :l: delay able(i39)
    Phantom Double Grounder 32 20,35 -20 KND KND 16
    :2h:*:8h::K:(slide):A:(slide):2::A::A: :l::l: NCC, delay able(i39), 16 frame gap between 1st and 2nd hit
    Fatal Brave Kick 24 23 -12 KND KND 81
    :1h:*:7h::K: :h: TJ[9-24]
    Drop Kick 30 43 -18* KND KND 11
    :4h::K: :h: TJ[13-30] ~BT ~DWN (can land on a down opponent for damage as well) Siegfried is at -33 if he tries WR attack(6K is i47)
    Flying Edge i33* 44 -15 KND KND 8
    :6h::A::+::B: :m: TJ[26-33] ~DWN, i33-35 dependant on which move it goes against
    Sliding 65+ 26 -22 KND KND 15
    FULLRUN :K: :l: TJ~TC

    Throw Attacks​

    Hilt Impact 17 50 - KND KND -
    :A::+::G: :h: :A: Break (grabs beyond tip range)
    Nightmare Killer 17 55 - KND KND -
    :B::+::G: :h: :B: Break (grabs beyond tip range)
    Calamity Fall 17 60 - KND KND -
    Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :h: :A:*:B: Break (grabs beyond tip range)
    Unholy Terror 17 60 - KND KND -
    Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :h: :A:*:B: Break (grabs beyond tip range)
    Witch Hunt 17 68 - KND KND -
    Behind :A+G:*:B+G: :h: :A:*:B: Break(Voldo and Astaroth only) (grabs beyond tip range)
    Flap Jack 21 30 -16 KND KND 89
    FC :A+G: :l: TC[1-22]:at::A: Break, frontal RO
    Flap Jack(vs. BT) 21 0 -16 -6 -6 89
    FC :A::+::G: :l: TC[1-22]~FC
    Flap Jack(pickup vs. FDFA/FUFA) 21 0 :SS: 13* 13* 89
    FC :A::+::G: :l: TC[1-22]:at: Unbreakable, safe frames
    Flap Jack(vs. DWN) 21 0 :SS: 0* 0* 89
    FC :A+G: :l: TC[1-22]:at:unbreakable, ±0 if opponent does not tech and simply stands. +6 frames if they tech.
    Overtoss 21 20 -16 KND KND 89
    FC :B+G: :l: TC[1-22]:at::B: Break, back side RO, can wall splat
    Overtoss(vs. BT) 21 0 -16 -6 -6 89
    FC :B::+::G: :l: TC[1-22]~FC
    Overtoss(pickup vs. FDFA/FUFA) 21 0 :SS: 13* 13* 89
    FC :B+G: :l: TC[1-22]:at: Unbreakable, safe frames
    Overtoss(vs DWN) 21 0 :SS: 0* 0* 89
    FC :B::+::G: :l: TC[1-22]:at:unbreakable, ±0 if opponent does not tech and simply stands. +6 frames if they tech.

    Special Stances​

    Base Hold​

    Base Hold 20 - - - - -
    :B::+::K: :SS: TC[11+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI: = i7-i18, :GI: gap = i19-i29, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i30 - i271, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    Reborn Slasher 23 34 -8 KND KND 13
    SBH :A: :h: TC[1-11]
    Reborn Kaiser 32 38 -10 SLNC SLNC 9
    SBH :B: :m: TC[1-29], tracks slightly to the right
    Reborn Basher 16 32 -22 KND KND 16
    SBH :K: :m: TC[1-3]linear
    Reborn Basher 39 25+15+16 -6 KND KND 8.3
    SBH :Kh: :m::m::m: TC[1-3]linear, long range
    Landing Slasher 36 42 -11 KND KND 11
    SBH :A::+::B: :l: TC[9-18] TJ[14-31], advances a great distance, weak tracking on the left side, hits DWN opponents at a distance, jumps over DWN opponents up close
    Landing Slasher ~ Reverse Side Hold 83 - - - - -
    SBH :As::+::Bs::G: :SS: TC[9-18] TJ[14-31], advances a great distance, jumps over DWN opponents up close
    Landing Slasher 108 - - - - -
    SBH :As::+::b-small::Gh: :SS: TC[9-18] TJ[14-31], advances a great distance, jumps over DWN opponents up close
    Chief Hold 25 - - - - -
    SBH :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    Reverse Side Hold 23 - - - - -
    SBH :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash foward)
    Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBH :4::B::+::K: :SS: (slight backstep)

