Maxi vs Maxi Request


[09] Warrior
Yo, I'm curious how good my maxi is against the other maxi's out there. Anyone wanna vs me some time?

Xbox live ONLY (Don't got a PS3)
GT: Slaya05
Alrighty, anyone else?
Tactu and daddy, good matches last night.
Yeah, I was cracking up when you guys were saying he needed to work on some stuff. He's good I just know how to shut him down for the most part.
you can add me for future dates. My xbox has the RROD right now And I havent got it back yet

GT is Hot Rod Dave

Hey, I would send you the friend request but my list is jam packed. Just hit me up when you get your xbox back and I'll make some room.

Also, is this it for maxi players? 3 people heh?
You can add me. I've been largely obsessed with SFIV so I haven't been playing SC that much lately tho.
^^^ Awesome. I should be getting my 360 back tomorrow, I'll add you guys when I get on.

Edit: doesn't look like I'll be getting it back today :( hopefully by Friday I'll have it, very latest Monday.
Sweet, glad to see I'm getting some responses now. I haven't played in a while but I'm gonna try to get some time to play. Finals and all are coming so that is taking up some time. Fiendchi you gotta get a mic man but good match! Same to you Tactu, it was fun playing your maxi. Sightless I think my FL is full so if you could send me a message or something and I'll try to get a game in with you if you're on.
yeah,it was great to do some MAXI mirror, specially with a good connection~ ~_~but I only play the game once in a while~ whenever you see me playing SC4~ just send me a invite :)
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