    Chief Hold​

    Chief Hold 25 - - - - -
    :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    Terror Circular 12 27+21* -4 -3 -3 20.5
    SCH :A: :h::m: (NC dependant on position and spacing) clashes with horizontals from i10 to i18
    Terror Circular ~ Side Hold 12 27 -8 -3 -3 28
    SCH :Ah: :h: spaces
    Terror Stomper(close range) 18~28 30 -6 KND KND 10
    SCH :B: :m: puts opponent in FC on grd
    Terror Stomper(far range) 18~28 20 -6 0 KND 10
    SCH :B: :m: puts opponent in FC on grd
    Terror Stomper(close range) 29~42 35 -4 KND KND 10
    SCH (1/2) :Bh: :m: puts opponent in FC on grd
    Terror Stomper(far range) 29~42 25 -4 KND KND 10
    SCH (1/2) :Bh: :m: puts opponent in FC on grd
    Terror Stomper(close range) 43 40 4 LNC LNC 8
    SCH (MAX) :Bh: :m: :gc: puts opponent in FC on grd
    Terror Stomper(far range) 43 35 5 KND KND 8
    SCH (MAX) :Bh: :m: :gc: puts opponent in FC on grd
    Knee Kick Rush ~ Chief Hold 11 15 -5 6 8 81
    SCH :K: :m:
    Knee Kick Rush ~ Neutral 11 15 -24 -13 -11 81
    SCH :K::G: :m: :SS: cancel
    Knee Kick Rush 11 14 -8 2 2 40.5
    SCH :K::K: :m::h: NC
    Knee Kick Stomper 11 10,22 -22 -13 STN 17
    SCH :kB: :m::m: NCC, puts opponent in FC briefly on grd
    Knee Kick Stomper ~ Base Hold 11 10,22 -5 4 STN 17
    SCH :kBh: :m::m: :SS: NCC, puts opponent in FC briefly on grd
    Terror Slap 28 40 -7 KND KND 10
    SCH :A+B: :h: good range (advances slightly)
    Base Hold 20 - - - - -
    :B+K: :SS: TC[17+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI:= i13-i23, :GI: gap = i24-i35, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i36 - i276, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    Chief Hold 27 - - - - -
    SCH :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    Reverse Side Hold 25 - - - - -
    SCH :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash foward)
    Side Hold 25 - - - - -
    SCH :4::B::+::K: :SS: :SS: (slight backstep)

    Side Hold​

    Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    :4::B::+::K: :SS: (slight backstep)
    Double Grounder Beta 22 21 -16 1 KND 20
    SSH :A: :l: TC[20-22]
    Double Grounder Beta ~ Reverse Side Hold 22 21 -15 2 KND 20
    SSH :Ah: :l: :SS: TC[20-22]
    Double Grounder Beta 22 36 -17 KND KND 10
    SSH :A::A: :l::l: NCC
    Reaver 29 35 -14 KND KND 8
    SSH :B: :m: :GI:[6-13] high horizontal attacks on start up, NH STN's at tip, CH LNC's at tip
    Reaver ~ Base Hold 29 35 0 KND KND 8
    SSH :Bh: :m: :GI:[6-13] high horizontal attacks on start up, NH STN's at tip, CH LNC's at tip (activates Base Hold's :GI: during transition)
    High Kick Beta 15 15 -14 KND STN 81
    SSH :K: :h: (gives +16 on CH)
    Shadow Slash 22 36 -20 STN STN 14
    SSH :A::+::B: :l: (backstep)TC[14-18] spaces extremely well
    Base Hold 20 - - - - -
    SSH :B::+::K: :SS: TC[17+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI:= i13-i23, :GI: gap = i24-i35, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i36 - i276, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    Chief Hold 20 - - - - -
    SSH :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    Reverse Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    SSH :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash foward)

    Reverse Side Hold​

    Reverse Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash foward)
    Geist Slasher 36 38 -20 -6 -6 10
    SRSH :A: :h: (advances slightly) TC[20-27], very long range
    Geist Slasher ~ Base Hold 36 38 -11 3 3 10
    SRSH :Ah: :h: :SS: (advances slightly) TC[20-27], very long range
    Geist Strike 18 28 (18) -20 STN STN 10
    SRSH :B: :m: less damage at tip, tracks left
    Geist Spinning Low Kick 19 20 -26 STN STN 89
    SRSH :K: :l: TC[6-19] tracks left
    Geist Spinning Low Kick ~ Reverse Side Hold 19 20 -8 STN STN 89
    SRSH :Kh: :l: TC[6-19] :SS: tracks left
    Fiend Shatter 30 48 -12 KND KND 8
    SRSH :A::+::B: :m: TS~FC, very long range, tracks left
    Base Hold 20 - - - - -
    :B::+::K: :SS: TC[17+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI:= i13-i23, :GI: gap = i24-i35, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i36 - i276, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    Chief Hold 20 - - - - -
    :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    Reverse Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash foward)

    Back Turned Chief Hold​

    backturnedChief Hold 20 - - - - -
    BT :B::+::K: :SS: :GI: all weapon horizontals i6-i21
    back-turnedTerror Circular 9 27+21 -19 -19 -19 80+
    SBTCH :A: :h::m: pulls opponent to siegs front on grd, strange stagger effect on hit
    back-turnedTerror Circular ~ Side Hold 9 27 -9 -3 -3 100+
    SBTCH :Ah: :h: :SS: pulls opponent to sieg's right side
    back-turnedTerror Stomper 11 35 -9 LNC LNC 16
    SBTCH :B: :m: LNC's opponent over sieg's head to his front
    backturnedBase Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTCH :B::+::K: :SS: :SS: TC[17+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI:= i13-i23, :GI: gap = i24-i35, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i36 - i276, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    backturnedChief Hold 27 - - - - -
    SBTCH :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    backturnedSide Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTCH :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight frontstep)
    backturnedReverse Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTCH :4::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash backwards)

    Back Turned Side Hold​

    backturnedSide Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTCH :6::B::+::K: :SS: (slight frontstep)
    Fiend Shatter 18 36 -27 STN STN 20
    SBTSH :A::+::B: :l: (frontstep)TC[6-10]
    Side Hold 30 - - - - -
    SBTSH :6::B::+::K: :SS: :SS: (slight jump forwards)TJ[13-27]
    backturnedBase Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTSH :B::+::K: :SS: :SS: TC[17+] :GI: all weapon horizontals: 1st phase :GI:= i13-i23, :GI: gap = i24-i35, 2nd phase :GI: with SBH K auto counter = i36 - i276, All hits naturally CH against SBH except during the :GI: gap
    backturnedChief Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTSH :8:*:2::B::+::K: :SS: TS
    backturnedReverse Side Hold 20 - - - - -
    SBTSH :4::B::+::K: :SS: (slight dash away)
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